Are You Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit? Romans 7:21-8:4.

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Presentation on theme: "Are You Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit? Romans 7:21-8:4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Are You Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit? Romans 7:21-8:4


3 Martin Luther

4 Luther pushed his body to health-cracking rigors of austerity. He sometimes fasted for three days and slept without a blanket in freezing winter. He was driven by a profound sense of his own sinfulness and of God’s unutterable majesty. Bruce Shelley


6 Jamie Dawn Leonard

7 1.The Law of Moses (7:23) 2.The Law of Sin in the Members (7:21, 23, 25) 3.The Law of the Mind (7:23) 4.The Law of the Spirit (8:2, 4)

8 DISCUSSION GUIDE 1.How does Paul describe his struggle to do what is right? (Romans 7:21) Paul says that when he wants to do what is good evil is right there, too.

9 DISCUSSION GUIDE 2.Can you think of a time when you were trying to do what was right but Satan was tempting you to do otherwise?

10 DISCUSSION GUIDE 3.Do you know of a believer that carries a burden of guilt today for a sin that he/she committed many years ago?

11 DISCUSSION GUIDE 4.What two laws does Paul say are at work within him? (Romans 7:22-23) Paul says that he delights in God’s law but the law of sin is also at work within his heart.

12 DISCUSSION GUIDE 5.What do you think that Paul meant by “God’s law?” By “the law of my mind?” By “the law of sin?”

13 DISCUSSION GUIDE 6.How did Paul describe himself? What question does he ask? (Romans 7:24) Paul describes himself as “a wretched man.” He asks, “Since I am so bad, how can I be delivered?”

14 DISCUSSION GUIDE 7.Do you ever experience these same feelings?

15 DISCUSSION GUIDE 8.To whom can Paul turn in this terrible situation? (Romans 7:25) Paul says that we can turn to Jesus in this kind of situation.

16 DISCUSSION GUIDE 9.Paul says that within him there are two natures. Each nature has a different master. What are the two natures and what masters do they serve? (Romans 7:25) Paul says that in his mind he is a slave to God’s law, but his sinful nature is a slave to the law of sin.

17 DISCUSSION GUIDE 10.What has been removed from the life of a person who is in Christ Jesus? (Romans 8:1) Paul says there is no condemnation for believers.

18 DISCUSSION GUIDE 11.What does it mean to be “in Christ Jesus?” How are those who are in Christ Jesus different from those who are not? Do you ever feel condemnation and rejection?

19 DISCUSSION GUIDE 12.What two laws does Paul talk about? How do these two laws relate to one another? (Romans 8:2) Paul talks about the law of the Spirit and the law of sin and death. He says that the law of the Spirit has set him free from the law of sin and death.

20 DISCUSSION GUIDE 13.What did God accomplish that the law could not do? What caused the law to lose its power? (Romans 8:3) The law was weakened by the sinful nature of man but God accomplished his purpose by sending Jesus to be a sin offering.

21 DISCUSSION GUIDE 14.How has Jesus’ sacrifice changed believers? (Romans 8:4) Because of Jesus’ sacrifice we do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit.

22 DISCUSSION GUIDE 15.What does it mean to live “according to the Spirit?”

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