POAD8014: PUBLIC POLICY AGENDA SETTING Where Does Policy Come From? Lionel Orchard 1.

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Presentation on theme: "POAD8014: PUBLIC POLICY AGENDA SETTING Where Does Policy Come From? Lionel Orchard 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 POAD8014: PUBLIC POLICY AGENDA SETTING Where Does Policy Come From? Lionel Orchard 1

2 The External Drivers Political platforms Ministerial and government changes Economic forces –interest rates, employment rates Media Opinion polls Legal shifts eg High Court decisions International issues – refugees, terrorism, ‘failed states’ Technological development Demographic shift – population and services Environmental issues – climate change Althaus, Bridgman and Davis p.46-7 2

3 The Internal Drivers Emerging issues monitored by internal ‘specialists’ Monitoring other jurisdictions Ongoing monitoring of ‘wicked problems’ Coordination across government Regular programmed reviews, budget cycle Statutory requirements (sunset dates) Budget and or financial audit problems Performance audits and or failures Althaus, Bridgman and Davis p. 48 3

4 Who Steers the Drivers? Public service Policy elites and policy entrepreneurs ‘Think Tanks’ as policy entrepreneurs The rise of the NGO, interest groups and lobbyists The media - the ‘mediated’ society 4

5 5 Australian Think Tanks

6 6

7 Colebatch’s Vertical and Horizontal Dimensions 7 Policy Summits Ministerial Advisers Think Tanks NGOs & Churches Members of parliament Media Pressure Groups International Organisations

8 Downs’ ‘Issue Attention Cycle’ 8 The pre-problem stage - condition exists but has yet to capture public attention Alarmed discovery and euphoric enthusiasm – dramatic event catalyses public attention accompanied by enthusiasm to solve the problem Recognition of cost of significant progress - gradual realisation of difficulties and costs of ‘solving’ the problem Decline of public interest – public discouraged, bored or taken with new issue The post problem stage – not solved, just off the agenda

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