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Inferno Canto #5 Philip Schexnayder 5/4/09. Introduction of New Characters Minos- is the guardian of the second circle. A person confesses their sins,

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Presentation on theme: "Inferno Canto #5 Philip Schexnayder 5/4/09. Introduction of New Characters Minos- is the guardian of the second circle. A person confesses their sins,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Inferno Canto #5 Philip Schexnayder 5/4/09

2 Introduction of New Characters Minos- is the guardian of the second circle. A person confesses their sins, then he wraps his tail around the person. The number of times he wraps his tail around them the circle they must go.

3 Summary Dante and Virgil approaches the Second Circle of Hell. They encounter the monster Minos standing in front of a endless line of sinners. Sinners are confessing their sins, then Minos wraps his tail around the person. The number of times the tail wraps around the person is the circle they must go.

4 Minos

5 Continue Minos knows Dante is a living soul. Virgil persuades Minos to let them through. The second circle is lust. Those who committed sins of the flesh. Hard rain falls with souls swirling in the wind. Dante ask Virgil to identify some of the souls.

6 Continue Virgil shows Helen and Cleopatra. They were damned by love Dante calls out to the souls One woman came out named Francesca She had an affair with Paolo da Rimini. The brother of her husband. One day they were reading about the love of Lancelot and Guinevere.

7 Francesca and Paolo

8 Continue When they came to a romantic scene, they would kiss. Her Husband quickly found out. He had both of them killed. Paolo and Francesca are doomed to spend eternity in the Second Circle of Hell together forever.

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