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Limited Supermarket Access in Queens Chapel Neighborhood Presenter: Instructor:

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1 Limited Supermarket Access in Queens Chapel Neighborhood Presenter: Instructor:

2 Outlining 1) Introduction 2) Problem & Evidences 3) Solutions 4) Outcomes 5) Comparison 6) Program Planning 8) Decide! 7) Confront the Trade-Offs

3 Introduction - It is a residential neighborhood located on the northeastern edge of Washington DC. - It is located in wards 4 & 5 next to others neighborhoods include Lamond Riggs, For Totten and Pleasant Hill. - Location:

4 - Rates and Statistics - Population rates in 2010 was 13,206. - The average family income ( 2008-2012) was $ 72,973. - The homeownership rate ( 2008-2012) was 53%. - The unemployment rate (2008-2012) was 10%. - The Poverty rate ( 2008-2012) was 17%. ‏

5 Problem & Evidences - Limited supermarket access. - According to the DC Hunger Solutions 2010 report, there is 1- Increased in Obesity prevalence (61%). 2- Increased in the rate of diabetes (8.1). 3- 37% of households are without private vehicle ownership.

6 Solutions 1- Metro access vans to commute elderly and disabled to places where they can obtain a healthy food. 2- The area is widely spaced and can be a place where many businesses and housing projects can occur such as DC Central Kitchen. 3- Urban farming and green solutions like solar panels for the residents with tax incentives such as Urban Food Hubs that operated by the UDC Community College.

7 Outcomes Achieve food security in this area leads to: 1-Increase the access to healthy food that will be available at all times for all people. 2-Food become sufficient in quality and in nutritional value to sustain a healthy and active life. 3-Raising the awareness among the residents and empower them to consider their health. 4-. Job creation for unemployed people living in this community. 5- Decrease obesity by eating healthy food.

8 Queens Chapel Vs. Capital View Ward 7: including Capital View Ward 4: including Queens Chapel Wards 73,85676,880Population $ 39,000$ 72,973Avg. Household Income 42# Of Full- Service Grocery Stores 72.961 % Over-Weight or Obese 13.88.1 % With Diabetes 96.977.9% African-American 0.912.8% Hispanic 1.410.3% Non-Hispanic

9 Queens Chapel Vs. Manchester Square Manchester Square (LA) Queens Chapel (DC) Wards 12,11613,206Population $ 46,093 $ 59,596Avg. Household Income 91# Of Full- Service Grocery Stores 3561.2 % Over-Weight or Obese 78.677.9% African-American 19.212.8% Hispanic 1.310.3% Non-Hispanic 2013-small.pdf

10 Issue Limited supermarket access. 1 Evidences 2 1- Increased in Obesity prevalence(61%). 2- Increased in the rate of diabetes (8.1). 3- 37% of households are without private vehicle ownership. Outcomes 1-Increase the access to healthy food to become available at all times to all people. 2-Food become sufficient in quality and nutritional value to sustain a healthy and active life. 3-Raising the awareness among the residents and empower them to consider their health. 4- Job creation for unemployed people living in this community. 5-Decrease obesity by eating healthy food. 3 Influential Factors There is a strong community support for urban farming and creating job opportunities by Urban Food Hubs that operated by the UDC Community College and Healthy Corners Program by DC Central Kitchen. 4 Strategies 1- Metro access vans. 2- Many businesses and housing projects can occur. 3- Urban farming and green solutions like solar panels. 5 Assumptions 1- It will help to increase the health status among people living in this area through delivering affordable and nutritious food from DC Central Kitchen to corner stores in this area. 2- It will encourages residents to participate in preparing healthy food. 3- It will support who interested in lunching businesses to produce food and market it to restaurants, grocery stores, and farmer’s markets. 6 Program Planning


12 References Food-System-Snapshot-Oct-2013-small.pdf ‏ SDC-Final-Plan_0.pdf

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