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Tuesday, Oct. 13 Please send one person from your group to upload the powerpoint on to my computer (either from the internet or a flashdrive), or email.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, Oct. 13 Please send one person from your group to upload the powerpoint on to my computer (either from the internet or a flashdrive), or email."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, Oct. 13 Please send one person from your group to upload the powerpoint on to my computer (either from the internet or a flashdrive), or email it to me so we can load it.

2 Objectives  I will explore the contributions of major anthropologists to help create context.  Presentations  Review Videos/Questions

3 Presentations  Your Turn  Stand in the front  Be prepared, follow rubric  Speak clearly and loudly  Audience  Listen respectfully  Take notes on the significant parts  Listen, don’t just write every word  Ask questions at the end for clarification  No sleeping, reading, or other homework


5 Franz Boas  1858-1942  German  Ethnographic work in N. America: Eskimo, Native Americans  First professor of Anthropology at Columbia  Considered Father of American Anthropology  Great researcher and teacher in all 4 areas of Anthro  THEORIES:  Cultural Relativism  Debunked ideas of racial distinctions and superiorities  Different races show equal ability to achieve cultural development  Four fields of anthropology


7 Bronislaw Malinowski  1884-1942 – lots of health problems in his life  Co-founded Social Anthropology with Radcliffe-Brown  Polish, British school of Anthropology (American Boasians really liked him too)  FW: Pacific Islands, Oceania, Trobriand Islanders  Father of Fieldwork: revolutionized it’s importance and made popular  Record not just big ideas like kinship, but every day life and all actions, even the mundane, look at individuals  “Primitive” societies just as capable as “advanced” ones at cognitive thought  Ex: Fishing in the waves  Theories  Founder of Functionalism  all pats work together as an integrated whole  focuses on actions and needs of individuals rather than whole society  explained social change  Doctrine of needs  Father of Fieldwork functionalism-in-anthropology-the-works-of-emile- durkheim.html

8 1. Bronislaw Malinowski asserted that culture functioned to: A. take care of society before the individual B. take care of men over women C. take care of women over men D. take care of the individual before society E. take care of the physical environment before man

9 2. Functionalism asserts that culture's function A. is to maintain and uphold the individual and society B. is to keep man from interacting with nature C. is to keep men at odds with women D. is not related to a society's survival E. is only minimally linked to a society's survival

10 3. What are the learned beliefs and ideas that characterize a particular people group? A. biology B. race C. ecology D. culture E. population


12 A.R.Radcliffe-Brown  1881-1955, British School of Anthropology  Co-founded Social Anthropology with Malinowski  Competed with Malinowski  FW: Andaman Islands (Indian Ocean) and Australian Aborigines  Didn’t embrace fieldwork like Malinowski did  Focused on big picture ideas and theory, not small realistic details  Theories  Father of Structural-Functionalism  Views society as an entity composed of functionally interdependent institutions  Example: different parts of the body work together to sustain a living body  Individual isn’t as important as the whole  Focuses on WHY things are connected, looks at relationships functionalism-and-the-works-of-talcott-parsons.html

13 4. According to structural-functionalism, culture A. exists to separate families B. exist to meet the needs of the individual before the needs of society C. exists to maintain society's structure D. exists to separate man from woman E. exists in a vacuum without thought of society's structure

14 What’s the major difference between:


16 Ruth Benedict  1887-1948  Hard early childhood: lost father, illness, deaf, isolated  Studied mainly under Boas at Columbia (Papa Franz)  Proved women had unique perspective and could be taken seriously  Fieldwork: American Southwestern Native Tribes- Serrano, Zuni, Pima, Apache, Plains Indians  WWII: Wrote about Japanese and German culture for the Office of War Information  One of the first to apply anthropology to modern societies, not just traditional  Theories  National character of various cultural groups (Ex: Japanese)  Focused on patterns, values, and beliefs, not just history of a group  Stressed importance of fieldwork


18 Margaret Mead  1901-1978  Early childhood: learned to observe and write things down  Columbia: Met Boas and Benedict  Fieldwork: Samoa, and the South Pacific  Popularized the discipline: clear writing, applied to US culture  Applied principles of anthropology to world problems: hunger, education, etc.  Theories  Culture plays just as strong a role in adolescent behavior than biology  Personality Traits (especially between men and women) are shaped by culture rather than heredity  Gender roles are societal, not biological


20 Claude Levi-Strauss  1908-2009, French  French Cultural Mission to Brazil  Returned to France, fought in WWII, Maginot Line  FW: Brazil, Amazon  Focused on Kinship, and also myth and linguistics  Father of Modern Anthropology  Theories:  Father of Structuralism:  Culture is a system with underlying structures that are common to all societies regardless of their differences  Universal patterns in cultural systems (like behavior and thought) are products of structure of human mind and are universal to all societies  Rejected the concept of primitive and modern mind, arguing that all men have the same intellectual potential  Binary Opposition the-works-of-levi-strauss.html

21 5. Structuralism asserts that human culture  is part expression but mostly determined by environment B. is completely dictated by environment C. has everything to do with genetic mutation outside the human mind D. is just an expression of the underlying structures of the human mind E. has nothing to do with the human mind

22 6. Within anthropology, Structuralism is an approach used to A. analyze pollution B. analyze vegetation C. analyze different diseases D. analyze genetic mutations E. analyze culture

23 7. Who is credited with the development of structuralism? A. Meade B. Darwin C. Levi-Strauss D. Boas E. Benedict


25 Clifford Geertz  1926-2006  2 years in Navy in WWII- GI Bill to go to Harvard eventually  Strong humanities and literature influence = writing was unique  Father of symbolic or interpretive anthropology  FW: Indonesia and Morocco  Concerned about objectivity of fieldwork and ethnography  Theories:  Thick Description: behavior AND its context  Goal is to understand other’s understandings  Study not what things do but what they mean  Methodology is to examine public meaning through symbols


27 Napoleon Chagnon  1938-  FW: Long term study of Yanomamo in Amazon  Known for work in evolutionary anthropology and study of warfare  Studied genealogies -> first in sociobiology  Led to work in evolutionary approach to anthropology  Studied fierceness and chronic warfare  Theories:  Evolutionary Anthropology  Role of genealogies and chronic warfare  Violence is driving principle  “Most Controversial Anthropologist”

28 Review: 3 Main Theories Functionalism  Society functions to meet needs of individual  Malinowski Structural-Functionalism  Society functions to meet needs of society first  Radcliffe-Brown Structuralism  Humans act as we do because of the actual structure of the human brain  Levi-Strauss

29 Where do they go??  Place the following phrases under which anthropologist they go to BoasMalinowski Radcliffe- Brown Benedict Mead Levi- Strauss GeertzChagnon

30 Where do they go??  Father of Functionalism  National character of a nation  Co-founded British School with Malinowski  Father of Symbolic Anthropology  Ideas of Cultural Relativism  Popularized the discipline with clear writing  Father of Structuralism  Most Controversial Anthropologist  Father of American Anthropology  Culture comes from structure of human mind  Leader of evolutionary anthropology  Father of Structural-Functionalism  Thick Description  Gender Roles are societal, not biological  Made fieldwork more popular and important  Proved women had a unique voice in social sciences

31 Next Class:  If you have it, bring “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down”  HW: Spend 20 minutes reading about Hmong Culture. What do they value? Features of their culture that are the same or different than you?

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