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Please do not talk at this timeSept 3/4 HW: Finish work on Fascism and Communism Chapter 15.4 Cornell Notes (pg. 16A) Due Friday 1. Please get out your.

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Presentation on theme: "Please do not talk at this timeSept 3/4 HW: Finish work on Fascism and Communism Chapter 15.4 Cornell Notes (pg. 16A) Due Friday 1. Please get out your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please do not talk at this timeSept 3/4 HW: Finish work on Fascism and Communism Chapter 15.4 Cornell Notes (pg. 16A) Due Friday 1. Please get out your Communism/Fascism papers and get in the group you were last time. 2. Then, get a Documents folder for you and your partner.

2 Class Definition Communism- You may end up adding to your own if you like the class version better.

3 Part 1: Defining Communism and Fascism Fascism- Look at Document 2 with your Partners. Together, brainstorm the 5 most important things you need to know from this reading to understand what Fascism is. Use the Reading Strategies (pg. 11) we’ve covered already or others that you know to SUMMARIZE the 5 most important points from the reading. Use those 5 ideas to craft a definition of Fascism. Write your definition on your paper. Remember, when we share out, I will ask you WHY you chose that piece of information about Fascism. Be ready to say WHY you thought it was important.

4 Class Definition Fascism- You may end up adding to your own if you like the class version better.

5 Corroborating- Finding the same information in more than one place. We need to assume that the good people at How Stuff Works might not have mentioned everything important about Fascism and Communism. We also need to double check our choices to see if we really did pick out the most important stuff. We will refine our answers by looking for information that shows up in more than one place. When you are looking for the same information from more than one reliable source, you are CORROBORATING. The more reliable sources that say the same thing, the more likely the information is to be accurate and important.

6 Together as a team, read over Documents 3 and 4 Find information that appears more than once for both Communism and Fascism and record that information in your Chart. NOTE: It is unlikely that these sources will say EXACTLY the same thing. You will have to use your judgment to decide if the words and phrases you see mean the same thing. Fill out your chart with any information you can find in more than one place. Underline information you find in all three places. Now check your definitions… did the info that came up more than once end up in your definition? Are there any changes you would like to make?

7 Part 2: Practice Corroborating and Gathering Information on Fascism and Communism Communism info in more than one placeFascism info in more than one place

8 Now check your definitions… did the info that came up more than once end up in your definition? Are there any changes you would like to make?

9 Final Class Definitions

10 Please Get a book and a piece of paper. Today we will be reviewing how to do Cornell Notes for this class.

11 CWI Cornell Notes We’ll review now, so you know exactly what is expected in this class. You have a model and a rubric on pg. 6C/D  Lets look at that now…. Start by reading the Proficient B-Grade requirements for Cornell Notes with your partner. Every time you come to a requirement give it a number. You may end up numbering many of the bullets or even sections of a single bullet set.

12 Proficient- B grade Includes proper heading and page set-up following the Cornel Notes Model Content is summarized in student’s own words (not copied from the book or a friend) Left hand side contains subject headings and key vocabulary, underlined and right hand side contains vocabulary definitions Right hand side follows an outline form or uses indentations to make content clear Left-hand side contains at least one above the surface question and/or meaningful graphics that summarize key info after notes are taken Right hand side contains answers to above the surface questions Main ideas from the entire reading are contained in the summary at the end of the notes (1 summary per assignment)  Note: Summaries will be read to judge student mastery of note taking and content

13 Proficient- B grade Includes proper heading and page set-up following the Cornel Notes Model Content is summarized in student’s own words (not copied from the book or a friend) Left hand side contains subject headings and key vocabulary, underlined and right hand side contains vocabulary definitions Right hand side follows an outline form or uses indentations to make content clear Left-hand side contains at least one above the surface question and/or meaningful graphics that summarize key info after notes are taken Right hand side contains answers to above the surface questions Main ideas from the entire reading are contained in the summary at the end of the notes (1 summary per assignment)  Note: Summaries will be read to judge student mastery of note taking and content 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 9 Does yours look like this?

14 Now look at the model for Cornell Notes on 6D. Find each of the requirements for a B grade in the model and put the correct number next to them. Includes proper heading and page set-up following the Cornel Notes Model 1 1

15 Now do the same with the Advanced A-Level Requirements First Number them (continuing your number list from the B-Level requirements) Then find where those things are or where they go on the model and put the number for that thing there…. Key information in the right side of the notes has been highlighted/underlined after notes are taken. 10

16 Advanced- A grade All of proficient standards are met Key information in the right side of the notes has been highlighted/underlined after notes are taken. Information is organized into Social/Political/Economic categories (through color coding and/or labeling) One of the Following to be completed AFTER all notes are taken:  Left hand side includes at least one below the surface How/Why question with the answer on the right side of the notes.  Analogy with an explanation of how it connects to the information in your notes in the Summary.  A Venn Diagram showing how two things compare and contrast in the Summary  A metaphor in the Summary

17 YouTube Videos on How to Do Cornell Notes: Proficient Cornell Notes Video Advanced Cornell Notes Video

18 You may have the rest of the period to practice Cornell Notes. These WILL be scored using the Rubric. Please read Chapter 15, sec 4 (Pg. 16A) and take formal Cornell Notes. These are due Friday.

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