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“Finishing Well” in 2015 … and in Life 2 TIMOTHY 4: 7-8.

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1 “Finishing Well” in 2015 … and in Life 2 TIMOTHY 4: 7-8


3 Starting Well … and Finishing Well  We often talk about Starting Well in the Christian Life… but do you ever think about Finishing Well ?  Have you though about finishing this year 2015 well ?  Have you thought about finishing your Christian life well ?  Living life every day is about decisions and every decision has its reward or its consequence.  Paul the Apostle cared about his decisions and finishing his life well ! 2 Timothy 4: 7-8! Let’s look in Paul’s life through scripture.

4 How Should We Make Decisions so that We Finish Well?  Big Idea # 1 - Decide in your Heart - “I am going to finish well ! ”  This is a major life decision! God honors that decision and is abundantly able to keep you and is excited to help you accomplish that. 2 Tim. 1:12 b  He is powerful and is with you and will never leave you. Heb. 13:5  The Holy Spirit is committed to be with you, keep you and guard your faith in Jesus. You will be led by the Holy Spirit. 2 Tim. 1:14 Romans 8:14

5 How Should We Make Decisions so that We Finish Well?  Big Idea # 2 – Walk life with Godly input – Godly family, Godly friends, Godly counsel, and being in the Bible.  Timothy learned from a godly mother and grandmother. 2 Tim. 1:5 Prov. 2:6  Hold fast to the faith, even when you don’t understand a circumstance. 2 Tim. 1:13  Make “the BIG Decisions right”, and all other details will fall into place.

6 How Should We Make Decisions so that We Finish Well?  Big Idea # 3 – Get emotionally healed of personal past life baggage. (This is available by inner healing ministry here at Hopewell.)  Don’t get tangled up with world things and ways that you may have to repent of later on. 2 Tim. 2:4  Fears, including fear of fear and fear of failure  Fear of what people may think (as long as you act biblically)  Rejection  Past hurts  Lust for money, material things, and anything to an excess.

7 How Should We Make Decisions so that We Finish Well?  Big Idea # 4 - Remain childlike and ever growing in your faith.  The Holy Spirit and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit will help you remain childlike in your faith while growing with endurance. He will give you joy…unspeakable.  Don’t confuse endurance with hardness of heart. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Remember Naaman, the General of the Syrian army. 2 Kings 5  God will work all things out for good to those who love (and will trust) the Lord over their own forceful ways of doing things. Remember Joseph!

8 Make YOUR Big Decisions with an eye to the future and to finish well!  So Catch This…. 1. Decide in your heart - I am going to finish well ! 2. Walk with Godly family, Godly friends and seek Godly counsel and counsel from the Word of God. 3. Get rid of life’s baggage by being healed inwardly. 4. Remain childlike, not childish nor hardened, in your heart and faith and keep growing!  If you do these simple things you will finish well the walk of faith this year, start well a New Year and continue the rest of your life and finish well!

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