MIDN 2/C Lange United States Naval Academy. USNA | Proprietary 2.

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Presentation on theme: "MIDN 2/C Lange United States Naval Academy. USNA | Proprietary 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 MIDN 2/C Lange United States Naval Academy

2 USNA | Proprietary 2

3 “You can only act on the data you have.” SS/L President John Celli__ 3USNA | Proprietary

4 Autonomous Mobile On-Orbit Diagnostic System (AMODS)  The goal of the AMODS program is to assure the ability to provide the physical on-orbit interaction needed to generate diagnostic data. AMODS employs a modular, CubeSat style design approach to overcome traditional cost and technological hurdles. USNA | Proprietary4

5 RSat BRICSat AMODS 5USNA | Proprietary

6 6 RSat

7 USNA | Proprietary7

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13 RSat  RSat must meet the following qualifications:  Locomote: RSat must be able to interact with every area of the host spacecraft.  Investigate: The data returned must be useful to facilitate maintenance and failure analysis.  Cost: In order to be competitive, an entry level RSat shall cost no more than $25,000.  Accurate: RSat manipulators must be accurate enough to “do no harm.” USNA | Proprietary13

14 USNA | Proprietary14 BRICSat Cold Gas Thruster µCat Thrusters

15 USNA/GWU | Proprietary15

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19 Timeline 19USNA | Proprietary

20 BRICSat-P (Prototype)  Delivery: November 2014  Launch: May 2015  Mission: Validate GWU electronic propulsion by demonstrating:  Detumbling  Spin-up/down  deltaV 20USNA | Proprietary

21 BRICSat-D (Demonstrator)  Delivery: December 2016  Launch: March 2017  Mission: Initial phases identical to BRICSat- P. Added objectives include:  Integrate navigation components.  Validate rendezvous design philosophy.  Characterize RSat flight motor. 21USNA | Proprietary

22 RSat-P (Prototype)  Delivery: Winter 2016  Launch: Spring 2017  Mission: Demonstrate the feasibility of using CubeSats to diagnose malfunctions or failure in – and perform on-orbit repairs on – conventional satellites. 22USNA | Proprietary

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25 25USNA | Proprietary QUESTIONS?

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