Curriculum & Instruction Recovery Plan Report. ED03 EFFECTIVE TEACHERS IN EVERY CLASSROOM All Principals trained on Charlotte Danielson Teacher Evaluation.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum & Instruction Recovery Plan Report. ED03 EFFECTIVE TEACHERS IN EVERY CLASSROOM All Principals trained on Charlotte Danielson Teacher Evaluation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum & Instruction Recovery Plan Report

2 ED03 EFFECTIVE TEACHERS IN EVERY CLASSROOM All Principals trained on Charlotte Danielson Teacher Evaluation Instrument at DCIU Fall 2012 – Principals and Associate Principals introduced instrument to staff and began using a Charlotte Danielson classroom walkthrough tool Per Week 7 Walkthroughs 1 Formal Observation Professional Development Scheduled for Summer 2013 Full Implementation of Danielson Instrument begins Fall 2013

3 ED03 EFFECTIVE TEACHERS IN EVERY CLASSROOM Charlotte Danielson Domains 1.Planning and Preparation 2.Classroom Environment 3.Instruction 4.Professional Responsibilities

4 ED03

5 ED04 DISTRICT- AND SCHOOL-LEVEL IMPROVEMENT PLANS District Improvement Plan Submitted to State School Improvement Plans for Fall 2013 being developed to align with District Plan District Realignment and AYP Clocks

6 ED04 CURRICULA All curricula are standards-aligned; however, Everyday Math is not aligned to the Common Core State Standards Reviewed: Envision, Saxon Math, Go Math and others Chose to replace Everyday Math with Go Math Will use 2013-2014 to fully evaluate Success for All Also plan to replace 7 th and 8 th grade English, Math and Science curricula to compliment adoption of 9 th -12 th curricula last summer

7 ED04 CURRICULUM MAPS English Math Science Social Studies

8 ED04

9 ASSESSMENT Replacing 4-Sight with NWEA – MAP Testing INTERVENTIONS Study Island Read 180

10 ED04 AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAMMING 3 rd Year of 21 st Century Community Learning Center Grant 2 Sites, Serving 7 th -12 th Graders Title I Funds to Support K-6 SUMMER PROGRAMMING Stetser CUSA

11 ED05 DEVELOPMENT OF CURRICULUM PLAN Senior Team Karen Hessel Teacher Leaders Summer 2013 Professional Development Curriculum Leadership Special Education School Climate Technology

12 Special Education at Chester Upland School District Andria B. Saia, Assistant Director, Student Services and Special Education May 23, 2013 Presentation

13 Mental Health and Counseling 2013-2014 School Year

14 Emotional Support Intensive Self Contained Secondary Emotional Support Program Mental Health Services Group and Individual Counseling Individualized Academic Programs Positive Behavior Support District Wide Staffing: Three full time Psychologists Three full time Social Workers Three full time Guidance Counselors Mental Health Liaison from Community Hospital on all SAP teams

15 Academic Supports 2013-2014 School Year

16 New for 2013-2014 Secondary Intensive Learning Support Intensive Academic Support for Lower Functioning Learning Disabled Students Focusing on Functional Academic and Transitional Skills Targeted Interventions

17 New for 2013-2014 Intensive 7&8 grade supports Intensive Academic Support Targeted Interventions

18 Curricular/Learning Strategy Supports

19 New Reading Programs for 2013-2014 SRA Corrective Reading Corrective Reading provides intensive, sustained direct instruction to address deficiencies in decoding and comprehension. Edmark Edmark Reading Program is a systematic, explicit program that has long helped students who need an alternative to phonics based programming. Orton Gillingham training for Five Staff In the 1930’s neurologist Dr. Samuel T. Orton and educator, psychologist Anna Gillingham developed the Orton-Gillingham approach to reading instruction for students with Dyslexia. This theory combines multisensory techniques along with the structure of the English language. This approach is beneficial not only for students with dyslexia, but for all learners. The methodology allows for implementation of Response to Intervention (RTI) at all levels while allowing for differentiation of instruction.

20 New Programs for Speech and Language 2013-2014 Language for Learning Language for Learning provides practice in vocabulary, variety of word and sentence forms, the development of precise word knowledge, and in hard to teach concepts such as some/all/none and same/different. Kindergarten Language Program The importance of an oral language base for reading and academic success is well documented in research and specific oral skills such as phonemic awareness were identified by the National Reading Panel as necessary precursors for reading. In order to provide additional opportunities for oral language development with young students, the speech and language specialists will provide classroom language sessions within the kindergarten classes with the classroom teacher.

21 Programs for Students with Autism 2013-2014 Applied Behavioral Analysis Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a scientific approach to behavior used to change and improve behaviors in a variety of settings. In schools, ABA has been used to guide a wide variety of successful educational practices. Over the past 20 or more years, ABA has been established as a powerful source of interventions in educational programs for students with autism. Verbal Behavior Training Verbal Behavior Training (VBT) is a researched based instructional approach designed for the development of functional communication skills in children with significant language impairments including those with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

22 New Programs for Life Skills 2013-2014 Unique Learning System Unique Learning System is the only online, dynamic, standards-based curriculum specifically designed for special learners. Research-based instruction that promotes access to standards-based learning and literacy instruction for significantly disabled students.

23 New Programs for Transition 2013-2014 Academic and Career Coordinator Direct the implementation of career development programs including: creating career track options, advising students in course selection and recordkeeping of credits, schedule and assess career development activities, identifying scholarship opportunities and guiding students through the process, facilitating partnerships between the district and external agencies and developing resource materials. Employment and Skills Coordinator Facilitate transition programming including: career exploration and vocational activities; organizing school and community work-based learning opportunities; identifying and developing job placements; monitoring student job performance; serving as a resource to students and families regarding transition services; establishing/maintaining network of organizations which provide post-secondary services

24 Student Organizational and Learning Strategies for School and Home Many students have the ability to learn their subjects, but often need assistance in how to learn the material and how to organize the information. When these skills are not working effectively, the student can experience significant difficulties with the general education curriculum, despite strong abilities. A pilot program is being initiated at the Showalter Middle School in 8 th grade. These students will be instructed in a set of student organizational and learning strategies for school and home. The specific teaching of the skills will also be done with the students and teachers in 9 th grade at the start of the new school year. There will also be parent involvement in assisting with the strategies.

25 Parent Training and Information Series This year, Teachers in CUSD provided a parent training series from February through April on the following topics: Special education process Lovin’ Literacy Positive Reinforcement in home and school Organizational Strategies-Executive Functioning 2013-2014 CUSD will continue the series. Suggestions for topics are welcome!

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