1 Classification. 2 I. Classification is the arrangement of organisms into orderly groups based on their similarities also known as taxonomy.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Classification. 2 I. Classification is the arrangement of organisms into orderly groups based on their similarities also known as taxonomy."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Classification

2 2 I. Classification is the arrangement of organisms into orderly groups based on their similarities also known as taxonomy.

3 3 II. Benefits of Classifying A. Accurately & uniformly names organisms to prevent misnomers and improve communication 1. Achieved by using same language, (Latin & some Greek) Sea”horse”??

4 4 III. History of Taxonomy A. Aristotle was 1 st to classify living things. B. Father of Modern taxonomy is Carolus Linnaeus 1. 1. Classified organisms by their structure 2. Developed naming system still used today.

5 5 IV. Binomial Nomenclature A. Two words which are the organism’s Genus & species B. Latin or Greek C. Capitalize genus, but NOT species D. Underline when writing and italicized when typing. Turdus migratorius American Robin

6 6 V. Levels of Classification A. Linnaeus also classified organisms into 7 levels called taxa. B. Organisms are placed into taxa based on shared characteristics. 1. The more taxa that 2 organisms share the more closely related they are. 1. The more taxa that 2 organisms share the more closely related they are.

7 7 C. Taxa are organized into a hierarchy from general to specific. 1. Domain is the most general 1. Domain is the most general taxon & contains the most taxon & contains the most numerous amount of organisms. numerous amount of organisms. 2. Species is the most specific 2. Species is the most specific taxon and contains only 1 taxon and contains only 1 type of organism. type of organism.

8 8 (Dumb)=Domain Kids Playing Cards OnOnOnOn Freeways Get Smashed!!! Division replaces phylum in plants D. Hierarchy order: Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

9 9 VI. Systematics: a science to classify organisms using their natural relationships. A. Phylogenetics: analysis of the evolutionary relationships among taxa 1. Classify organisms by studying RNA, 1. Classify organisms by studying RNA, DNA, amino acids, homologous structures, & embryos DNA, amino acids, homologous structures, & embryos Phylogenetic tree

10 10 VII. Illustrating Classification A. Diagrams are based on shared & derived characteristics: 1. Shared characters are features that ALL members of a group have in common. i. Ex. Domain Eukarya: All i. Ex. Domain Eukarya: All members have a nucleus members have a nucleus 2. Derived characters are features that evolved only in the group under consideration. i. Ex. Feathers evolved only in i. Ex. Feathers evolved only in birds, not from a common birds, not from a common ancestor with reptiles. ancestor with reptiles.

11 11 B. Cladograms are diagrams that show the classification of different organisms. Can be based on physical features & biomolecular similarities

12 12 VIII. Dichotomous Keys A. Tool used to identify organisms 1a Wings present – Duck 1b Wings absent – Go to 2 2a Spots present– Octopus 2b Spots absent – Go to 3 3a Orange colored body– Sea Anemone 3b No orange on the body– Go to 4 4a 2-3mm body length–Hydra 4b 9-30 cm body length- Jellyfish

13 13 IX. Making a Dichotomous Key 1.Use constant characteristics rather than variable ones. 2. Use measurements rather than terms like "large" and "small". 3. Make the choice a positive one - something "is" instead of "is not". 4. Start both choices of a pair with the same word. 5. Start different pairs of choices with different words. 6. Use the descriptive terms before the name of the part to which they apply.

14 End Day 1 14

15 Making a dichotomous key 15

16 16 Diversity of Life

17 17

18 18 A. Eubacteria: 1 kingdom, Eubacteria 1. Body plan: unicellular, prokaryotes a. Small- about 2 µm a. Small- about 2 µm 2. Reproduction: Asexual by binary fission 3. Energy production: Some are heterotrophic & some are autotrophic 4. Key info: Present in all environments on Earth, some act as decomposers. some act as decomposers. a. Aides in digestion. a. Aides in digestion. b. Some can cause diseases; TB, anthrax, ulcers, b. Some can cause diseases; TB, anthrax, ulcers, gonorrhea, & “flesh-eating” gonorrhea, & “flesh-eating” c. Involved in producing cheese, yogurt, c. Involved in producing cheese, yogurt, and synthetic insulin. and synthetic insulin. I. Three Domains

19 19 B. Archaea: 1 kingdom, Archeabacteria 1. Body plan: Unicellular, prokaryotes 2. Reproduction: Asexual by binary fission 3. Energy production: Some are heterotrophic and some are autotrophic 4. Key Info: First types of cells on Earth a. Found in the harshest environments a. Found in the harshest environments on Earth, deep sea vents, acid pools, on Earth, deep sea vents, acid pools, raw sewage, etc. raw sewage, etc.

20 20 C. Eukarya: 4 Kingdoms; Animal, Plant, Protists, and Fungi 1. Body Plan: Eukaryotic

21 Kingdom FungiKingdom Plant Kingdom Animal Kingdom Archae-bacteria Kingdom Eubacteria Kingdom Protist

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