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April 17, 2016 Welcome to Assembly!. Jeremiah 51:15-19 Jeremiah’s God.

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1 April 17, 2016 Welcome to Assembly!

2 Jeremiah 51:15-19 Jeremiah’s God





7 Examine: The book is named after the prophet whose ministry it records. Jeremiah prophesied in Judah during the reign of Josiah and succeeding kings up to the Babylonian exile. It was a period of storm and stress, when the doom of entire nations-including Judah itself-was being sealed. After Josiah’s reign, Jeremiah was often in danger from political and religious leaders who were angry because of his messages. Through all this, God protected Jeremiah so he could continue to warn the wicked and comfort those who trusted in God.

8 Explain: The book preserves an account of the prophetic ministry of Jeremiah, whose personal life and struggles are known to us in greater depth and detail than those of any other Old Testament prophet. His prophetic ministry began in 626 B.C. and ended sometime after 586. Experience: Jeremiah was always conscious of his call from the Lord to be a prophet, as such he proclaimed words that were spoken first by God Himself and were therefore certain of fulfillment. Judgment is one of the pervasive themes in his writing, though he was careful to point out that repentance, if sincere, would postpone the inevitable.

9 Major lesson for us today: For Jeremiah, God was ultimate. His theology conceived of the Lord as the Creator of all that exist, as all powerful and as everywhere present. (51:15) At the same time God is very much concerned about individual people and their accountability to Him. In the Text of Jeremiah 51:17-18, the prophet writes thru inspiration the real issue of the nations and Judah. In this text in talking about mankind and his worship of idols he is contrasting for them the true God who is much more. We need also to question what we worship! Paul in Colossians 3:5-6, encourages Christian to escape the wrath of God. By not worshipping (participating) in immorality, impurity, evil desires, greed which amounts to idolatry, and not becoming idolaters.

10 * But what Jeremiah believes about God is this: Seven things 1) God the Father is self-existent/The Father has life in Himself. 2) God the Father is all-powerful/His greatness is unsearchable 3) God the Father is amazing in the way He uses His power/ He uses His infinite power for the benefit of His chosen ones. 4) God the Father is Wise/God is vastly intelligent. 5) God the Father is an artist/Planets, stars, sunsets, colors etc. 6) God the Father is morally perfect/He is great in righteousness. 7) God the Father is grace and mercy offering/Grace-does good; Mercy-does not punish when deserving.

11 There is a quote by a fellow named A. W. Tozer: “The most important thing about any human being is what he, deep, in his heart, thinks about God”-not his money, talents, education, accomplishments, or even his family. Why? Because God is the Supreme Being. He is our Creator, Redeemer and Provider. If we are to be reconciled to the One who is the Source of Life, it’s essential for us to know God as He really is-not as we assume He is. It’s crucial for us to get right with God, become loyal to Him, get close to Him, stay close to Him so we can live forever with Him and not make the mistakes of past nations, or past chosen people of His. (Facebook) Reaping what you sow is Karma. No! It’s bible and God said so! Galatians 6:7





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