CHARITY AS BRAND IN PRIVATE PRACTICE Dr. Baban C. Dolas, M.S. Nityaseva Eye Hospital Global Vision Foundation Eye Bank, Pune.

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Presentation on theme: "CHARITY AS BRAND IN PRIVATE PRACTICE Dr. Baban C. Dolas, M.S. Nityaseva Eye Hospital Global Vision Foundation Eye Bank, Pune."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHARITY AS BRAND IN PRIVATE PRACTICE Dr. Baban C. Dolas, M.S. Nityaseva Eye Hospital Global Vision Foundation Eye Bank, Pune

2 "May your charity increase as much as your wealth"-

3 char·i·ty (ch r -t )charite, from Old French, Christian love, from Latin c rit s, affection, from c rus, dear; see k - in Indo-European roots. Provision of help or relief to the poor Something given to help the needy An institution, organization, or fund established to help the needy. Generosity toward others or toward humanity.

4 “Love is not patronizing and charity isn't about pity, it is about love. Charity and love are the same -- with charity you give love, so don't just give money but reach out your hand instead.” ― Mother Teresa Mother Teresa

5 Brand is the "name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one's product distinct from those of others." A brand is a visual representation of an organization that translates the personality, vision and purpose of that organization to the audience. In terms of a charity, it denotes the cause, vision and mission, which is the very essence of a charity or not-for-profit organisation.

6 Charity brand development Charity Brand development is about the work that the charity does and the positive impact it has, how you campaign your cause and your vision for bringing change. Brand development is about the bigger picture of an charity, not just how it looks but what it’s visions and missions are.


8 Baba Ramdev had last year declared his business empire to be worth more than Rs. 1,100 crore. Yoga guru Baba Ramdev's trusts have been told they owe the government Rs. 58 crore in taxes against their income

9 When it comes to giving away money, India's rich are not very keen on loosening their purse-strings. And in India, it's not about who has more money: in fact, the wealthiest social class has the lowest level of giving, just 1.6 percent of household income, which palls when compared to billionaire investor Warren Buffett, who has given away some 82 percent of his net worth.Warren Buffett

10 N.G.O.s – NAB, Rotary, Lions, Helpage India etc. – Corporate Social Responsibilities of Companies like Jindal, Infosys etc. – Trust like Siddhivinayak, Shirdi Sansthan etc. “GET PAID FOR YOUR CHARITY”

11 Government AID An assistance, – To develop eye care infrastructure - To provide appropriate eye care service - To reduce the prevalence of blindness. Public Private Partnership under NPCB

12 Eligibility Conditions for Govt. Aid. i.NGO – Non profit making organization A Society Registered under the Indian society Registration Act. 1860. Charitable Public Trust registered under any law. ii. Track record of having experience in providing health services preferably eye care service for minimum 3 years.

13 iii. Having well trained staff including qualified ophthalmic surgeons. iv. Services open to all without distinction of caste, creed, religion or language. v. Agreeing to abide by the guidelines and norms of the Programme.

14 How to start NGO? Take some like minded people or some family members, who share the same interest Minimum 5 people Required. A constitution to be framed outlining the aims and objectives.

15 How to start NGO? Memorandum Include – Name – Address – Objects – Name and address of office bearers – Rules and Regulations Submit it to charity commissioner Get a Registration Certificate from Charity Commissioner

16 What next ? Get O.T. approval from D.O.S. and Civil Surgeon of your district. Submit the proposal to D.P.M., District Health Society (DBCS) for sanction.

17 Scheme of Govt. Aid NPCB 2 Types RecurringNon Recurring Grant in Aid

18 Recurring GIA for 1.Free Cataract operations and other eye diseases. 2.Eye Banks 3.Eye Donation Centres.

19 Non Recurring G.I.A. For strengthening / Expansion of Eye Care units For Eye Banks

20 Work Recognition


22 Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

23 Thank You, For thinking on Charity in your Practice

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