Daniel Sykes presents Recycling Year 3 Project. Why do we recycle? Amount of rubbish we throw away is increasing We can’t keep burying rubbish forever.

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Presentation on theme: "Daniel Sykes presents Recycling Year 3 Project. Why do we recycle? Amount of rubbish we throw away is increasing We can’t keep burying rubbish forever."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daniel Sykes presents Recycling Year 3 Project

2 Why do we recycle? Amount of rubbish we throw away is increasing We can’t keep burying rubbish forever In Newport the refuse team collect rubbish and take it to the landfill site at the Docks where it is buried and covered with earth. When full we may have to find new landfill site which is costly and not good for the environment

3 How do we recycle? Green & Blue Wastesavers Boxes are collected once a week Garden trimmings and cardboard are collected from orange top bins once a fortnight Home Composter for your own use at home Community Furniture Project (they accept chairs tables beds cookers etc that are in reusable condition)

4 Some examples of what happens to recycling Orange Bin – Card and Garden trimmings are shredded together to make compost and used in parks and gardens Green Bin – Foil, Tins and Cans are crushed into bales and sent for smelting in a furnace. The melted aluminium is eventually made into cylinder heads which are used in car engines Blue Bin – Clothes are reused by Salvation Army Community Furniture Project – unwanted reusable furniture is collected free by Wastewaters and resold through the shop in Pill

5 Three R’s - REDUCE Buy loose food not heavily packed goods Use own shopping bags at supermarkets Stop junk mail through Mailing Preference Service Cancel delivery of unwanted papers and donate magazines and comics to waiting rooms Use nappy laundry service Take lunch to school in reusable plastic container

6 Three R’s - REUSE Use scrap paper for writing notes Reuse carrier bags Reuse old envelopes by placing sticker labels over address Old clothes books and toys to charity shops or car boot sales Buy rechargeable batteries Buy things in refillable containers e.g. washing powders

7 Three R’s - RECYCLE Choose products in packaging which you know can be recycled Lots of kitchen waste can be turned into compost Used stamps can be sent to charities Buy products made from recycled materials

8 Remember the THREE ‘R’s REDUCE the amount of waste you pick up in the first place REUSE as much as you can RECYCLE so that items can be re-made in another form or used by someone else

9 What can we recycle? Blue Wastesavers Box NewspapersMagazinesCatalogues Junk Mail Scrap Paper Yellow Pages Directories Mobile PhonesPrinter Cartridges Old ClothesShoesBags

10 Green Wastesavers Box Glass BottlesGlass JarsPlastic Bottles Detergent BottlesToiletries Bottles Food Tins CansMetal Foil Yoghurts PotsAerosolsPet Food Tins What can we recycle?

11 Orange Top Bin PlantsLeaves Flowers Cardboard Tree Cuttings Grass What can we recycle?

12 Home Composter Fruit & Vegetable peelingsTwigs & Leaves Dead FlowersWeedsHedge Clippings Grass ClippingsCrushed Egg Shells TeabagsCoffee Grounds Shredded CardboardWood Shavings What can we recycle?

13 Community Furniture Project 3 Pieces SuitesLampsWardrobes MicrowavesBedsTables & Chairs FridgesCabinetsElectric Cookers FURNITURE MUST COMPLY WITH 1988 FIRE & SAFETY REGULATIONS What can we recycle?

14 Finally…. good reasons for recycling To save the environment Meet recycling targets set by Welsh Assembly Stop the landfill site running out Keep people in recycling jobs Recycling helps other people – Aluminium Packaging Recycling Organisation plants trees in Africa for food and medicinal uses

15 And don’t forget EVERYBODY can recycle The End By Daniel Sykes

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