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Forms Go to Right click on image and copy.

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Presentation on theme: "Forms Go to Right click on image and copy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forms Go to

2 Right click on image and copy

3 Open Illustrator File <new

4 Size < letter

5 Edit< paste

6 Double click on layer and in the box select “lock”

7 Add new layer

8 Select the ellipse tool

9 Select ellipse tool

10 Hold shift and drag to create a circle

11 Take away stroke

12 Pick the gradient swatch as the fill

13 Open the gradient box Window> gradient

14 Change type to radial

15 Select the gradient on tool bar

16 Drag on your sphere to change the lighting

17 Drag a swatch to gradient bar and add color. Think about what colors feel light light and what feel like shading

18 Color the gradient

19 Select the ellipse tool again

20 Add new layer

21 Drag the ellipse tool where ever you thing the sphere would cast a shadow

22 Change gradient to linier

23 Use gradient tool in tool bar and change direction of gradient to go away from sphere

24 Now select the selection arrow on tool bar

25 Feather the edges effect >stylize>feather choose amount of edge feathering and click ok

26 Now lets make a tube/ column use the ellipse tool and pull a circle

27 Change fill color to just a solid color, and make sure you have now outline.

28 Create a 3d tube effect>3d>extrude and bevel

29 Play around with the adjustments make sure the preview is on so you can see

30 Add new layer

31 Select rectangle shape from tool bar Pull a rectangle shape and have it come for the edge of bottom of column

32 Play with the anchor points to make it look like a shadow


34 Feather edges effects>stylize>feather

35 Lets make a box select the rectangle tool and create a square… remember to hold shift while you drag

36 Now follow the same steps for the tube/ column

37 Now lets do a cone select the polygon shape tool and while you drag press the down arrow key

38 Select a gradient fill and on gradient change to radial

39 Select the gradient tool from tool bar and with the point on side pull so the gradient cicle looks squished

40 Now lets round this so it looks like a cone effect> distort and transform<pucker and bloat

41 Now select the polygon tool again and press down to get another triangle change gradient to linear

42 Play with anchors and gradients to make look like shadows

43 Add feathering on shadow Effect>stylize> feather

44 Congrats you are done!

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