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NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS Legnaro National Laboratories Numerical simulation strategy for the SPES FEBIAD ion source INFN – CISAS collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS Legnaro National Laboratories Numerical simulation strategy for the SPES FEBIAD ion source INFN – CISAS collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS Legnaro National Laboratories Numerical simulation strategy for the SPES FEBIAD ion source INFN – CISAS collaboration Mattia Manzolaro & the SPES target group 26/05/2011

2 OVERVIEW 1. The SPES FEBIAD ion source 2. Numerical simulation strategy 3. Experimental tests at LNL 4. Validation of numerical models Mattia Manzolaro & the SPES target group 26/05/2011

3 1. The SPES FEBIAD ion source Mattia Manzolaro & the SPES target group 26/05/2011 production target transfer line vacuum chamber extraction electrode MK5 ion source Al ribbon (magnet)

4 1. The SPES FEBIAD ion source Mattia Manzolaro & the SPES target group 26/05/2011 cathode (Ta) external thermal screens (Mo) end flange (Mo) retainer nut (Mo) Anodezone support housing flange (graphite) transfer line (Ta) support housing (graphite)

5 1. The SPES FEBIAD ion source Mattia Manzolaro & the SPES target group 26/05/2011

6 1. The SPES FEBIAD ion source Mattia Manzolaro & the SPES target group 26/05/2011 -BUFFER GAS -RAD. PRODUCTS -IMPURITIES PLASMA

7 2. Numerical simulation strategy Mattia Manzolaro & the SPES target group 26/05/2011 thermal-electric analysis beam extraction analysis plasma analysis

8 2. Numerical simulation strategy Mattia Manzolaro & the SPES target group 26/05/2011 thermal-electric analysis (ANSYS) I C =300A OUTPUT 1- detailed temperature field (current load definition, material selection, electron emission from the cathode) 2- detailed voltage field (detailed boundary conditions for electrostatic analyses, power supply selection for the cathode current)

9 beam extraction analysis (Kobra3) 2. Numerical simulation strategy Mattia Manzolaro & the SPES target group 26/05/2011 OUTPUT 1- voltage distribution (geometrical optimization) 2- electrical field distribution 3- emittance estimation 4- beam transport SURFACE ION SOURCE

10 2. Numerical simulation strategy Mattia Manzolaro & the SPES target group 26/05/2011 plasma analysis (CISAS code) OUTPUT 1- ion beam current extracted 2- plasma potential 3- electron temperature 4- ion temperature ……

11 3. Experimental tests at LNL Mattia Manzolaro & the SPES target group 26/05/2011

12 3. Experimental tests at LNL Mattia Manzolaro & the SPES target group 26/05/2011 Ar ionization test Preparation of the vacuum chamber with the anode electrical feedthrough and the gas feedthrough containing the leak (2·10 -6 mbar l/s) Positioning of the FEBIAD ion source inside the vacuum chamber and electrical connection of the anode Installation of the transfer lineInstallation of the gas Ta tube

13 3. Experimental tests at LNL Mattia Manzolaro & the SPES target group 26/05/2011

14 3. Experimental tests at LNL Mattia Manzolaro & the SPES target group 26/05/2011

15 3. Experimental tests at LNL Mattia Manzolaro & the SPES target group 26/05/2011

16 3. Experimental tests at LNL Mattia Manzolaro & the SPES target group 26/05/2011

17 3. Experimental tests at LNL Mattia Manzolaro & the SPES target group 26/05/2011 The schedule for the next measurements (June/July): 1- Effect of V_anode on the beam current value keeping constant the cathode current at 330A and at 350A (Ar beam). 2- Effect of the cathode current on the beam current value keeping constant V_anode at different values (Ar beam). 3- Ar ionization efficiency measurements. 4- Tests 1, 2 and 3 to repeat using Xe instead of Ar. 5- Emittance measurements. 6- Stability tests (10 hours of stable functioning or more). 7- Sn ionization efficiency measurements.

18 4. Validation of numerical models Mattia Manzolaro & the SPES target group 26/05/2011 thermal-electric analysis: - transfer line temperature (temperature measurements with infrared pyrometer) - cathode temperature and thermionic electron current density (anode current) plasma analysis: - ion beam current (Ar and Xe) (Faraday cup current) - emittance estimation (Ar and Xe) (Emittance meter) - plasma potential (Langmuir probe) beam properties: - beam shape (beam profile monitoring) - beam emittance (emittance meter)

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