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N-RN.2 Division Properties of Exponents. Division Property of Exponents Quotient of Powers Property If the bases are the same, subtract the exponents.

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Presentation on theme: "N-RN.2 Division Properties of Exponents. Division Property of Exponents Quotient of Powers Property If the bases are the same, subtract the exponents."— Presentation transcript:

1 N-RN.2 Division Properties of Exponents

2 Division Property of Exponents Quotient of Powers Property If the bases are the same, subtract the exponents and keep the base * The base can NEVER be Zero!!!!

3 Division Properties of Exponents Power of Quotient Property Multiply the exponents only and keep the base * The base can NEVER be Zero!!!!

4 Review: Multiplication and Division Properties of Exponent Rules N-N.2 Quiz will have a multiplication and division rules mixed together. Go through the video and ask question in class before taking point quiz! a5eqtZlnIb-yGlRDZFw8M5V0jwB_bzpxo2Y37CW1q6VN8c-EVuO-m_Xd1- NkPZauawRecjhoVrWFe7yZeZ0A a5eqtZlnIb-yGlRDZFw8M5V0jwB_bzpxo2Y37CW1q6VN8c-EVuO-m_Xd1- NkPZauawRecjhoVrWFe7yZeZ0A

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