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Shounan Hsu1 T. S. Eliot (1888- 1965) Eliot.

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Presentation on theme: "Shounan Hsu1 T. S. Eliot (1888- 1965) Eliot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shounan Hsu1 T. S. Eliot (1888- 1965) Eliot

2 Shounan Hsu2 “ Tradition and Individual Talent ” --for English Literature Poem: an organic thing Poet: through cultural memory, a poet unconsciously continues the tradition of his culture

3 Shounan Hsu3 Question What is the relationship between tradition and the individual talent?

4 Shounan Hsu4 allusion Literary reference

5 Shounan Hsu5 “ The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock ” (1915) --for American Literature Dramatic monologue What is our place in the universe? How can any one love and communicate with anyone else? Hallmark of early 20th-century poetry

6 Shounan Hsu6 Question What torments Prufrock? Give examples to support your answer.

7 Shounan Hsu7 Question Describe the kind of person Eliot creates in "Prufrock." How does Prufrock fulfill or rebut stereotypes of the modern intellectual?

8 Shounan Hsu8 “ The Waste Land ” (1922) --for American Literature The most important poem of the first half of 20th century Deals with the failure of Western civilization Variations of old poetic forms + allusions

9 Shounan Hsu9 Question Why is allusion a key word in the study of Eliot ’ s “ The Waste Land ” ?

10 Shounan Hsu10 Question Do you agree that the male “ lover ” in the first episode of “ A Game of Chess ” passively suffers the burden of a hysterically demanding woman?

11 Shounan Hsu11 Question Is “ The Waste Land ” a sexist poem?

12 Shounan Hsu12 Question Is it legitimate to equate any “ voice ” within “ The Waste Land ” with that of the poet?

13 Shounan Hsu13 Question Describe the various speakers and characters in Eliot's poems, particularly "Prufrock" and “ The Waste Land ”. Which of these poems, or which sections of these poems, would you call monologues? How does Eliot adapt the dramatic monologue form?

14 Shounan Hsu14 “ The Hollow Men ” (1925) --for English Literature After “ The Waste Land, ” Eliot no longer tried to mold old forms to the needs of modern speech, he said he wanted a meter that “ sounds like people talking as far removed as possible from the iambic pentameter. ” The norm here is a line of two to three stresses, occasionally varied by lines of four.

15 Shounan Hsu15 “ The Hollow Men ” Reflects Eliot ’ s viewpoint about his time. The people in his time in general had a sense of hopelessness and despair.

16 Shounan Hsu16 Question What is the role of the epigraph in “ The Hollow Men ” ? Give examples to support your answer.

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