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Tech: Cue “THAT’S BONKERS” Slide Hey everyone! Welcome to… “That’s Bonkers!” say it with me… “That’s Bonkers!” During “That’s Bonkers” we’ll be hearing.

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Presentation on theme: "Tech: Cue “THAT’S BONKERS” Slide Hey everyone! Welcome to… “That’s Bonkers!” say it with me… “That’s Bonkers!” During “That’s Bonkers” we’ll be hearing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tech: Cue “THAT’S BONKERS” Slide Hey everyone! Welcome to… “That’s Bonkers!” say it with me… “That’s Bonkers!” During “That’s Bonkers” we’ll be hearing the very last part of the Big Bible Story and discovering that God is so bonkers- in-love with us that He’s invited us to be a part of His story! Let’s spend some time praising Him because of that!

2 Worship Time After worship… Tech: Cue That’s Bonkers Slide

3 Before we get started, I have a question for you… Have you ever asked for something so crazy that you didn’t think there was any chance you would actually get it? Maybe you thought you were bonkers for even asking! Turn to your neighbor and tell them about it! Give the group a few minutes to talk, then call on a few children to answer.

4 Sometimes we ask for things so big and so bold that we’re pretty shocked when we get it. In fact, that’s what happened in today’s story from the Bible. A group of people asked God for something big and bold to happen—I mean, really big and really bold—and when it actually happened…well…let’s play “That’s Bonkers” to find out the whole story! Here’s how the game works.

5 During certain parts of the story, I’ll call on one of you to come up and hit the Bonkers Button (point to button). The Bonkers Button will cue the spinner on the screen! The volunteer who hit the button will have to perform the action that the spinner lands on!

6 If the spinner lands on an “All Play” space, everyone has to do the action! If the spinner lands on “BONKERS!”, we all have to do the BONKERS action… Your small groups should have come up with a special Bonkers Action, so that will be the time to show off your special Bonkers move! Are you ready to Play!?

7 Tech: Cue “Big Bible Story” Graphic Right after Jesus died and went back to heaven, being one of His followers was pretty rough! More and more people were becoming Christians and the Jewish leaders were doing everything they could to stop it. In fact, some believers had already been killed for following Jesus. But that didn’t stop Peter and his friends—they were going to follow Jesus no matter what!

8 One day, King Herod had Peter arrested and thrown in jail. Get on knees and fold hands. When the church found out, they prayed big and bold prayers to God for Peter. What do you think the believers asked God for? Take answers. Great thoughts— let’s see if God heard their prayers.

9 Call on a kid to hit the Bonkers Button. Remind them that they need to act out the next part of the story in whatever style shows up! Tech: Cue “Video Spinner: Robot style” as child hits button. Pick up Bible as you start to read.

10 Peter was sleeping, chained up between two guards. Even more guards stood watch at the jail entrance. Suddenly, the jail cell lit up like the sun— it was so bright! An angel appeared to Peter and hit him on the side. At that moment, Peter’s chains miraculously fell off his wrists. The angel said, “Quick! Get up! Put on your clothes and sandals. Follow me.” Thank child and dismiss.

11 Peter was so confused. He thought he might be having a dream. But he did what the angel told him anyway. Call on a child to hit the Bonkers Button. Remind the group that they need to act out the next part of the story in whatever style shows up! Tech: Cue “Video Spinner: ALL PLAY Zombie Style” as child hits button.

12 Peter stood up. He walked with the angel right past the first and second guards. When they came up to the prison gate, it opened all by itself. They walked right through the gate and down the street when suddenly the angel left Peter! Thank kids and have them sit back down.

13 Peter couldn’t believe it! It was a miracle—God had sent an angel to rescue him. Call on a child to hit the Bonkers Button. Remind the group that they need to act out the next part of the story in whatever style shows up! Tech: Cue “Video Spinner: Hyper Active Style” as child hits button.

14 Peter continued walking to the house where the believers had been praying. He knocked on the door and a girl came to see who it was. When she heard Peter’s voice, she immediately knew who it was, but she was so shocked that she ran back to tell the others without even opening the door for Peter! Thank child and dismiss.

15 When the others heard that Peter was at the door, they were shocked too! Let’s see what they said. Call on a child to hit the Bonkers Button. Tech: Cue “Video Spinner: ALL PLAY Valley Girl Style” as child hits button. Hold up the “Believer’s Response” sign and have the kids read it with you “Valley Girl style”. “You are soooo out of your mind.” Thank kid and dismiss.

16 Guess where Peter was this whole time. Kids respond. Yep—he was still knocking at the front door! When they finally opened the door for him, the people gasped—they thought he was still in prison! Peter then told everyone the whole story of how God had rescued him. Call on one last child to hit the Bonkers Button. Tech: Cue “Video Spinner: Bonkers. Have all kids perform “Bonkers” motion.

17 After a few moments, have the kids take their seats. I have a question for you—why do you think God said “yes” to the believer’s prayer? Take answers. Good thinking! The believers had said a big and bold prayer that pleased God—they asked for something that God wanted to give them. God says “yes” when we pray for things that please Him.

18 God LOVES when we pray to Him! We can pray to God about anything, but that doesn’t mean He’ll say “yes” to all of our prayers. Here—let me show you what I mean. Let’s listen to some prayers that God might say “no” to. Pull out the “Prayer Intercept 2000” Tech: Cue “Prayer Intercept 2000” slide

19 This is called the “Prayer Intercept 2000”. It’s the latest and greatest gadget that lets us listen in on people’s prayers. Do you think we should give it a try? Kids respond. I agree! Aim the “Prayer Intercept 2000” in the air as it “hones in” on a prayer. Tech: Cue Voice Over #1

20 That’s bonkers! What do you think was wrong with that prayer? Take answers. Yeah—this girl clearly thinks God is Santa Clause. What do you think would have made this prayer more pleasing to God? Take answers. Great answers! God wants to give us the things we need, but not necessarily everything we want. Let’s listen to another prayer. Aim the “Prayer Intercept 2000” in the air again. (Tech: Cue Voice Over #2)

21 That prayer was totally bonkers! What was wrong with it? Take answers. That’s right—that boy was using God like a thug-for-hire. What do you think would have made this prayer more pleasing to God? Take answers. Great! God wants us to bring our problems to Him, but maybe that boy could have asked for wisdom on dealing with a bully instead. Put down “Prayer Intercept 2000”.

22 God says “yes” when we pray for things that please Him—things that He wants to give us. In fact, that’s what our Bible verse for today says. Let’s take a look together. Read 1 John 5:14 (Tech: Cue Verse Slide) “There is one thing we can be sure of when we come to God in prayer. If we ask anything in keeping with what he wants, he hears us.” 1 John 5:14

23 Tech: Cue That’s Bonkers Slide In our story today, Peter’s friends prayed big and bold prayers for something that was in keeping with what God wanted. And what happened? Take answers. That’s right—God said “yes” to their prayer. When you pray, don’t just ask for the things that you want. Think about what God might want for you and pray for those things!

24 Close in prayer. Release the group to the response tables for Response Time. They can choose any of the four stations in the time allowed. Have them follow the instructions on the signs at each station. Tech: Cue Response Music After a few minutes, release the groups by grade.

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