Photos by Susie Fitzhugh Bell Times Analysis Task Force Recommendation Criteria 3/12/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Photos by Susie Fitzhugh Bell Times Analysis Task Force Recommendation Criteria 3/12/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photos by Susie Fitzhugh Bell Times Analysis Task Force Recommendation Criteria 3/12/2015

2 Task Force Timeline Recommendation Process Recommendation Components Recommendation Criteria Agenda 2

3 Task Force Timeline 3

4 4 Three Meetings Remaining – April 9 – May 14 – June 18

5 Recommendation Process 5 April 9 Review, update and apply recommendation criteria Ask for volunteers for Recommendation Subgroup April/May Recommendation Subgroup is formed and meets Subgroup reviews April 9 recommendation criteria

6 Recommendation Process 6 May 14 Task Force discussion of Subgroup draft recommendation criteria Identify minority report(s), if any Review recommendations May/June Recommendation Subgroup updates draft recommendation and minority report(s), if any, based on Task Force May 14 feedback

7 Recommendation Process 7 June 11 Task Force reviews and approves recommendation report and minority report(s), if any Vote on Recommendation using Consensus model voting

8 Recommendation Components 8 Task Force Purpose: – Prepare a report to the Superintendent – Report is to contain: “Analysis of sleep research, operational impacts in other districts and potential impacts to Seattle Public Schools, and recommendations on the options presented to the community for consideration” “including minority reports from task force members, if any” “Recommendations to the Superintendent on district strategies to promote school schedules that support student learning, school engagement and health.”

9 Final Recommendation Components: 1.Analysis of sleep research, operational impacts in other districts, potential impacts to Seattle Schools 2.Recommendation on the options presented to the community for consideration 3.Minority Report, if any 4.Recommendations on district strategies to promote school schedules that support learning, school engagement and health Recommendation Components 9

10 1. Analysis of sleep research, operational impacts in other districts, potential impacts to Seattle Schools -Integrated Data Report Remaining: – Recommendation on district strategies – April 9 – Recommendation – May 14 – Minority Report, if any – June 11 Recommendation Components 10

11 Define each criterion’s contents Communicates Task Force’s idea of optimal recommendation Create recommendation criteria with which to measure any recommendation against Recommendation Criteria 11

12 Starting point: 1.Sleep and Health 2.Transportation 3.Master Scheduling 4.Academics 5.Athletics 6.Before/After School Activities 7.Budget 8.Stakeholder Input (Students, Families, Staff) Equity is component of every criterion* * Use Racial Equity Analysis Questions Recommendation Criteria 12

13 Discussion points: What considerations must be made? What is the rationale for importance? What challenges and risk need to be addressed and mitigated? What opportunities can be leveraged? What additional data should the Superintendent have before making a recommendation? Recommendation Criteria 13

14 Area 1: Communications – Engage the community and staff in regular communication in a transparent manner of demographic data, facilities planning, capacity management, and program placement information. Provide more purposeful communication to stakeholders at a local school, regional, and district-wide level regarding information and data concerning student assignment plan demographics and enrollment. Recommendation Criteria - Example 14

15 Small Groups – 4 – 5 people in each group – Designate a reporter and recorder – Spend 5-10 minutes discussing each criterion – Use the Easel Pads to record your thoughts – 5 minute presentation to the larger group for each criterion Recommendation Criteria 15

16 Backup 16

17 Initial ‘Integrated Data Report’ by April 28 – All data collect, thus far, on District Operations, Research Review and Case Studies Neighbor-to-Neighbor started – Additional facilitator trainings – Five regional events held in April / May Survey translated into nine languages and online tool being built Project Update 17

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