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One Vision, One Identity, One Community ASEAN COOPERATION on TADs (2008-2009) ASEAN Secretariat 3 rd Regional Steering Committee Meeting on GF-TADs for.

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Presentation on theme: "One Vision, One Identity, One Community ASEAN COOPERATION on TADs (2008-2009) ASEAN Secretariat 3 rd Regional Steering Committee Meeting on GF-TADs for."— Presentation transcript:

1 One Vision, One Identity, One Community ASEAN COOPERATION on TADs (2008-2009) ASEAN Secretariat 3 rd Regional Steering Committee Meeting on GF-TADs for Asia and the Pacific 23-24 July 2009, Tokyo, Japan

2 ASEAN Cooperation on TADs - Overview  Regional responsible body – ASEAN Sectoral Working Group on Livestock (ASWGL)  Priority TADs  Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)  Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)  Classical Swine Fever (CSF)  ASEAN Animal Health Trust Fund (AAHTF)  Animal Health Information System  Animal Health and Production Information System for ASEAN (AHPISA)  ASEAN Regional Animal Health Information System (ARAHIS) One Vision, One Identity, One Community

3 ASEAN Cooperation on TADs - Overview  Animal-Human health collaboration  Pandemic Preparedness and Response  Upcoming collaborative initiatives  EC Regional Cooperation Programme on Highly Pathogenic and Emerging Diseases (HPED) in Asia  Strengthening ASEAN regional coordination on animal health and zoonosis One Vision, One Identity, One Community

4 HPAI  ASEAN HPAI Taskforce (led by Malaysia)  Regional Framework for the Control and Eradication of HPAI in ASEAN (2006-2008)  Endorsed by 27 th AMAF, 29 September 2005, Manila  Regional Strategy for the Progressive Control and Eradication of HPAI (2008-2010)  Endorsed by 29 th AMAF, 1 November 2007, Bangkok  Recognised the need for a well-coordinated multi-agency and multi-sectoral approach to prevent, control, and eradicate HPAI in the ASEAN region One Vision, One Identity, One Community

5 HPAI - Collaborative Initiatives  ADB-ASEAN Sub-project on Strengthening the ASEAN Secretariat’s Capacity for Regional Coordination in the Control and Eradication of HPAI in ASEAN  Strengthen the capacity of the ASEAN Secretariat to facilitate and monitor the implementation of the ASEAN’s Regional Framework for HPAI  Promote collaborative arrangements among various initiatives in the region and beyond to enhance understanding and sharing of experiences in the control of HPAI.  Second Phase (2009-2010) are on the process. One Vision, One Identity, One Community

6 FMD  OIE SEAFMD Campaign (funded by AusAID with Thailand as lead country)  AusAID to fund the programme until June 2011  Roadmap for Foot and Mouth Disease Freedom with Vaccination by 2020 in Southeast Asia  Endorsed by 27 th AMAF, 29 September 2005, Manila  SEAFMD Regional Coordination Unit, Bangkok One Vision, One Identity, One Community

7 FMD – Collaborative Initiatives  Communication - SEAFMD Website, Newsletter and E- news  Surveillance, Diagnosis & Control i.e.  Regular Monthly Reporting, on-line reporting through ARAHIS  Field manual for outbreak investigation and management  SEAFMD RRL in Pakchong  Zoning, policies and legislation  Research – research gap analysis  Private sector – traders meeting, joint private sector- government initiative  Monitoring & Evaluation (2006-2008) One Vision, One Identity, One Community

8 CSF  Philippines as lead country  Regional Workshop on CSF Control Strategy for Southeast Asia (7-8 July 2008, Philippines) in collaboration with FAO and OIE  Draft regional strategy framework for controlling and eradicating CSF following a 3 phased approach namely: Phase 1- Preparation Phase; Phase 2 – Control Phase, and Phase 3- Eradication Phase. One Vision, One Identity, One Community

9 CSF  Upcoming plan  Submission of needed data from partners and AMSs  To complete the framework for CSF Control Strategy by August 2009 for comments;  To consider/ endorse control strategy for CSF in 2010 One Vision, One Identity, One Community

10 ASEAN Animal Health Trust Fund  Purpose - To finance ASEAN animal health projects (Approved by AMAF through SOM AMAF)  Priority - Transboundary animal diseases (TADs) crucial to ASEAN, namely HPAI, FMD and CSF  Status  Balance: USD 738,841.63 (as of 1 June 2009)  All ASEAN Member States have contributed at least their first batch of contribution One Vision, One Identity, One Community

11 Animal Health Information System  Animal Health and Production Information System for ASEAN (AHPISA) (led by Viet Nam)  ASEAN Regional Animal Health Information System (ARAHIS) (led by Singapore)  Already linked with WAHIS.  Priority diseases - FMD, ND, Rabies, HPAI and CSF  On-going development of an agreement with OIE on hosting of ARAHIS.  Consideration on mainstreaming information systems in the future One Vision, One Identity, One Community

12 Animal-Human Health Collaboration  ASEAN Plus Three Workshop on Animal and Human Health Collaboration for Emerging and Neglected Zoonotic Diseases was held on 3-5 February 2009 in Vientiane, Lao PDR  Joint Recommendation on Animal and Human Health Collaboration for SOM-AMAF and SOMHD consideration and support  The 2 nd ASEAN Plus Three Workshop on Animal and Human Health Collaboration for Emerging and Neglected Zoonoses will be held on 27-28 July 2009 in Bali, Indonesia One Vision, One Identity, One Community

13 Pandemic Preparedness and Response  Supported by ASEAN-US Technical Assistance and Training Facility  Main Objectives: (1) improve coordination among ASEAN Member States in the pandemic preparedness and response strategies, activities and plans; and (2) promote the multi-sectoral approach (between the health and the non health sectors) both at the regional and national level.  ASEAN Technical Working Group on Pandemic Preparedness and Response – Serves as the ‘ASEAN coordinating structure’ on Pandemic Preparedness and Response. One Vision, One Identity, One Community

14 Upcoming Collaborative Initiatives EC Regional Cooperation Programme on Highly Pathogenic and Emerging Diseases (HPED) in Asia  Objective: to strengthen the institutional capacities of ASEAN and SAARC and their Secretariats to control HPED and improve epidemic and pandemic preparedness in the region  The Programme will be implemented via contracts between the European Commission and the FAO, WHO, and OIE  OIE Component: Strengthening Veterinary Services in Asia, Regional Vaccine Bank and capacity Building for Surveillance, Early Detection and Eradication of Highly Pathogenic Emerging and Re-emerging Animal Diseases  FAO Component: Improvement of Regional Capacity for Prevention, Control and Eradication of Highly Pathogenic and Emerging Diseases (HPED) including Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in ASEAN and SAARC Countries One Vision, One Identity, One Community

15 Upcoming Collaborative Initiatives Study on Strengthening ASEAN Regional Coordination on Animal Health and Zoonosis  Possible commencement of the study in September 2009 with collaboration among AusAID, EC, FAO and OIE  Two main objectives of the Study: i) to assess and present feasible models of regional coordination arrangements for TADs in ASEAN ii) to explore possible regional models for animal health and human health coordination in addressing emerging and neglected zoonotic diseases in ASEAN One Vision, One Identity, One Community

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