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Albert Gallatin School District Mr. Carl Bezjak - Superintendent.

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Presentation on theme: "Albert Gallatin School District Mr. Carl Bezjak - Superintendent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Albert Gallatin School District Mr. Carl Bezjak - Superintendent

2  Brief overview of the Dashboard Early Warning System/Intervention Catalog (EWS/IC)  Benefits and Implementation of the EWS/IC  View demo site  Question and Answer Discussion

3  The EWS is a free, voluntary tool available to all LEA’S within the Commonwealth  Identifies students at risk of dropping out  Builds a library of district specific interventions  Sets goals for individual student and overall school achievement  Improves student success rates

4  The Early Warning System focuses on the ABC’s of Early Warning Indicators as presented in Dr. Robert Balfanz’s research Attendance Behavior Course Performance

5  The EWS Dashboard has an Intervention Catalog that is customized by each individual LEA  This catalog serves as a catalyst for communication  Students are assigned local interventions specific to his or her need  Staff members can track progress and rate the interventions  Interventions are categorized by area of need and specialization DashboardDemo/ DashboardDemo/

6  Who are the members of the Dashboard Team? ◦ Superintendent ◦ Data Steward ◦ Principal ◦ School Counselor ◦ Career Counselor ◦ Intervention Specialists ◦ Other District Administrators

7  Data Steward ◦ Discussion with your staff and student software vendor ◦ Creation of templates including mapping ◦ Designed based on existing PIMS template formats (making process more streamlined) ◦ District PIMS coordinators would have an advantage using the Dashboard template ◦ Student and staff templates used for data extraction ◦ Some template dependency rules apply ◦ Dashboard EWS manuals are similar to PIMS manuals

8 ◦ Data quality/security (EWS and PIMS). Dashboard data segregated from PIMS data ◦ Frequency of submissions determined by LEA (nightly refresh) ◦ Deletion request similar to PIMS ◦ PDE portal registration required for EWS users ◦ EWS Cognos reports available ◦ Enhancements include state and local assessment data ◦ Automated web services available from some vendors ◦ School districts are provided technical support via PDE and the help desk

9  Executive Champion ◦ Represents and advocates for the project at a high level ◦ Coordinates all levels of responsibility within the Dashboard Team ◦ Maintains access to all district level data ◦ At Albert Gallatin, the Superintendent

10  Intervention Catalog Specialist ◦ Coordinates district offered interventions and facilitates connections with local agencies within the community ◦ Responsible for maintaining and updating the interventions available within the intervention catalog ◦ Maintains access to all middle school data ◦ Such as assistant principal or school counselor

11  Implementation Team ◦ Oversee the Dashboard implementation ◦ Allows for professional development time for teachers and staff ◦ Assigns interventions to students from intervention catalog as part of the dialog within the team ◦ Maintains data from your “home based school” ◦ Generally principals, assistant principals, head teachers, counselors and SAP team members

12  Teacher ◦ Review individual data for flagged students ◦ Create “watch lists” ◦ Only has access to individual students on classroom rosters

13 ◦ Our district team formally meets monthly ◦ Individual school teams meet weekly within the framework of the SAP meetings ◦ Teachers meet within grade levels to discuss individual student data

14 ◦ Initially, some login/access issues through PDE website, but resolved quickly ◦ Time constraints ◦ Budget restraints that affect the interventions in the intervention catalog ◦ Limited resources of our region ◦ Getting everyone on the same page and sharing the same mission-Keeping kids on their educational path

15 ◦ Easy access and user friendly ◦ Flagged students at risk of dropping out (only program that red-flags students) ◦ Highlights trends over time ◦ Ability to create “watch lists” ◦ Automated web services/support/help desk available ◦ Ability to upload student pictures ◦ Teacher input and ratings of interventions ◦ Students identified in Dashboard (Gifted, Special Education, 504, ELL) ◦ Educators can only view their assigned students (LEA use only, no 3 rd party access) ◦ Availability of current research on the indicators ◦ *Drill down data

16  ov/DashboardDemo/ ov/DashboardDemo/  Login ID : CodyWest  Password : 123

17  Mr. Carl Bezjak  Mrs. Kathy Hershberger  PDE Dashboard Team including former First Lady Mrs. Susan Corbett  District Administrative Team  MMS  Faculty and Staff


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