#GPUGsummit NTG02: 50 Resources in 50 Minutes. #GPUGsummit Béat Bucher, Business Analyst Forensic Technology, Montreal, Quebec Experience - Over 10 years.

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Presentation on theme: "#GPUGsummit NTG02: 50 Resources in 50 Minutes. #GPUGsummit Béat Bucher, Business Analyst Forensic Technology, Montreal, Quebec Experience - Over 10 years."— Presentation transcript:

1 #GPUGsummit NTG02: 50 Resources in 50 Minutes

2 #GPUGsummit Béat Bucher, Business Analyst Forensic Technology, Montreal, Quebec Experience - Over 10 years of GP experience - GP System Administrator, newly converted IT-Guy to Finance BI-Geek - Modules: Project Accounting, Canadian Payroll, Inventory, POP, Management Reporter, Manufacturing Fun Facts - Website/Blog: http://dyngpbeat.wordpress.com/ http://dyngpbeat.wordpress.com/ - Remember that the past does not equal the future… always look ahead. Think out of the box and remember there is always another way of doing things. GPUG All Star – Béat Bucher

3 #GPUGsummit IT Manager, Pittsburgh PA Experience - Degree in classical and near eastern Archaeology - Low voltage systems Construction Project Manager - Accounting Manager and Microsoft Dynamics System Administrator Products Microsoft Dynamics, Wennsoft Jobcost and Service Binary Stream Multi-Entity Management, SharePoint Palma Hirschfelder Wurzel

4 #GPUGsummit Palmas’s Finance Background Cost accountant and analyst GP installation / implementation / data transfer / security Chart of accounts and company configuration Day to day management and transaction support for staff Process and procedures for accounting, supply management, operations Acquisitions 4

5 #GPUGsummit Problem Solver 5

6 #GPUGsummit Resource Types Educational (Hey boss, please pay for this class!) On the go (Solve it now!) Read and relax (Watch the Oakland Raiders lose, or relax and read a SQL blog?) 6

7 #GPUGsummit CustomerSource eLearning http://dynamics.microsoftelearning.com/catalog/default.aspx https://mbs.microsoft.com/customersource/northamerica/gp/lea rning/documentation/ Get a CustomerSource login from your GP Administrator. Step by step transactions for every module. 7 1.Go to CustomerSource.CustomerSource. 2.On the top navigation, choose your Microsoft Dynamics product. 3.On the top navigation, hover over Learning. 4.Click E-Learning.

8 #GPUGsummit Manuals located in your install folders Have your GP Administrator copy them to an accessible location. 8 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\GP2010\Documentation Every module!

9 #GPUGsummit More Reading Materials Accolade Books http://www.accoladepublications.com PACKT Books https://www.packtpub.com 9

10 #GPUGsummit Forums GPUG Collaborate http://www.gpug.com/home Microsoft Dynamics Forum https://community.dynamics.com/gp/default.aspx 10

11 #GPUGsummit Microsoft Dynamics Resource Library https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics/resource-library.aspx 11 Learn about available products.

12 #GPUGsummit GPUG Academy classes and webinar series http://www.gpug.com/academy 12

13 #GPUGsummit Dynamics University http://dynamicsuniversity.com 13

14 #GPUGsummit Official Microsoft classes with your GP partner Talk with your partner. If you’re hiring a power user or staff accountant who doesn’t have specific GP experience, these classes can be valuable. 14 You get the training books!

15 #GPUGsummit GP Window http://www.gpwindow.com/index.php 15 More than 50 resources… thousands of resources…

16 #GPUGsummit GP Help – About this window Bottom corner of every window: Search by topic! 16

17 #GPUGsummit Security Roles List of security roles (Jivtesh Singh) http://www.jivtesh.com/2007/11/gp-10-security-excel-sheet-which-has.html GP10 security principles still apply in later versions! 17

18 #GPUGsummit Planning for Security (IT) Planning for security whitepaper http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=3537 http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=21753 http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=34666 GP10, GP2010, GP2013 18

19 #GPUGsummit Support Debugging Tool http://blogs.msdn.com/b/developingfordynamicsgp/archive/200 9/08/07/support-debugging-tool.aspx David Musgrave, Mariano Gomez Really great tool for examining security & permissions! 19

20 #GPUGsummit Troubleshooting GP Knowledgebase https://mbs.microsoft.com/customersource/northamerica Get a CustomerSource login from your GP Administrator. 20

21 #GPUGsummit Macros in GP http://blogs.msdn.com/b/developingfordynamicsgp/archive/2008/10/ 30/how-to-use-word-mail-merge-and-macros-to-import-data.aspx Using Word and macros to import data to GP. https://app.box.com/shared/nbdzqzkt29 List of macro commands for GP by Kevin Gross, link kindly provided by Mark Polino. 21

22 #GPUGsummit Resource Descriptions in GP Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Resource Descriptions 22

23 #GPUGsummit 23

24 #GPUGsummit Dexterity Manual – for Smartlist Tables Want to know what tables are used in your out-of-the-box Smartlists? Go to part 7, begin on page 328 of chapter 32. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=10739 Tip : Install the GP SDK manuals that are part of the DVD 24

25 #GPUGsummit Smartlists Templates Can be imported and modified with Smartlist Builder http://dynamicsuser.net/blogs/developinggp/archive/2012/04/18/editing- standard-smartlists-with-smartlist-builder.aspx 25

26 #GPUGsummit Table References, http://victoriayudin.com/gp-tables/ 26

27 #GPUGsummit Table References, http://dyndeveloper.com/DynModule.aspx 27

28 #GPUGsummit and more Table References… Mark Polino https://onedrive.live.com/edit.aspx?cid=BC679914609AA946 &resid=BC679914609AA946%2160991&app=Excel GP Table Reference https://www.gptablereference.com/ 28

29 #GPUGsummit …including third party Table References. Wennsoft Table Reference (Zubin Gidwani) https://app.box.com/shared/tv67o0iilf Ask your vendor – don’t be shy! 29

30 #GPUGsummit GPUG Share My Code http://community.gpug.com/Communities/ViewCommunities/Gr oupDetails/?communitykey=75691c5f-3e7d-4373-9b92- dbb8973fd972&tab=GroupDetails 30 Use the folder view to get the entire list!

31 #GPUGsummit Learning SQL? Look for local classes (Places like New Horizons, or your local tech training school) Look for online classes (Sites like Pluralsight and others) 31

32 #GPUGsummit W3 Schools Online Tutorials http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp 32

33 #GPUGsummit SQL PASS Professional Association for SQL Server http://www.sqlpass.org because user groups are AWESOME! they have local chapters too! 33

34 #GPUGsummit SQL Saturday https://www.sqlsaturday.com because you can’t beat free training by expert users! 34

35 #GPUGsummit Microsoft Training Courses and Certifications http://www.microsoft.com/learning/en-us/sql-training.aspx 35 MTA, MCSA, MCSE

36 #GPUGsummit Microsoft Technet http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj673201(v=gp.30).aspx Amazing online library! All Microsoft products! But wait, there’s more… 36

37 #GPUGsummit A crazy number of SQL blogs… Dave Pinal (SQL in Sixty Seconds) http://blog.sqlauthority.com Jeff Smith http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/jeffs/default.aspx 37

38 #GPUGsummit Stack Exchange http://stackoverflow.com Crazy big encyclopedia with years’ worth of people’s “help me code this” questions and answers. Use “SQL Server” as your search term. 38

39 #GPUGsummit SQL Server Central www.SQLServerCentral.com Another forum and crazy big online encyclopedia of SQL stuff. Browse away! 39

40 #GPUGsummit Microsoft Virtual Academy http://www.microsoftvirtualacademy.com/ 40 Can’t beat free training!

41 #GPUGsummit Microsoft Office Online Training http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/training/ 41

42 #GPUGsummit Microsoft Dynamics Developer Center http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics/aa937751.aspx 42

43 #GPUGsummit MS Development Documentation http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics/gp/bb687714.aspx 43

44 #GPUGsummit Developing for Dynamics GP http://blogs.msdn.com/b/developingfordynamicsgp/ David Musgrave (the Support Debugging Tool dude) Find a comfortable seat, read for a while… 44

45 #GPUGsummit Microsoft Blogs http://community.dynamics.com/gp/b Lots of GP people writing about lots of GP stuff 45

46 #GPUGsummit GPUG Collaborate Blogs http://www.gpug.com/resources/blog Lots of GPUG people writing about lots of GP stuff 46

47 #GPUGsummit Your GP MVP blogs Victoria Yudin http://victoriayudin.com/ Jivtesh Singh http://www.jivtesh.com/ Mark Polino http://mpolino.com/gp/ 47 … and other awesome folks I forgot about on the day I was creating this slide… Mariano Gomez http://dynamicsgpblogster.blogspot.com/ Leslie Vail ttp://dynamicsconfessions.blogspot.com/ Belinda Allen http://saci.com/blogs/belinda-the-gp-csi/ Beat Bucher http://dyngpbeat.wordpress.com

48 #GPUGsummit Twitter #gpug #msdyngp #sqlserver #sqlhelp #gpugsummit Make a list, use a dashboard… 48 Which list is more fun? GPUG or Pittsburgh?

49 #GPUGsummit LinkedIn Search for Microsoft Dynamics and other groups Follow users like Microsoft Dynamics, your ISV or VAR 49

50 #GPUGsummit YouTube http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEF2F87F176AB5BFA 50 There’s a Dynamics channel!

51 #GPUGsummit Microsoft Case Studies http://www.microsoft.com/casestudies/ Find out what other companies are doing. 51

52 #GPUGsummit Zines! When you’re done reading your excellent GPUG magazine, other online publications are also available: http://msdynamicsworld.com 52

53 #GPUGsummit Convergence http://www.microsoft.com/dynamics/convergence/atlanta15/ 53

54 #GPUGsummit SQL PASS Summit http://www.sqlpass.org/summit/2016/welcome.aspx And Online 24h : http://www.sqlpass.org/Events/24HoursofPASS.aspx http://www.sqlpass.org/Events/24HoursofPASS.aspx 54

55 #GPUGsummit SharePoint Conference (or what once was…) http://blog.fpweb.net/planning-for-the-microsoft-sharepoint- conference-2015 55 “One Microsoft conference to rule them all”

56 #GPUGsummit Microsoft Ignite 2016 The replacement for Convergence.. Maybe. https://ignite.microsoft.com/#fbid=hIG1H1YmBS4 September 26–30, 2016, Atlanta, GA 700+ sessions Deep dives and demos 100+ vendors at the expo Not much Dynamics GP content. 56

57 #GPUGsummit GPUG Summit! You’re here at Summit! What do you get? Your local user group Your classes and forums The shared knowledge of your peers 57 This clip art is called “Business people jumping for joy”

58 #GPUGsummit You can be your own best resource Keep a OneNote notebook of all your problems and solutions 58

59 #GPUGsummit Summary List Classes Books, manuals Blogs User groups Industry associations Microsoft resources Forums People 59

60 #GPUGsummit Thank You For Attending! 60 Still have questions ? Send me your questions by e-mail or follow me on the GPUG Collaborate site and Twitter E-mailbeat.bucher@ultra-ft.combeat.bucher@ultra-ft.com Twitter@GP_Beat Bloghttp://dyngpbeat.wordpress.com/ E-mailbeat.bucher@ultra-ft.combeat.bucher@ultra-ft.com Twitter@GP_Beat Bloghttp://dyngpbeat.wordpress.com/

61 #GPUGsummit Thank You For Attending! 61 Still have questions ? Send your questions by e-mail or use the GPUG Collaborate site! Palma Wurzel pwurzel@intertechsecurity.compwurzel@intertechsecurity.com Palma Wurzel pwurzel@intertechsecurity.compwurzel@intertechsecurity.com

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