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A.5 Neuropharmacology.

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1 A.5 Neuropharmacology

2 Understandings Some neurotransmitters excite nerve impulses in postsynaptic neurons, and others inhibit them Nerve impulses are initiated or inhibited in postsynaptic neurons as a result of summation of all excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters received from presynaptic neurons Many different slow-acting neurotransmitters modulate fast synaptic transmission in the brain Memory and learning involve changes in neurons caused by slow-acting neurotransmitters Psychoactive drugs affect the brain by either increasing or decreasing postsynaptic transmission Anesthetics act by interfering with neural transmission between areas of sensory perception and the CNS Stimulant drugs mimic the stimulation provided by the synaptic nervous system Addiction can be affected by genetic predisposition, social environment, and dopamine secretion Application Effects on the nervous system of two stimulants and two sedatives The effect of anesthetics on awareness Endorphins can act as painkillers Skill Evaluation of data showing the impact of MDMA (ecstasy) on serotonin and dopamine metabolism in the brain

3 Excitatory neurotransmitters = stimulate transmission in next neuron
Increase permeability to positive ions (transmitters) Inhibitory = cause positive ions move out postsynaptic cell Chemically depresses neuron Synapse – space between neurons, where chemical message is sent

4 3. Vesicles containing neurotransmitters fuse with presynaptic membrane
4. Release neurotransmitters into synaptic cleft 2. Reaches axon bulb  Ca+2 rush into end of neuron 1. Impulse moves down presynaptic neuron  action potential Ions enter or leave when neurotransmitter binds to receptor 5. Neurotransmitter binds to specific receptors on postsynaptic membrane

5 Excitatory Neurotransmission
Generates an action potential Increase permeability of postsynaptic membrane to positive ions Example – acetylcholine Na+, located in synaptic cleft, diffuse into postsynaptic neuron (PSN) PSN depolarized locally by influx of Na+ PSN develops net positive charge compared to outside cell Depolarization is how impulse is carried Na+ continue to diffuse further depolarizing neuron from one area to the next (like a wave) Action potential formed as membrane depolarization is raised above threshold Impulse in being carried along nerve

6 Inhibitory Neurotransmission
Inhibits action potential Causes hyperpolarization of neuron  more difficult for generation of action potential Inside of neuron becomes more negative Example – GABA Causes K+ to move out of PSN Causes Cl- to move across postsynaptic membrane into cell

7 Neuron receiving end of excitatory and inhibitory stimuli
Neuron sums up signals If, sum is inhibitory  axon does not fire If, sum is excitatory  axon fires Summation of messages  way that decisions are made in CNS

8 Slow Neurotransmitters
Fast Neurotransmitters Hundreds of milliseconds up to a minute signal time with PSN 1 millisecond transmission time with PSN Slow-acting NTs act on second messenger molecule Second messenger is actual NT for PSN Examples: dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine

9 Slow-acting NTs (neuromodulators) modulate Fast-acting NTs
Released into cerebrospinal fluid Regulate efficiency of NT release from presynaptic neuron Regulate efficiency of PSN

10 Slow-acting NTs affect ability to learn
Tested on Aplysia (marine snail) Gill retraction (reflex) Siphon stimulated once, gill retracted Second slight stimulation, same strong response = learned response Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) – secondary messanger Protein Kinase (PKA) Short-term learning process

11 Slow-acting NTs affect ability to remember
Long term memory process requires synthesis of proteins Activation of genes in neuron nucleus Proteins change form/function of synapse = memory 1. 5 puffs of serotonin 5. Proteins travel and modify shape of synapse 2. Serotonin connects with receptor 4. Activated adenyl cyclase facilitates change of ATP into cAMP 5. cAMP activates PKA 3. G-protein activated, stimulates adenyl cyclase enzyme


13 Cholinergic Adrenergic Neurotransmitter Acetylcholine (Ach) Noradrenaline System Parasympathetic Sympathetic Effect on mood Calming Increased energy, alertness, euphoria Drug increase transmission at synapse Nicotine Cocaine and amphetamines Psychoactive Drugs Two types of synapses

14 Effects of Drugs on Brain
Alter mood or emotional state Excitatory drugs (nicotine, cocaine, amphetamines) – increase nerve transmission Inhibitory drugs (benzodiazepines, alcohol, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)) – decrease nerve transmission Use different mechanisms at synapses of brain Block receptor for neurotransmitter Block release of neurotransmitter for presynaptic membrane Enhance release of neurotransmitter Enhance neurotransmission by mimicking neurotransmitter Block removal of neurotransmitter from synapse, prolong effect of neurotransmitter

15 Nicotine Mimics acetylcholine (Ach) Acts on cholinergic synapses  cause calming effect Ach, once received, broken down by acetyl cholinesterase Enzyme cannot break down nicotine Excites the postsynaptic neuron  begins to fire  releasing dopamine Gives you feeling of pleasure  ‘reward pathway’ of brain

16 Cocaine Stimulates transmission at adrenergic synapses Causes euphoria, alertness Dopamine released blocks removal dopamine  build up Causes overstimulation  ‘reward pathway’  euphoria Feelings: Euphoria, talkativeness, increased mental awareness Temporary decrease in need for food or sleep Large quantities – erratic, violent behavior

17 Amphetamine Stimulates transmission at adrenergic synapses Increased energy, alertness Acts by passing directly into nerve cells (carry dopamine, noradrenaline) Moves directly into vesicles  released at synaptic cleft NT normally broken down by enzymes, amphetamines interfere Synapse  high concentrations dopamine (euphoria), noradrenaline (alertness)  high energy effect (amphetamines)

18 Benzodiazepine Reduces anxiety, used against epileptic seizures Modulate activity of GABA  main inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA binds to postsynaptic membrane  Cl- enter neuron Increases binding of GABA to receptor  postsynaptic neuron more hyperpolarized Cl- causes neuron to become hyperpolarized  resists firing

19 Alcohol Increases the binding of GABA  causes hyperpolarization Explains sedative effect of alcohol Decreases activity of glutamate (excitatory NT) Helps increase release of dopamine (process not well understood) Appears to stop enzyme break down of dopamine at synaptic cleft Dopamine works ‘reward pathway’

20 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Main psychoactive chemical in marijuana Mimics NT – anandamide Binds to same receptors Causes postsynaptic neuron to by hyperpolarized Role of anandamide not completely understood  may play role in memory functions May eliminate unneeded information from memory Marijuana disrupts short-term memory

21 THC Acts on cannabinoid receptors, affect: Feelings relaxed, mellow, panic, paranoia May dilate pupils causing color perception to be more intense Learning, coordination, problem solving, short-term memory Inhibits same neurons as anandamide  no enzyme to break down THC  synapse lasts longer High concentrations of cannabinoid found in: short-term memory controls coordination

22 Withdrawal symptoms opposite of euphoria
Addiction Alcohol, tobacco, psychoactive drugs, pharmaceuticals Reason for drugs: Alleviate symptoms to mental illness Pleasure Response: Body develops tolerance  need more and more for same result Addiction: chemical dependency on drugs Drugs ‘rewired’ brain  drug has become essential biochemical Withdrawal symptoms opposite of euphoria Anxiety, depression, cravings Alcohol – cause seizures, delirium tremens (severe shaking) Inhaled drugs  lung damage Needles  HIV, Hepatitis B/C, kidney disease

23 Genetically predisposition
Social Factors Genetic deficiency of dopamine receptors predisposes people to addiction Determine child’s vulnerability to substance abuse Family addiction, parenting skills, mental health problems Behavior Peer pressure very influential Culture Introducing drug into a society that wasn’t present  cause social problems and abuse

24 Dopamine Secretion Drug addiction – dopamine receptors constantly stimulated Overstimulation decreases number of receptors, remaining receptors less sensitive desensitization/tolerance Causes less response More and more drug is needed  neuroadaptive change Glutamate – may be more important than dopamine ‘oversee’ learning and memories which lead to cocaine-seeking

25 Anesthetics Lose consciousness – cannot perceive pain Affect whole body Pain signal not sent to CNS

26 Endorphins are CNS NT with pain-relieving properties
Released by pituitary gland during stress, injury, exercise Small peptides which bind to opiate receptors Block transmission of impulses at synapses Bind to receptors of neurons involved in pain perceptions, block release of NT Opiates, morphine, heroin bind to same receptors – mimic endorphins

27 MDMA (ecstasy) and Serotonin
MDMA structurally related to amphetamine that causes extra serotonin to be released Neuron 2 is activated by serotonin Axon 1 releases serotonin into synapse SERT vesicle on neuron 1 uptakes extra serotonin MDMA forces extra serotonin into axons to be released (YAY!!) SERT catches up (Depression!!)

28 MDMA (ecstasy) and Dopamine
Serotonin depletion – SERT receptors empty Dopamine enters SERT receptors Dopamine broken down, products toxic to serotonin producing neurons Neurotoxicity cause long-lasting damage to brain cells, killing them or impairing their function

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