LING 575 Lecture 5 Kristina Toutanova MSR & UW April 27, 2010 With materials borrowed from Philip Koehn, Chris Quirk, David Chiang, Dekai Wu, Aria Haghighi.

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1 LING 575 Lecture 5 Kristina Toutanova MSR & UW April 27, 2010 With materials borrowed from Philip Koehn, Chris Quirk, David Chiang, Dekai Wu, Aria Haghighi Tree-based translation

2 Overview  Motivation  Examples of reordering/translation phenomena  Synchronous context free grammar  Example derivations  ITG grammars  Reordering for ITG grammars  Applications of bracketing ITG grammars  Applications: ITGs for word alignment  Hierarchical phrase-based translation with Hiero  Rule extraction  Model features  Decoding for SCFGs and integrating a LM

3 Motivation for tree-based translation  Phrases capture contextual translation and local reordering surprisingly well  However this information is brittle:  “author of the book  本書的作者 ” tells us nothing about how to translate “author of the pamphlet” or “author of the play”  The Chinese phrase “NOUN1 的 NOUN2” becomes “NOUN2 of NOUN1” in English

4 Motivation for tree-based translation  There are general principles a phrase-based system is not using  Some languages have adjectives before the nouns, some after  Some languages place prepositions before nouns, some after  Some languages put PPs before the head, others after  Some languages place relative clauses before head, others after  Discontinuous translations are not handled well by phrase-based systems  ne pas in French, German verb split

5 Types of tree-based systems  Formally tree-based but not using linguistic syntax  Can still model hierarchical nature of language  Can capture hierarchical reordering  Examples: phrase-based ITGs and Hiero (will focus on these in this lecture)  Can use linguistic syntax on source, target, or both sides  Phrase structure trees, dependency trees  Next lecture

6 Synchronous context-free grammars

7  A generalization of context free grammars Slide from David Chiang, ACL 2006 tutorial

8 Context-free grammars (example in Japanese) Slide from David Chiang, ACL 2006 tutorial

9 Synchronous CFGs Slide from David Chiang, ACL 2006 tutorial

10 Synchronous CFGs Slide from David Chiang, ACL 2006 tutorial

11 Synchronous CFGs Slide from David Chiang, ACL 2006 tutorial

12 Rules with probabilities Joint probability of source and target language re-writes, given non-terminal on left. Could also use conditional probability of target given source or source given target.

13 Synchronous CFGs Slide from David Chiang, ACL 2006 tutorial









22 Inversion Transduction Grammars (ITGs)

23 Stochastic Inversion Transduction Grammars [Wu 97]

24 Bracketing ITG grammars

25 Reordering in bracketing ITG grammar

26 Example re-ordering with ITG

27 Are there other synchronous parses of this sentence pair? [1,2,3,4]

28 Example re-ordering with ITG  Other re-orderings with parses  A horizontal bar means the non-terminals are swapped

29 But some re-orderings are not allowed  When words move inside-out  22 out of the 24 permutations of 4 words are parsable by the bracketing ITG

30 Number of permutations compared to ones parsable by ITG

31 Application of ITGs  Have been applied to word alignment and translation in many previous works  One recent interesting work is Haghighi et al’s 09 paper on supervised word alignment with block ITGs  Aria Haghighi, John Blitzer, John DeNero, and Dan Klein “Better word alignments with supervised ITG Models”

32 Comparison of oracle alignment error (AER) for different alignment spaces Space of all alignments, space of 1-to-1 alignments, space of ITG alignments From Haghighi et al 09

33 Block ITG: adding one to many alignments From Haghighi et al 09

34 Comparison of oracle alignment error (AER) for different alignment spaces From Haghighi et al 09

35 Alignment performance using discriminative model From Haghighi et al 09

36 Training for maximum likelihood  So far results were with MIRA  Requiring only finding the best alignment under the model  Efficient under 1-to-1 and ITG models  If we want to train for maximum likelihood according to a log-linear model  Requires summing over all possible alignments  This is tractable in ITGs (will discuss bitext parsing in a bit)  One of the big advantages of ITGs

37 MIRA versus maximum likelihood training

38 Algorithms for SCFGs  Translation with synchronous CFGs  Bi-text parsing with synchronous CFGs

39 Review: CKY parsing for CFGs in CNF  Start with spans of length one and construct possible constituents Slide from David Chiang, ACL 2006 tutorial

40 Review: CKY parsing for CFGs in CNF  Continue with spans of length 2 and construct constituents using words and constructed constituents Slide from David Chiang, ACL 2006 tutorial

41 Review: CKY parsing for CFGs in CNF  Spans of length 3 Slide from David Chiang, ACL 2006 tutorial

42 Review: CKY parsing for CFGs in CNF  Spans of length 4 Slide from David Chiang, ACL 2006 tutorial

43 Review: CKY parsing for CFGs in CNF  The best S constituent covering the whole sentence is the final output Slide from David Chiang, ACL 2006 tutorial

44 Review: complexity of CKY Slide from David Chiang, ACL 2006 tutorial

45 Translation with SCFG Slide from David Chiang, ACL 2006 tutorial

46 Translation Slide from David Chiang, ACL 2006 tutorial

47 Bi-text parsing Slide from David Chiang, ACL 2006 tutorial

48 Bi-text parsing  We consider SCFGs with at most two symbols on the right-hand-side (rank 2) Slide from David Chiang, ACL 2006 tutorial

49 Bi-text parsing Slide from David Chiang, ACL 2006 tutorial

50 Bi-text parsing Slide from David Chiang, ACL 2006 tutorial

51 Bi-text parsing Slide from David Chiang, ACL 2006 tutorial

52 Bi-text parsing Slide from David Chiang, ACL 2006 tutorial

53 Bi-text parsing for grammars with higher rank  No CNF for synchronous CFGs with rank greater or equal to 4 in the general case  With higher-rank grammars we can translate efficiently by converting the source side CFG to CNF, parsing, flattening the trees back, and translating  Not so for bi-text parsing:  In general, exponential in rank of grammar and polynomial in sentence length

54 David Chiang ISI, USC Hierarchical phrase-based translation

55 Hierarchical phrase-based translation overview  Motivation  Extracting rules  Scoring derivations  Decoding without an LM  Decoding with a LM

56 Motivation  Review of phrase based models  Segment input into sequence of phrases  Translate each phrase  Re-order phrases depending on distortion and perhaps the lexical content of the phrases  Properties of phrase-based models  Local re-ordering is captured within phrases for frequently occurring groups of words  Global re-ordering is not modeled well  Only contiguous translations are learned

57 Chinese-English example Australia is one of the few countries that have diplomatic relations with North Korea. Output from phrase-based system: Captured some reordering through phrase translation and phrase re-ordering Did not re-order the relative clause and the noun phrase.

58 Idea: Hierarchical phrases

59 Other example hierarchical phrases

60 A Synchronous CFG for example

61 General approach  Align parallel training data using word-alignment models (e.g. GIZA++)  Extract hierarchical phrase pairs  Can be represented as SCFG rules  Assign probabilities (scores) to rules  Like in log-linear models for phrase-based MT, can define various features on rules to come up with rule scores  Translating new sentences  Parsing with an SCFG grammar  Integrating a language model

62 Example derivation

63 Extracting hierarchical phrases  Start with contiguous phrase pairs, as in phrasal SMT models (called initial phrase pairs)  Make rules for these phrase pairs and add them to the rule-set extracted from this sentence pair

64 Extracting hierarchical phrase pairs  For every rule of the sentence pair, and every initial phrase pair contained in it, replace initial phrase pair by non-terminal and add new rule

65 Another example Traditional phrases Hierarchical phrase

66 Constraining the grammar rules  This method generates too many phrase pairs and leads to spurious ambiguity  Place constraints on the set of allowable rules for robustness/speed

67 Adding glue rules

68 Assigning scores to derivations


70 Estimating feature values and feature weights

71 Finding the best translation: decoding

72 Finding the best translation including an LM

73 Parsing with Hiero grammars  Modification of CKY which does not require conversion to Chomsky Normal Form  Parsing as weighted deduction (without LM, using source-side grammar)  Goal: prove [S,0,n]

74 Pseudo-code for parsing If two items are equivalent: same span, same non-terminal, they are merged. For k-best generation, keep pointers to all ways to generate the item, plus weights.

75 K-best derivation generation  To generate a k-best list for some item in the chart (e.g. X from 5 to 8), need to consider top k combinations of rules used to form X, plus sub-items used for the rules  E.g. top 4 rules applying at span 5 to 8 and target sides of top 3 derivations from 6 to 8  Naïve method: generate all combinations, sort them and return top k  Faster method: we don’t need to generate all combinations to get top k

76 K-best combinations of two lists

77 Integrating an LM with cube pruning


79 Results using different LM integration methods

80 Comparison to a phrase-based system

81 Summary

82  Described hierarchical phrase-based translation  Uses hierarchical rules encoding phrase re-ordering and discontinuous lexical correspondence  Rules include traditional contiguous phrase pairs  Can translate efficiently without LM using SCFG parsing  Outperforms phrase-based models for several languages  Hiero is implemented in Moses

83 References  Hierarchical phrase-based translation. David Chiang, CL 2007.  An introduction to Synchronous Grammars. Notes and slides from ACL 2006 tutorial. David Chiang.  Stochastic inversion transduction grammars and bilingual parsing of parallel corpora. Dekai Wu, CL 1997.  Better word alignment with Supervised ITG models. ACL 2009, A. Haghighi, J. Blitzer, J. DeNero, and D. Klein  Many other interesting papers using ITGs and extensions to Hiero: will add some to the web page

84 Next lecture  Chris Quirk will talk about SMT systems using linguistic syntax  Using syntax on source, target  Different types of syntactic analysis  Other types of synchronous grammars  List of readings will be updated

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