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Chapter 16 Taxes & Government Spending. The Constitutional Basis for Government Involvement in the Economy The power of the federal government to intervene.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 16 Taxes & Government Spending. The Constitutional Basis for Government Involvement in the Economy The power of the federal government to intervene."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 16 Taxes & Government Spending

2 The Constitutional Basis for Government Involvement in the Economy The power of the federal government to intervene in the economy comes from Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution: Congress has the power to:  Lay and collect taxes  Provide for the general welfare  Borrow money  Regulate interstate and federal commerce  Establish uniform bankruptcy laws  Coin and regulate money  Fix the standard of weights and measures  To protect the writings and discoveries of authors & inventors.

3 Government’s Role  Protecting Private Property  Public Goods: National defense  Public-works: schools and highways.  Provide for the public well-being : Medicare- health care for the aged. Social Security-program that provides monthly payments to people who are retired or unable to work. Workers’ Compensation-program that provides payments for medical care to workers injured on the job.

4 WelfareWelfare-payments to individuals based on need. Medicaid-program that provides free health care for low-income and disabled persons. Three ways in which the government intervenes in economic activity include:  protecting consumers  supervising labor and management relations  promoting competition

5 The Governments involvement in the economy 1.Protect individuals. 2.Make markets work better. One of the most important regulatory functions concerns the side effects of the production process– called externalities. Externalities-spillover effects resulting from production or consumption. Examples: air pollution (negative) immunizations (positive).

6 Government ensures economic stability including protecting from:  unemployment  high inflation  recessions  depressions

7 The Federal Budget and the National DebtNational Debt National Debt- total amount of outstanding debt for the federal government. Budget Deficit- when the amount of government spending exceeds its receipts. Deficit Financing- government spends more money than it is able to bring in through revenues. Budget Surplus- when the amount of government receipts is larger than its expenditures during the fiscal year.

8 Government Spending- 2012 Total Spending $6.4 trillion Pensions $1.1 trillion Health Care $1.1 trillion Education $0.9 trillion Defense $0.9 trillion Welfare $0.8 trillion

9 Taxes & Taxation Ability- to- pay principal-those with higher incomes pay more taxes than those with lower incomes. Benefits-received principle- those who benefit from a particular government program should pay for it. Example: those that drive pay for the highways.

10 Tax Structures Proportional tax- a tax that takes the same share of income at all income levels. Progressive tax-a tax that takes a larger share of income as income increases. It is justified on the basis of the ability-to-pay principle. This is the type of income tax the U.S. government uses. Regressive tax-a tax that takes a smaller share of income as income increases.

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