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Submit Module 10 1. Objectives 2  In this module you will learn how to:  Assess readiness and determine who can submit proposals  Submit a proposal.

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Presentation on theme: "Submit Module 10 1. Objectives 2  In this module you will learn how to:  Assess readiness and determine who can submit proposals  Submit a proposal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Submit Module 10 1

2 Objectives 2  In this module you will learn how to:  Assess readiness and determine who can submit proposals  Submit a proposal to  Discern the proposal submission status  Review tracking information  View status of submitted proposal

3 Assessing Readiness to Submit 3  Your proposal is ready to be submitted when:  All required SF424 forms have been completed  The Research Plan has been attached  All other documents (e.g., budget justification, Biosketches, etc.) have been attached  All funding agency, funding opportunity, and Cayuse validations have been met  All review authorities (AOR) have approved the proposal

4 Determining Who Can Submit 4  The University of Idaho Office of Sponsored Programs will submit the proposal via Cayuse424 once it has been reviewed and approved by all applicable parties.

5 How OSP will submit the proposal 5 1.Click the Proposals tab 2.Locate the proposal on the list 3.Open the proposal

6 Submitting the Proposal 6 1.Once the proposal is open click the Submission icon [ ] located in the upper right hand or lower left hand corner (in the proposal navigation window) of the proposal 2.Click Validate Proposal: Cayuse424 will perform a final error check. If errors are found, they must be corrected before submitting, otherwise your proposal will be rejected once it is received by  The Validate Proposal function will automatically be run during the Submission process 3.Click Validate and Submit to ‘06 Server 4.After Submit Now? prompt click Submit

7 Submitting the Proposal 7

8 8  The submission status will be displayed 5.Click Close Window

9 Submission Status 9  Once the submission is complete a tracking number is displayed along with date, time and submitter  Your institution will receive a series of emails from and the federal funding agency indicating status  OSP will still forward these emails to the PI, Co-PI’s and DGA  Receipt does not mean acceptance. Be vigilant about reviewing status until you are sure it has been accepted by the agency

10 Submission Status 10

11 Reviewing Tracking Information 11  The Electronic Submission page contains:  Proposal Details  Proposal Submission History  Electronic Submission information  Once the proposal is open click the Submission icon [ ] located in the upper right hand or lower left hand corner (in the proposal navigation window) of the proposal  Click the small “plus sign” [+] next to Proposal Submission History for submission status  Click the # hyperlink to view current status of proposal

12 View Status of Submitted Proposal 12

13 Conclusion 13  In this module you have learned how to:  Assess readiness and determine who can submit proposals  Submit a proposal to  Discern the proposal submission status  Review tracking information  View status of submitted proposal

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