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Transcription and Translation

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1 Transcription and Translation
Chapter 17

2 Central Dogma DNA mRNA Protein DNA DNA – Replication – nucleus
DNA mRNA – Transcription – Nucleus mRNA Protein – Translation – Ribosome in the cytoplasm

3 Central Dogma

4 One Gene-One Protein (Polypeptide)
One gene – section of DNA – codes for one protein (polypeptide) Exceptions – Quaternary level proteins that are made of one or more subunits. EX: hemoglobin – transports O2 and CO2 in blood Made from 2 different polypeptides (alpha and beta) therefore two genes code for the proteins that make hemoglobin

5 DNA vs. RNA

6 DNA vs. RNA DNA RNA Nucleus only Double Stranded ATCG
Deoxyribose Sugar Nucleus and cytoplasm (ribosome) Single Stranded AUCG Ribose sugar 3 types mRNA - messenger tRNA - transfer rRNA - ribosomal

7 Left Page Draw a picture showing the Central Dogma
Something similar to that on slide 1 or 2. DNA compare contrast – (Double Bubble or T-chart or Venn Diagram) Summary

8 Transcription DNA  pre-mRNA Copying of DNA’s message to pre-mRNA
Occurs in the nucleus

9 Detailed Transcription
RNA polymerase binds to DNA at promoter region. Promoter is before the gene that is to be transcribed Determines which strand of DNA to use Usually a TATA box in eukaryotes Initiation – RNA polymerase unwinds DNA and starts RNA synthesis Aided by transcription factors in eukaryotes Elongation - adds nucleotides to mRNA strand based on DNA strand in a 5’ 3’ direction. Termination – RNA polymerase “falls off” the DNA strand when the termination sequence (terminator) is reached. AAUAAA in eukaryotes


11 Transcription Flow Map with pictures and summarize

12 RNA Processing Pre-mRNA RNA Occurs in the nucleus
5’ cap – guanine and phosphate cap on the 5’ end of mRNA 3’ poly-A tail – 50 to 250 Adenines are added to the 3’ end of the mRNA Both the 5’ cap and 3’ poly-A tail facilitate the export of mRNA from the nucleus Both protect the mRNA from degradation by hydrolytic enzymes in the cytoplasm Both help ribosomes attach to the 5’ ends of the mRNA strand

13 RNA processing

14 RNA Processing RNA Splicing Keeps the exons  gets rid of the introns
Introns – non-coding sections of mRNA Don’t leave the nucleus – only on pre-mRNA Exons – coding sections of mRNA Leave the nucleus – final mRNA Keeps the exons  gets rid of the introns snRNPs – cut the introns Ribozyme – RNA that functions like an enzyme Spliceosomes – join remaining exons together to form final mRNA


16 RNA Processing Bubble Map Pictures Summarize

17 Translation mRNA  protein Process of mRNA converting to a protein
Occurs in the cytoplasm – ribosome

18 tRNA Interpreter of mRNA’s message is tRNA – transfer RNA
80 nucleotides long Hairpin shape – L shaped One end contains an anticodon which pairs with the codon on the mRNA Codons on the mRNA determine which amino acid is coded for by the DNA The other end contains an amino acid attachment site Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase attaches the correct amino acid to the tRNA

19 tRNA

20 Ribosomes Pair codons on mRNA with anticodons on tRNA to form polypeptides Made of large and small subunits rRNA – ribosomal RNA Made in the nucleolus Contain multiple binding sites mRNA binding site P site – peptidyl – tRNA site A site – aminoacyl – tRNA site E site – exit site

21 Ribosomes

22 Making a protein Initiation Small subunit binds to mRNA
Start codon AUG – methionine at P site Elongation A site recognizes codon and pairs with correct tRNA Peptide bond forms between the carboxyl end of the polypeptide at the P site and amino acid at the A site Amino acid in the A site translocates to the P site Termination Stop codon is reached at the A site UAA, UAG, UGA Release factors free the polypeptide from the ribosome

23 Making a Protein

24 Translation Diagram Summarize and explain the process

25 Proteins Fold spontaneously into primary, secondary, and tertiary structures. Chaperone proteins assist in folding. Some polypeptides become quaternary with multiple subunits Signal peptide – directs proteins through the endomembrane system

26 Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes
No nucleus Transcription and translation same location Transcription and translation at the same time - coupling Smaller ribosomes 70 s Killed by some antibiotics Nucleus Pre-mRNA  mRNA transcription Larger ribosomes Translation 80 s

27 Mutations Point Mutations – one base altered Base-pair substitution
Silent mutation – no effect Missense mutation – changes an amino acid Nonsense mutation – creates a stop codon Insertion – extra base Deletion – removal of a base Frameshift mutations – nonfunctional proteins

28 Primary structure Primary structure Exposed hydrophobic region Secondary and tertiary structures Secondary and tertiary structures Quaternary structure Normal hemoglobin (top view) Quaternary structure Sickle-cell hemoglobin Function Molecules do not associate with one another; each carries oxygen. Function Molecules interact with one another and crystallize into a fiber; capacity to carry oxygen is greatly reduced. Red blood cell shape Normal red blood cells are full of individual hemoglobin moledules, each carrying oxygen. Red blood cell shape Fibers of abnormal hemoglobin deform red blood cell into sickle shape.

29 Mutations Bubble Map types of point (non chromosomal) mutations
Summarize and explain how a single point mutation can alter a protein – include levels of protein structure in your explanation.


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