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Lesson 6 Binary Understand what Binary Code means and apply this knowledge Understand how data is represented using bit systems and be able to change decimal.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 6 Binary Understand what Binary Code means and apply this knowledge Understand how data is represented using bit systems and be able to change decimal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 6 Binary Understand what Binary Code means and apply this knowledge Understand how data is represented using bit systems and be able to change decimal numbers into binary Be able to decode a binary document into text AIM:

2 Why Binary?? People use all kinds of symbols, sounds, colours and body motions to express themselves. These expressions are like codes; signals we use to communicate with each other Computers also use codes, but this code is much simpler. Computers use electronic circuits that are either ON or OFF, there's no middle ground

3 What is Binary Code? “Binary” comes from the Latin word for two. In your everyday life you generally use a decimal system that allows you to use numbers 0-9 to make others. Computers use a special code of their own to express the digital information they process. It’s called the binary code because it consists of only two symbols – 0s and 1s.

4 0s and 1s? The electronic circuits computers use can be ON or OFF – just like a light switch. So we assign the ON and OFF a digit: ON = 1 and OFF = 0 Example: 1 0 1 1 0 1 On Off On On Off On The 0’s and 1’s are known as bits A bit (short for binary digit) is the smallest unit of data in a computer. A bit has a single binary value, either 0 or 1 Computers are generally designed to store data and execute instructions in bit multiples called bytes. In most computer systems, there are eight bits in a byte, this is known as an 8 bit system

5 Converting Decimal to Binary Step 1: create a diagram with place holders to the power of 2. Step 2: Decide on a number, lets use 41 Step 3: From left to right we determine what number can go into 41. If it does we give it a 1 and if it doesn’t we give it a 0. The binary code for the decimal number 41 is 00101001 Step 4: Once we have found a first number and placed a 1 we can move on to the next seeing if the next number goes into what we have left. 1286432168421 00101001 1286432168421 1 1286432168421

6 Activity In pairs, using the white boards in your planners; draw out an 8 bit system Choose a number from 0-255 and work out the binary code for that number. You have 5 minutes to complete this task! Remember, if you get stuck; don’t be afraid to ask the person next to you for help!

7 Letters into Binary ASCii is a character encoding scheme that assigns numbers to letters. I am going to show the code for the first letter of my dogs name: B 01000010 The 8 bits you see here represent the letter B in binary. If you want to write out the first 3 letters of my dogs name which are BRU it would look like this: 010000100101001001010101

8 Treasure Hunt With a partner, break the binary code you have been given using the letter and number assignment table!

9 Binary Riddle There is an old saying that says: “There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don’t” Can you explain the joke?

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