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高中基础 (2339 期 20160426) 头版 Religion Is for Followers, Not Pop Stars.

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1 高中基础 (2339 期 20160426) 头版 Religion Is for Followers, Not Pop Stars

2 2 Pre- reading Do you idolize Lu Han? If so, why do you idolize him? What do you think you can learn from him? Did you queue up all night to take a photo next to the mailbox near the Bund? What’s your opinion on the craze?

3 3 SCAN AND ANSWER Pre- reading 1. How long was the queue waiting to take a picture next to the mailbox near the Bund? 2. In the author’s words, who is Lu Han? 3. When the author was a teenager, he idolized ______________ and ________________. 4. When it comes to following an idol’s actions, the author would choose ___________ over ________________________ ___________________________________________________. Complete the statements or answer the questions with AS FEW WORDS AS POSSIBLE. 300 meters. Eminem A handsome, Korean boy band member from China. Oasis diligence clothes, haircuts, accessories and places frequented by the idol

4 4 accessory n. 配件,配饰 WORD BANK... what they copy about the people they idolize. Clothes, haircuts, accessories and places frequented by stars are subject to change over time. While reading frequent v. 常去,常到(某处) be subject to 受 …… 影响的 idolize v. 崇拜,热爱

5 5 arguably adv. 可能,可以说 WORD BANK He is arguably one of the best to ever play basketball, and it was his body that gave out before his passion did. Bryant was famous for his work ethic and constant striving for self-improvement. While reading constant adj. 不断的 strive for 力求,为 …… 而奋斗 work ethic 勤于工作的态度 give out 用完,耗尽 passion n. 激情

6 6 1. Getting the project done on time was a real ______________. (achievable) 2. By that time, Peter had become a teenage _________. (idolize) 3. Their lawyer was extremely __________ in preparing their case. (diligence) 4. She spoke ______________ about animal rights. (passion) 5. Her early childhood _____________ her to write her first novel. (inspiration) 6. The English language is _____________ changing. (constant) Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given word. achievement idol diligent passionately inspired constantly VOCABULARY EXERCISES While reading

7 7 Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 他决心师法其父,当一名医生。 (footsteps) 2. 这座海滨城市经常遭受台风的袭击。 (subject) 3. 科学家们力争在治疗癌症方面能有所突破。 (strive for) The coastal city is subject to frequent typhoons. The scientists are striving for a breakthrough in curing cancer. He decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a doctor. VOCABULARY EXERCISES While reading

8 1. We can infer from the article that the author holds a _________ attitude towards the star-struck teens’ queuing up to follow in Lu Han’s footsteps. A. supportive B. critical C. mixed D. neutral 8 Choose the best answer. COMPREHENSION O While reading

9 2. According to the author, which of the following statements about Kobe is true? A. Kobe is so far the best basketball player the world has ever seen. B. Kobe is idolized by almost all teens in the United States. C. Everything about Kobe is definitely worth repeating. D. Comparing to Lu Han, Kobe is arguably more inspirational. 9 Choose the best answer. COMPREHENSION O While reading

10 3. Which of the following statements would the author agree with? A. Teens should never idolize any stars—it’s a waste of time and energy. B. Teens should not idolize any other stars than Kobe Bryant. C. Teens should think twice before they repeat something their idols do. D. Teens can idolize stars as long as they don’t jump off a bridge. 10 Choose the best answer. COMPREHENSION O While reading

11 1. According to the article, what was Kobe Bryant famous for? 11 Answer the following question. COMPREHENSION He was famous for his work ethic and constant striving for self- improvement. While reading

12 2. What is the author’s advice to teens on idolizing stars? 12 Answer the following question. COMPREHENSION Learn more from the stars than copy the way they dress or repeat whatever they do. While reading

13 Or, even more importantly, are some actions more worthy of being followed than others? ☞ worthy 是一个形容词,其常用于如下这三种结构: ① a worthy + n. e.g. a worthy cause ② be worthy of + n. e.g. The book is worthy of our attention. ③ be worthy of doing; be worthy to do e.g. The book is worthy of being read. The book is worthy to be read. worth 也是一个形容词(也可以做名词),但其用法同介 词,后接名词、代词、数字或动词的 -ing 形式。 13 GRAMMAR TIP Language study It’s great to have idols but not everything they do or think is worth repeating.

14 14 Filling the blanks with “worth,” “worthy” or “worthwhile.” 1. This second-hand car is __________ $2,000 at the most. 2. He said he was not ___________ to accept such an honor. 3. It’s not __________________ getting angry with him. 4. Helping old people is a ____________ activity. 5. Guangzhou is __________ to be visited. 6. The exhibition is ___________ visiting. worth worthy worth/worthwhile worthwhile worthy worth YOUR TURN Language study

15 Do you agree with the author that having idols is great but not everything idols do or think is worth repeating? Why or why not? Question for further discussion: Hints After reading Yes, I definitely agree with the author on this point. Idols could often be inspirational; they could often set a good example for us. Guo Ailun, the Chinese basketball player, for example, teaches me the value of perseverance and diligence. However, teens may often blindly idolize a superstar, merely because he or she looks charming. This, as the author said, is meaningless and should be discouraged. 15

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