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Workforce Reform Implementation Group (WRIG) 5 Dec 2012 Priority 5 Maximising opportunities provided by the NHS Reforms Louisa Balderson Senior Public.

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Presentation on theme: "Workforce Reform Implementation Group (WRIG) 5 Dec 2012 Priority 5 Maximising opportunities provided by the NHS Reforms Louisa Balderson Senior Public."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workforce Reform Implementation Group (WRIG) 5 Dec 2012 Priority 5 Maximising opportunities provided by the NHS Reforms Louisa Balderson Senior Public Health Improvement Specialist NHS North Lancashire

2 Maximising opportunities provided by the NHS Reforms The Healthy Child Programme 0-19 years (HCP)

3 A preventative public health programme that protects, promotes and supports the health of children, young people and families Originally the overarching programme which set out standards for the children’s primary healthcare workforce: paediatricians, GPs, health visiting, school nursing Brought into the formal structure of the Lancashire Children & Young People’s Trust in October 2011 through the Children and Young People’s Joint Commissioning Group Maximising opportunities provided by the NHS Reforms The Healthy Child Programme 0-19 years (HCP) Background

4 The purpose: To improve outcomes through action which enable and promote prevention and early support interventions that embed the recommendations of the HCP Develop integrated commissioning of the HCP Enable multi agency shared delivery of the HCP Improve outcomes across all multi-agency teams making a contribution to the Children & Young People’s Trust Priority Groups Health and Wellbeing CAMHS Risk Taking Behaviour Oral Health Healthy Weight Infant Mortality Maximising opportunities provided by the NHS Reforms The Healthy Child Programme (HCP)

5 Sectors of the workforce 1.Voluntary sector 2.Education 3.Health 4.Social, family and community support 5.*Sports and culture 6.*Youth 7.Justice and crime prevention 8.Managers & leaders of children’s and wider public services 9. Early years Maximising opportunities provided by the NHS Reforms

6 1.Immunisation – The safest way to protect individuals and communities from infectious diseases… 2.Breastfeeding – Breastfeeding should always be promoted as the first choice for feeding an infant… 3.Sensible drinking and harm reduction form substance misuse – Be aware of and familiar with the harm reduction strategies aimed at reducing risks… 4. Positive sexual health – Supporting children and young people… 5. Healthy weight – Working together to send a unified message… Lancashire’s 10 key health messages Protect, Promote and Support

7 Lancashire’s 10 key health messages 6. Good oral health – Encourage healthy eating and drinking… 7. Positive emotional health – Working together to send a unified message… 8. Others to manage long term conditions – Work together to help or delay… 9. Being smoke free – Reduce the risk of developing illness, disability or death… 10. Thriving relationships in families and friendships – Develop collaborative ways of working which are ambitious and inclusive… Protect, Promote and Support

8 A communication strategy Training DVD CYP workforce training programme Written monthly staff briefing CYP Trust Bulletin Credit card sized key message prompt cards for all members of the CYP workforce Children’s Trust website Lancashire’s 10 key health messages Protect, Promote and Support

9 Maximising opportunities provided by the NHS Reforms Recommendations 1.Make a personal commitment to the five ways to wellbeing 2.Make every contact count to achieve the priorities of the Children and Young People's Plan 3. Contribute to the Healthy Child Programme 4. Protect, promote and support our Lancashire key health messages

10 Maximising opportunities provided by the NHS Reforms Next Steps? How will you as representatives of your workforce disseminate the key message prompt cards?

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