In the Spirit of Service Not Self for Veterans, God and Country 1 Veterans Support and Military Advocacy POD.

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Presentation on theme: "In the Spirit of Service Not Self for Veterans, God and Country 1 Veterans Support and Military Advocacy POD."— Presentation transcript:

1 In the Spirit of Service Not Self for Veterans, God and Country 1 Veterans Support and Military Advocacy POD

2 In the Spirit of Service Not Self for Veterans, God and Country 2 AUXILIARY ADVENTURES WITH SUZI VOLUNTEER An escapade created by the Veteran Support and Military Advocacy POD 2012

3 In the Spirit of Service Not Self for Veterans, God and Country 3 Unit 1 Meeting I’m not sure I know enough Oh Suzi, its sooooooo easy

4 In the Spirit of Service Not Self for Veterans, God and Country 4 VA&R POA (WHAT!!!!) Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Program Plan of Action Purpose: To initiate, sponsor and participate in programs and services that assist and enhance the lives of veterans and their families; ensuring their transition and/or restoration to normally functioning lives, including physical, mental, social and vocational needs. Objectives Increase Volunteers Raise Homeless Veteran Awareness Support Veteran Rehabilitation programs

5 In the Spirit of Service Not Self for Veterans, God and Country 5 OBJECTIVE 1 To increase the number of Auxiliary members and community members who provide regular volunteer service to veterans and their families at VA Medical Centers (VA Volunteer Service = VAVS), at Veterans State Homes and Hospitals, in community settings (Field Service), and from their homes (Home Service). How would you advise Suzi?

6 In the Spirit of Service Not Self for Veterans, God and Country 6 OBJECTIVE 2 To raise awareness in your communities about the ever increasing numbers of homeless veterans, especially women veterans and those with children. Units and members should work with other community partners to address this issue in their communities.

7 In the Spirit of Service Not Self for Veterans, God and Country 7 OBJECTIVE 3 Support rehabilitation of veterans through art therapy by fulfilling the Auxiliary’s annual financial obligation as a presenting co-sponsor of the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival

8 In the Spirit of Service Not Self for Veterans, God and Country 8 PROPOSE IDEA  Invite members ideas  Solicit help

9 In the Spirit of Service Not Self for Veterans, God and Country 9 PLANNING THE PROGRAM I think we should help homeless women! Please, let us help

10 In the Spirit of Service Not Self for Veterans, God and Country 10 LEGISLATIVE POA Objective 1 Assist Auxiliary members in advocating at the local levels for The American Legion's legislative priorities. Objective 2 Organize Auxiliary members to take action on legislative priorities of The American Legion.

11 In the Spirit of Service Not Self for Veterans, God and Country 11 DISCUSSION VA&R Objectives Legislative Objectives  Objective 2 To raise awareness in your communities about the ever increasing numbers of homeless veterans, especially women veterans and those with children. Units and members should work with other community partners to address this issue in their communities.  Objective 3 Support rehabilitation of veterans through art therapy by fulfilling the Auxiliary’s annual financial obligation as a presenting co-sponsor of the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival  Objective 1 Assist Auxiliary members in advocating at the local, state and national levels for The American Legion’s legislative priorities.  Objective 2 Organize Auxiliary members to take action on legislative priorities of The American Legion

12 In the Spirit of Service Not Self for Veterans, God and Country 12 WAYS VA&R AND LEGISLATIVE CAN WORK TOGETHER Attend city council meetings Interview the homeless women then introduce them to your members Adopt the shelter when it is built Link up the women and the VA homeless women coordinator for support

13 In the Spirit of Service Not Self for Veterans, God and Country 13 POPPY POA  Objective 1 Promote/circulate the history of the poppy and it's distribution.  Objective 2 Increase Unit Poppy revenues.  Objective 3 Increase the number of Poppy makers in each Department.

14 In the Spirit of Service Not Self for Veterans, God and Country 14 DISCUSSION VA&R Objectives Poppy Objectives  Objective 2 To raise awareness in your communities about the ever increasing numbers of homeless veterans, especially women veterans and those with children. Units and members should work with other community partners to address this issue in their communities.  Objective 3 Support rehabilitation of veterans through art therapy by fulfilling the Auxiliary’s annual financial obligation as a presenting co-sponsor of the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival  Objective 1: Promote/circulate the history of the Poppy and the significance of its distribution.  Objective 2: Increase Unit poppy revenues.  Objective 3: Increase number of poppy makers in each department

15 In the Spirit of Service Not Self for Veterans, God and Country 15 NATIONAL SECURITY POA Objective 1 Develop, implement and monitor programs and activities that contribute to the practical, emotional and social well being of military servicemembers and their families.

16 In the Spirit of Service Not Self for Veterans, God and Country 16 DISCUSSION National Security Objective VA&R Objectives  Objective 2 To raise awareness in your communities about the ever increasing numbers of homeless veterans, especially women veterans and those with children. Units and members should work with other community partners to address this issue in their communities.  Objective 3 Support rehabilitation of veterans through art therapy by fulfilling the Auxiliary’s annual financial obligation as a presenting co-sponsor of the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival  Objective: Develop, implement and monitor programs and activities that contribute to the practical, emotional and social well being of military servicemembers and their families. National Security Action Steps  Action step 2: Citizen Corps, Gold Star/Blue Star Banner program, POW/MIA, Family Support, ROTC/JROTC.  Action step 3: Participating in DOD in support of military families during deployment; Yellow Ribbon Reintegration program, Family Readiness group, Welcome Home celebration, Operation Homefront, Tragedy Assistance programs for Survivors, American Red Cross, and USO

17 In the Spirit of Service Not Self for Veterans, God and Country 17 UNIT 1 ANYWHERE USA A SUCCESS STORY

18 In the Spirit of Service Not Self for Veterans, God and Country 18 END OF YEAR REPORTING

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