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In Calabria the biggest tourist attraction is the sea. It brings many tourists in the summer season; this is why most of the Calabrian economy, particularly.

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Presentation on theme: "In Calabria the biggest tourist attraction is the sea. It brings many tourists in the summer season; this is why most of the Calabrian economy, particularly."— Presentation transcript:

1 In Calabria the biggest tourist attraction is the sea. It brings many tourists in the summer season; this is why most of the Calabrian economy, particularly in the towns near the coast, depends on tourism.

2 Bars, restaurant and other venues along the coast are at their peak in the summer season. There is a great influx of tourists because our beaches and the sea are clean, and they are maintained by the privately-run venues on the beaches.

3 Thanks to the clean water there are many marine species, such as the seahorse, which can be found in this region, especially in Soverato. This town has become famous for its seahorse. In this region we have many resources, but unfortunately there is a lack of service.

4 Madonna of porto salvo Soverato – for the past 103 years we have celebrate Our Lady of Porto Salvo in the second week of August in Soverato. It is a story of faith and morality that originated 'in 1906, during a tremendous storm - the captain, helplessly witnessed the violence of the waves that threatened to destroy his ship with the entire crew, turned in prayer to Our Lady of Porto Salvo, to whom he was very devoted, asking for help and vowing that if he was saved he would build a church, promoting each year celebrations in her honor. "

5 At that time Soverato was a fishing village, inhabited by many families of fishermen, people who lived on the sea. This population has a deep- rooted devotion to the Virgin Mary and the tradition of the festival, with the procession at sea which has been repeated annually on the second Sunday of August. After some years, thanks to the initiative of a group of fishermen, the tradition of the festival has been resumed with a procession at sea, celebrated every year.

6 The chairman of the committee, coordinates the organization of the festival and daily takes care of the "health" of Madonna and her home, but it is equally clear that this festival involves the entire town and attracts tourists. The Madonna of Portosalvo is kept in the church of the fishermen, who these days is at the center of religious services and is the destination of pilgrims since the visit to this sacred place is almost a must. The Virgin Mary is the patron saint of fishermen, those who get up at night and venture into the sea, braving the waves with their small boats, hoping to pull the nets full of fish.

7 THE FISHING INDUSTRY The fishing industry is well regulated in our territory although in recent years it has suffered a big loss in the number of workers because it is a hard job and the young people prefer to do something else. Fishing boats are equipped to catch mainly the so called “ Pesce Azzurro ”,such as anchovies, sardines, mackerel and some kinds of tuna. Swordfish is also highly sought-after. Due to a lack of facilities like ports, harbours, etc…The fishing boats aren’t very big and so the quantity of fish caught daily isn’t enough to make this industry a relevant part of our economy.

8 Sardella Sardella is also known as the caviar of the south or of the poor. It has a taste that brings together the land and the sea, a result of processing fish with chili peppers and wild herbs. It is a product based on whitebait (a species of fish also known as “ rosamarina “ or “ biancomangiare “). The whitebait is kept in salt for up to six months. Once it is ready the whitebait, by this time broken down into a type of jam, is mixed with a spicy powder made from finely-ground, sun-dried chili peppers, and wild fennel. Sardelle can be eaten on bread, accompanied by a glass of red wine, or used as a condiment for pasta or eggs.

9 Salted anchovies Salting anchovies is one of the oldest methods of preserving fish. The fish is selected, cleaned and salted so that it can be conserved at room temperature, in glass jars, for up to two to three years. In the process of salting the anchovies, several essential points must be studied carefully:-the period in which to buy them, the freshness of the fish, the cleaning of the fish, the salting, the desalting, the presentation and consumption.

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