19 maggio 2016 Prof. Ing. Franco Co tana Dipartimento di INGEGNERIA CIRIAF – CRB - Università degli Studi di Perugia Implementation of circular economy.

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Presentation on theme: "19 maggio 2016 Prof. Ing. Franco Co tana Dipartimento di INGEGNERIA CIRIAF – CRB - Università degli Studi di Perugia Implementation of circular economy."— Presentation transcript:

1 19 maggio 2016 Prof. Ing. Franco Co tana Dipartimento di INGEGNERIA CIRIAF – CRB - Università degli Studi di Perugia Implementation of circular economy and physical internet for the cities of tomorrow - Sviluppo dell'economia circolare e del "physical internet" nelle città del futuro

2 CIRIAF – Interuniversity Research Centre on Pollution & Environment M. Felli CRB – Biomass Research Centre Department ofEngineering CRC – Climate Research Centre

3 First step: CIRCULAR ECONOMY: SMART GREEN VILLAGE in HISTORIC BUILDINGS 1. Oil milling plant 2. Trigeneration plant 3. The first historic building LEED- HB 4. Mini biogas plant for the community Vegetable Oil Pathway (FACEB project)

4 Historic building refurbishment The first historic LEED-HB under certifation building in the world. Objective: LEED-HB Gold rating > 60 points

5 Second step: Implementation of smart grid in physical internet IT-concept | Positioning the Physical Internet It is the network of physical objects (devices, vehicles, buildings and other items) that enables these objects to collect and exchange data Transforming the way of physical objects are moved, stored, realized, supplied, and used

6 The first prototype PEAD Linear electric motor At the beginning of 2006 a limited length prototype has been realized, with The characteristics of the final system, where the movement of the capsule is generated by an underlying linear synchronous motor that produces a magnetic field. The prototype was put into operation and exhibited at the Vittoriano in Rome during the exhibition "60 years of the Italian Republic" took place in the months of March and April 2006, chosen as representative of Italian innovation project related to energy and transport. PHYSICAL INTERNET SMART MOBILITY: Pipe§net


8 The binomial Drones + Pipenet allows to realize, for light ware typically up to 5kg, rapid transport and delivery. For more weights up to 30kg or 50 kg, the pipenet must be up to the final delivery but in this case it comes to factories or activities' business. The binomial Drones + pipenet

9 7. Overhead tank 8. Hydroelectric Turbine (30 kW e ) 9. Anaerobic Digester 10.OFMSW Milling and loading 11.Cogenerator engine (300 kWe) 12.Informative systems, TLC, lighting, enviromnental monitoring, videosorvellance 13.OFMSW transport Drone 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1.Photovoltaics roofing (180 kW e ) 2.Photovoltaics skin 3.Mini-wind plant (25 kW e ) 4.Geothermal heat pumps (1500 kW t ) 5.Geothermal foundation piles 6.Underground tank 9. 2 MW/800 mq 10. 9. Economics Investment Costs = 5 M€ Operating Costs = 0,36 M€/a Revenues = 1,6 M€/a (Incentive Renew. Energy +OFMSW Harvesting) Payback period = 5 years 11. 12. 13.


11 The Smart GRID Third step: circular economy with smart grid and physical internet Smart TEAM – Multifunctional Environmental Energy Tower

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