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What is going on in this clip? BBC Why do you think they are doing this? Reporting from the Guardian.

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Presentation on theme: "What is going on in this clip? BBC Why do you think they are doing this? Reporting from the Guardian."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is going on in this clip? BBC Why do you think they are doing this? Reporting from the Guardian

2 What is going on in this clip? http://www.yout v=jAYWrJlraHs Why do you think they are doing this?

3 What do pressure groups do to try and gain recognition?

4 The Suffragettes Challenge: Why and How did women in Britain campaign for the right to vote? L.O. To understand the variety of tactics used by women in the suffrage campaign To be able to explain why tactics changed over time To assess how effective different tactics were for gaining the vote Think: What is a ‘tactic’? Why would we expect to see a variety of ‘tactics’ used? What is the difference between a suffragist and a suffragette? How did their tactics differ? Did they differ in any other way? Think: What is a ‘tactic’? Why would we expect to see a variety of ‘tactics’ used? What is the difference between a suffragist and a suffragette? How did their tactics differ? Did they differ in any other way?

5 The Suffragist campaign: What do you know? After 73 MP’s supported the idea of female suffrage in 1867 many local suffrage societies were set up. 1897 The National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies was formed (NUWSS). The leader of this group was Milicent Fawcett 1903 Emmeline Pankhurst set up the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU)

6 The Fight for Women’s Suffrage: How did tactics change? From your reading can you name any tactics or methods used? Look at the A3 information sheet.  Identify as many different methods as you can  Was there a change in tactics after 1910? Can you explain why?

7 Tactics Suffragettes (WSPU) 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 Suffragists (NUWSS)

8 Groups Kiera, Sana, Annabel, Amrit, Anika, Anna Georgia, Lucy Al, Megan, Grace, Leanne Gurshaan, Holly, Lucy As, Eden, Anais, Annabelle, Iines Sasha, Rhea, Lucy D., Halle, Liv, Claudia Gwennan, Jessica, Maddy, Tilly, Izzie, Mia

9 Groups 1. Maddie, Erin, Rachie, Lavinia, Olivia 2. Darcey, Iman, Jeeven, Sophie, Octavia, Lauren, Gina 3. Ellen, Shreya, Sophie, Lilly, Nina, Lizzy 1. Sophia, Ronia, Ginny, Emily, Gracie 4. Zoe, Jade, Sarah, Isabella, Iqra, Abi

10 Women’s Fight for the Vote: Investigation You are going to produce a group presentation. You will work in groups of 5-7. Each group will examine the Women’s fight for the vote in Britain from a different perspective. You will be performing in front of the class and will need to write a script and consider if there are any props you will need to bring to school to enhance your piece. It may be possible for you to film your presentation before hand, if you would rather, and we will then show the piece to the class. This is an option.

11 What standards do we expect from our BBC news reporters?

12 Women’s Fight for the Vote : Investigation Group 1: Your piece is to be from the Suffragettes’ perspective. You need to be biased. Think about how you could show this. You must include: A clear explanation of the aims and methods of the suffragette Movement. Suffragette views on the government’s position. An interview with a leader of the Movement. Group 2: Your piece is to be from the – Suffragists’ perspective. You need to be biased. Think about how you could show this. You must include: A clear explanation of the aims and methods of the Suffrage Movement. The Suffrage’s views on the government’s position. An interview with a leader of the Movement. Group 3: Your piece is an historical documentary for the BBC. You need to be objective and to tell us the truth. You’ll need to think about the methods that are used in history documentaries to make the audience engage and learn. You might wish to have a re-enactments. You must include: Interviews with historians discussing the Women’s fight for the vote. Group 4: You are to produce a piece from the perspective of those who oppose granting women the vote. You must include: A clear explanation for why you feel women should not be granted the vote. Your view on the methods of the Suffragette Movement. How do you view them? How should they be treated? What would happen to Britain if such women were listened to?

13 Peer Assessment What am I looking for in a successful presentation? You show clear and precise factual knowledge. You understand and explain the reasons for and/or against granting women the vote and tactics used Your presentation demonstrates great effort, research and imagination. You have worked collaboratively, you are all involved in the presentation.

14 Freeze Frame Statues Slo-Mo … GO! Freeze Frame Statues Slo-Mo … GO!

15 Trailer for Suffragette Discussion: Why do you think it has taken over 100 years for a film about the women’s suffrage movement to be made?

16 Bit of fun… might help! Horrible Histories Bad Romance cover (American but you’ll get the idea!) Bad Romance cover (American but you’ll get the idea!)

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