Tracker cooling status General status Production: Manifolds, Distribution lines Work at P5 Plan Conclusions 19/05/091E. Focardi.

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Presentation on theme: "Tracker cooling status General status Production: Manifolds, Distribution lines Work at P5 Plan Conclusions 19/05/091E. Focardi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tracker cooling status General status Production: Manifolds, Distribution lines Work at P5 Plan Conclusions 19/05/091E. Focardi

2 19/05/09E. Focardi General Status (SS1) Work started November ‘08. Last components (tanks) arrived at Cern by Easter. SS1 distribution lines cabinet (180 lines) moved to the pit before Easter. Connection of the Cu pipes completed at the end of April Completed (May 14 th ) the leak rate test under pressure. Some interventions done on on the purge collector and Heater flanges. Leak rate result ~0.5 mbar l/s  ~0.5 Kg/day of C6F14 In parallel, check on the controls done. Filling with C6F14 done Friday May 15 th Commissioning starting this week 2

3 General Status (SS2….) SS2 distribution lines cabinet moved to the pit on April 22 nd. Connection of the Cu pipes completed. Additional components, checked (for tightness) before assembly Leak test under pressure this week Commissioning starting next week. Cooling plants readiness review on May 20 th Cooling plants released to the Tracker SS1 end of May SS2 June 8th 19/05/09E. Focardi3

4 19/05/09E. Focardi Manifolds Production done by VCS (Italy). QA procedure used: bi-weekly visit in the Company by F. Raffaelli and M. Caccioppoli (Cern welder) Boroscope inspection and X-ray check on the weldings. High quality reached. Few % rejected. Production completed by the end of March (some delay due to QA process) The parts have been welded to their supporting structure by Cosmi. 4

5 19/05/09E. Focardi Final distribution lines The production was completed mid March. 230 Cu pipes, 230 supply lines and 230 return lines were produced. About 15% of spares and 18 given to Pixel. L. Demaria and M. Galanti were in charge of the QA. The quality overall is very good. 10% of the welded assemblies have been He tested successfully. In order to speed up the manifolds assembly, a preassembly of the lines was done (put together the different welded components, the shutoff valves and the pneumatic actuators). The job has been supervised by G. Dirkes at Bld. 187. Supply lines Return lines 5

6 19/05/09E. Focardi Manifolds assembly the manifolds were mounted on their support structure and the installation of the valve modules, the shutoff valves and the return lines connection pieces was done at P5 (on surface). Brand new shutoff valves were installed. Thanks to the experience of Giulio, Damiano, Mark, Gary, Filippo and Sergio (techs from INFN and Fermilab), a lot of little integration problems were solved. Norbert Frank (Cern) supervised the pressure and leak tests done after each manifold was assembled. The final pressure (15 bars for 1 hour) test has been successfully carried out. The leak rate test/manifold followed (5*10E-3 mbar l/sec reached) Cu pipes connection done on surface (Cosmi). VCR connection to the manifold 6 SS1 Cu pipes connection

7 19/05/09E. Focardi Piping layout on top Each pipe bundle carries pipes from several subdetectors. The connections on top are grouped by subdetector. Previous situation. 7 Current situation Easier pipe insulation after connection

8 19/05/09E. Focardi Air purge 8 Core plant Two tanks produced by IGT(Italy) arrived at Cern April 15 th. SS1 tank in position one floor up the distribution lines.

9 Work on the balconies 19/05/09E. Focardi9 SS2 SS1

10 19/05/09E. Focardi10 Brazed lines

11 19/05/09E. Focardi Additional Instrumentation I Motivation –Monitor the components of the cooling plants. –Low temperature operation –Measure the cooling system’s performance. New sensors for All plants –Temperature of pumps and motors –Pressure after pump –Temperature and humidity in the boxes New sensors for SS1 and SS2 –New tank level meters –Extended monitoring of heat exchangers ( A. Kaminskiy) 11 New PLC code was requested (EN/CV). This part is at checking level. Soon, starts SS1 commissioning

12 19/05/09E. Focardi Instrumentation: Level monitoring for SS1 and SS2 ( A. Kaminskiy) Ultrasonic level switches for SS1 and SS2 – Works OK with C 6 F 14 – Sensible to the magnetic filed at the level of >300Gauss – With specially designed shielding works up to 850Gauss Radar level meter – Electrical test is done – Test with C 6 F 14 and for compatibility with magnetic field done. 12

13 19/05/09E. Focardi13 SS1Tank Tank equipped with sensors and valves

14 19/05/09E. Focardi14 Cooling plant commissioning Established protocol, prepared by EN/CV/DC (EDMS 991669 is the Pixels plant version), including:EDMS 991669 -Electrical & functionality check of sensors (partially done for SS1) -Pneumatic check of valves -Functionality check of the plant in by-pass -Performance test of the plant in by-pass -Regulation and functionality check of the plant with loops open Operation ranges: minimum possible T (>0°C) and max load with cooling loops closed. All requirements in terms of performances/functionalities defined in agreement with CV/DC in a common document (EDMS 991171)EDMS 991171 Timing:~2 weeks for SS1, ~2 weeks for SS2: work can proceed in parallel on the two plants. DCS interface testing: check all functions are implemented and working, check different access levels (~3 days) Balancing: 2 days x plant, without detector After these steps: cooling plant available for run with the detector at T>0°C.

15 19/05/09E. Focardi Leak search All the cooling lines tested for Ar leaks. Few lines needed some attention. A check was done pressurizing these lines with C3F8 and CO2. In two cases some of these gases were found in the TK volume These measurements are suffering from the presence of some liquid inside the pipes. 15

16 Broad brash plan 19/05/09E. Focardi 16 Tracker Plan Cooling plant commissioning Tracker commissioning

17 Tracker Readiness Reviews 19/05/09E. Focardi 17 Initiated the process to Review critical areas before resuming Operations: TCO Reviews: Ettore, Karl, Gino, Frank, Slavek to plan and organize. Readiness and Signoff of TSS and Action Matrix. Apr. 28 th - Karl/Ettore/Slavek done Readiness and Signoff of TCS. May 7 th Karl/Ettore/Slavek done Readiness of Cooling System next Wed. May 20 th Ettore/Karl/Frank Readiness of Thermal Screen and Environmental Monitoring System date t.b.d. Completion of Tracker activities in YBO Week 21 Readiness of Organization and Operational Procedures Week 24 Readiness of Tracker procedures and Beam Controls for operation with LHC beams date t.b.d.

18 Conclusions I remind you the goals of this effort as presented in November ’08 –Quality improvement on the fabrication of the distribution lines –better leak tightness –new tanks and operation monitoring improvement. This was a great effort of about 30 people since then. The results we have now with SS1 make us confident of the good improvement in the quality of the Tracker cooling plant. First step under completion successfully Thanks to the help received by INFN. Next step will be the improvement on the performances of the plant at low temperatures (HEX replacement, remote filling/draining). 19/05/09E. Focardi18

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