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Coaches & Judges WG Forum January 2016. 2016 SMC and Roles Chairperson – Danica Mladenovic Event Co-ordinator – Kelli Holmes Judging Co-ordinator – Jackie.

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Presentation on theme: "Coaches & Judges WG Forum January 2016. 2016 SMC and Roles Chairperson – Danica Mladenovic Event Co-ordinator – Kelli Holmes Judging Co-ordinator – Jackie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coaches & Judges WG Forum January 2016

2 2016 SMC and Roles Chairperson – Danica Mladenovic Event Co-ordinator – Kelli Holmes Judging Co-ordinator – Jackie James Committee Member – Belinda White Committee Member – Jodie Llyod Committee Member - Amanda Agostinelli Committee Member – Wendy Fry Assisting the SMC – Anne Bigham

3 Competition Entry Fees Trial - $25.00 Interclub - $45.00 Invitational Championships - $57.00 State Championships - $60.00 Level 1 & 2 Events - $45.00

4 Competition Weekend Structure Level 1,2 3 & International 2 Level 4,5,6 & International 4 & 6 Level 7,8,9,10 & Inter national 7,8,9,10, Junior & Senior

5 2016 Calendar Level 7-10 and International 7,8,9,10 Jnr & Snr Trial 1 – Sunday 6 th March (this is for trialling gymnasts only) Interclub/Trial 2 – Sunday 20 th March Invitational Championships/Trial 3 – Sunday 10 th April State Championships – 6 th & 7 th May Teams Championships – 13 th & 14 th August

6 2016 Calendar Level 4-6 & International 4 & 6 Interclub - 18 th & 19 th June Invitational Championships - 23 rd & 24 th July State Championships - 27 th & 28 th August Teams Championships - 13 th & 14 th August

7 2016 Calendar Level 3 & International 2 Interclub 1 - 6 th & 7 th August Interclub 2 - 10 th & 11 th September State Championships - 22 nd & 23 rd October Level 3 Only Teams Championships - 13 th & 14 th August

8 2016 Calendar Level 1-2 There will be three events held for these levels 6 th & 7 th August 10 th - 11 th September 22 nd & 23 rd October (State Championships) The SMC intends these events to continue to be structured.

9 2016 Calendar Country & Invitational Competitions Country Championships – Saturday 2 nd July (Sunday if needed) Pt Pirie – 1 st & 2 nd October.(Long weekend )

10 2016 Calendar Australian National Championships (Level 7-10 National & International) 23 rd - 29 th May Combined National Clubs Carnival To be held at Bendigo. 15 th - 25 th September Trans Bass 4-6 November (Geelong) Trials for this competition will be held later in the year. Dates TBC

11 Interstate Competitions Clubs are required to request SMC sanction prior to competing interstate. Clubs are to ensure gymnasts are competition ready. Ensure standard of the gymnasts is appropriate for the level in which she will compete. Even though representing their clubs, the club is representing the state and behaviour and performance should reflect this.

12 2016 Judging Accreditation To officiate at recognised GSA events, all judges must have correct accreditation. Beginner Able to assess levels 1 and 2. This will be a fantastic introduction to judging gymnastics, as there are no scores involved, therefore less pressure. Intermediate Judges currently Beginner can gain accreditation at this level. Once accredited they can judge Levels 3-6. Advanced Judges currently Intermediate may gain accreditation at this level. Once accredited they can judge Levels 7-10. Judges courses dates will be confirmed shortly and distributated to clubs ASAP.

13 Competition Entries To enable competition personnel to have sufficient time to prepare rotations, judging rosters and for the scorer to enter data :- All Entries Will Close 4 Weeks Prior To An Event. (Friday at 5:00pm) Deletions only can be accepted after this date. Entries should be on correct 2016 WG Entry Form and include ALL detail requested. Must be emailed, complete and on time.

14 Competitions Entries GSA office staff will check all entries to confirm correct registration. Entries for NON registered gymnasts cannot be accepted. Payment of Entry Fees to GSA must be made with entries. Transfers should be complete at the time of entries closing (requests for variation will be considered on merit by the SMC/GSA)

15 Competition Entries Method of receiving entries Email to : (this will forward automaticly to Kelli and Jackie) Send as attachments, with a cover sheet listing all entries attached. i.e. level 4 – 6 gymnasts level 5 – 2 gymnasts

16 Competition Entries Do not send entries with in the text of an email. Prefer to receive up to 1 week prior to closing date, please no earlier. Please check all entries are correct including :- Level NLP or ILP Correct spelling of names (certificates) Date of Birth (this must be correct as age groups will be decided from this) Contact details

17 Competition Entries ALL COACHES NAMES AND TECHNICAL MEMBER NO. MUST BE ON THE ENTRY FORM. Only coaches listed on the entry form will be permitted on the competition floor. Judges names and technical member no. (if applicable) Please ensure all email addresses are correct. All competition information is sent to the emails provided.

18 Competition Entries All entries will be checked and divided into age groups and levels. Session times will then be determined. The aim is to have the rotations out to clubs within a week of the entries closing. Judges Rosters should be out soon after this date.

19 Competition Assistance Any club wishing to apply for the set up or the set down of the venue is asked to do so ASAP. (Great fund-raising as you are paid up to $350 per set up/set down depending on the amount of work eg. Single rotation is less work than double) We are looking for ALL competitions. You may wish to apply for a set of competitions (e.g. Level 7-10) or for the whole year. Please email Kelli at

20 Competition Assistance Any clubs wishing to run a fund-raising BBQ at competitions/events during the year will need to book a day/weekend by emailing Kelli. This will be on a first in basis.

21 Competitions During competitions the gym is a competition venue. The store room, locker room and the office are only to be used for official competition business, NOT club use. The rear door is for the use of judges and competition personnel only, all others are to use the front door. Coaches are expected to wait with gymnasts in the foyer.

22 Competitions All competition officials are to be treated with respect. All competition officials will be identified by a lanyard. Order of work is to be placed on the judges tables BEFORE commencement of competition. There will be a coaches meeting 5 minutes prior to the start of each session. 1 coach from each club competing in that session is required to attend. Poor behaviour will result in sanctions as per FIG code of points and the ALP manual.

23 Competitions Only competition officials, competing gymnasts and accredited listed coaches are permitted on the competition area, all other children including coaches children are to remain in the stands. Changing nappies, feeding children etc. should be done off the competition area. Coaches should not eat or drink (other than water) on the competition floor Snack food and drink will be available for coaches in the kitchen area.

24 Competitions Jury Queries for 2016 Queries must be submitted immediately. Queries will not be accepted more than one rotation after the apparatus the query is for or more than 5 mins after the completion of the last rotation. Queries can only be submitted by the coach of the club. Queries can be submitted directly to the Jury or to the Floor Manager. (due to the lack of judging numbers) Video queries will only be accepted for the omission of skills, not to determine fulfilling of technical requirement. Eg. Degree of turns, casts and split.

25 Competitions All jury decisions are final, no further debate will be entered into. Coaches and Gymnasts Attire Neat club Attire should be worn by coaches and gymnasts. Ugg boots, short shorts, hats,sunglasses are not appropriate attire for the competition floor.(shorts should be mid thigh in length) Coaches are required to wear enclosed soft soled shoes or gym shoes. Gymnasts should have their hair neat and tidy. Personal grooming is expected of all gymnasts.

26 Gymnasts Attire Gymnasts performing compulsory routines will be required to wear a club compulsory leotard. Those gymnasts performing optional routines will be permitted to wear an optional leotard. (this is up to the discretion of the club) 2015 was a transitional year threrefore all clubs should have all gymnasts in club leotard if competing in Level 1- 6.

27 Provision of Judges All clubs are expected to provide the required number of judges for competitions. A levy will be imposed when clubs fail to meet their obligation, this will be invoiced ASAP after the event. This year judges numbers will be worked out according to the judges allocation table. Each gymnast entered into a competition will attract a 25 point judging requirement. A judge of the correct accreditation level will attract 100 points. A judge of the next lower accreditation will attract 50 points etc. As an example a club with 5 gymnasts entered in the competition/event will be required to provide 125 points of judging.

28 Provision of Judges The SMC will endeavour to provide additional workshop opportunities for potential judges. An active, informed judge is a valuable asset to the state and more importantly to your club. A Judge could be anyone who has gained accreditation an interested parent, gymnast, ex-gymnast, community volunteer. Judges will receive a small stipend for every session they officiate. This will be paid as soon as practicable after the competition seasons end. Panel Secretary workshops will be held through the year.

29 Music Level 3 Music will be preloaded onto the GSA laptop. Level 4 & 5 music will be preloaded onto the GSA laptop. Coaches will be required to show a number to advise which piece of music they require. Level 6 GA set music will be preloaded onto the GSA laptop. If you are choosing to use optional music at this level you will need to submit the music on a CD to the GSA office no later than one week after the close of entries. Any music received after this date will not be loaded, nor will it be allowed to be used on the competition day. A deduction of 1.00 will be taken for a routine performed with no music. This penalty may be applied after the competition if it is found that music was not received by GSA office by the correct time.

30 Music The CD must be correctly labelled with the gymnasts name, club, level, music title and composer (copyright) Gymnasts need to ensure they present their number to the music operators as well as the judges. All music must be on CD. Preferably WAV format. No more than one track per CD If your music changes through the year you are required to submit a new CD clearly marked as a new piece of music.

31 Music For level 7-10 gymnasts a register of music will be recorded to ensure no duplicates of music in our State Team. All Level 7-10 gymnasts whether trialling or not must register their music. Clubs must submit to SMC : The name of the music Name of Composer Name of gymnast First in gets the music, if submitted at same time the higher level gymnast will get it.

32 Competition Structure Age Divisions will be determined by the DOB provided on the entry form. (This applies to Level 3-6 only, unless we have big numbers in Level 7-10) It is the aim of the SMC that gymnasts will compete against other gymnasts as close as possible to their own age. The SMC is considering age grouping to aid in the provision of judges and coaches. eg. 8-10 years, 9-11 years etc. If there are too many gymnasts in one age group, then that age group will be split.

33 Competition Structure In 2016 there will be NO TEAMS in the normal 3 GSA events. Instead a TEAMS CHAMPIONSHIPS will be offered during the year. This competition will be run similar to National Clubs. Each club is invited to enter a team of 3-6 gymnasts. (in each level) The competition will be for gymnasts in Levels 3-10. (level 7-8 may be merged, Level 9-10 may be merged due to low numbers) There will be no age groups for the competition.

34 Awards Trial – participation certificate only Interclub – Medals for 1 st - 3 rd placing, Ribbons 4 th -6 th placing Championships - Medals for 1 st - 3 rd placing, Ribbons 4 th -6 th placing on apparatus. Trophies for 1 st - 3 rd Overall, Ribbons 4 th - 6 th Teams Championship – Medals for 1 st - 3 rd for each team member on apparatus and overall.

35 2016 State Team Head Coach – Nominations required Team Manager – Nominations required Physiotherapist – TBA State Team Officials - Nominations to be called for Team coaches – maximum 1 coach per club per level to a maximum of 2 coaches per club, must be active coach during the competition. Electronic applications – closing date TBA Positions finalised by TBA As soon as these postitions have been filled a prospective state team member meeting will be held.

36 2016 State Team State Team Training 17 th April STATE TEAM DAY 22 nd April 29 th April 13 May Venues to be confirmed

37 2016 State Team Gymnasts must sign State Team Intention form & must attend prospective State Team meeting prior to trials. Must compete in at least 2 Trials and achieve the set all around qualifying score on a minimum of 2 occasions. Only scores that achieve the State minimum qualification for Nationals will be considered. Gymnasts are not required to fufill all requirements, but must make the qualification score to be considered for State Team. State Team Qualification Scores Level 7 – 45.00 Level 8 – 46.50 Level 9 – 48.00 Level 10 – 50.00

38 2016 State Team Top 8 qualifiers* (Top 6 in level 10) - automatic selection Apparatus Specialists are allowed in Level 10 Only. Must score minimum 13.00. (add best 2 All Around scores from trials) * SMC reserves the right and responsibility to select the best team composition.

39 2016 State Team All members (officials and gymnasts) of SA State Team are expected to conduct themselves in a mature and responsible manner at all times. All members must show positive support of all team members, regardless of club. Inappropriate behaviour may result in removal from the team. (this includes social media chatter, behaviour at training, during competitions and the trialling process) Social media use during the championships will not be permitted by team members.

40 Level 1 & 2 Events It is the aim of the SMC to make these structured, fun events to encourage gymnast participation. No scores will be used. The decision on which colour ribbon is awarded is based on the criteria set in the ALP. As there are no scores age groups are not required.

41 Level 1 & 2 Events Level 1 & 2 gymnasts will compete the ALP skills as listed one after the other on each apparatus.(no linking moves are required) Level 1 gymnasts may miss skills with no penalty. (we are looking for quaility gymnastics) It is the hope of the SMC that this will better prepare gymnasts to progress to the next level but without the pressure of remembering long routines. Gymnasts will receive a ribbon from the judges panel at each apparatus. These ribbons will be assigned by performance, based on criteria set in the ALP.

42 Level 3 & International 2 Competitions Gymnasts will compete on the same weekend as level 1 and 2. But in a different format and sessions. Gymnasts will perform routines as set by GA in the ALP. Level 3 Gymnasts will be separated into age groups according to their DOB. Gymnasts will receive scores. The top 6 gymnasts on each apparatus and overall in each age group will receive awards. International 2 gymnast will compete in the sessions with the level 3 gymnasts using GA rules.

43 Upgrade Scores As there are no scores for level 1 & 2 it will be up to clubs to determine when they feel their gymnast has achieved a standard high enough to “upgrade” Clubs must purchase level 1 & 2 upgrading badges from the GSA office. In Level 3-6 the SMC has set an upgrade score of 32.00 In 2015 the SMC has decided to introduce a COMPULSORY UPGRADE SCORE. This score has been set at 38.00. If a gymnast scores this at 2 competitions they will be required to upgrade the following year.

44 Upgrade Scores The SMC has set the following as upgrade scores for level 7- 10. Level 7 – 40.00 Level 8 – 41.00 Level 9 – 42.00 Level 10 – 43.00

45 Cyber Bullying TIPS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE: How to avoid being the target of cyber bullying..DO  Think before you post. How will others react to what you post about yourself and your friends? Will it attract ridicule or unwanted attention?  Remember that what you upload is permanent. Keep this in mind when you send someone a text or reply to a rude message.

46 Cyber Bullying TIPS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE: How to avoid being the target of cyber bullying..DO  Resolve conflicts face-to-face instead of over the internet.  Respond to bullying as soon as it happens before it gets worse (see steps below) before things get out of hand

47 Cyber Bullying DON'T  Send messages when angry. You might regret what you sent when it’s too late.  Forward messages that you know will hurt someone else.  Upload photos of someone else to face book without their permission.  Post photos of yourself that you wouldn’t want your parents or strangers to see

48 Cyber Bullying How should you respond to bullying? When children are bullied their parents often want to just ‘turn that thing off.’  However, removing privileges decreases the likelihood that they will confide in you again.  Instead, remain calm and follow the steps below to G.E.T R.I.D. of the bully

49 Cyber Bullying How should you respond to bullying? G et the bully off their friend list or block them Ensure to save evidence by printing it out in case you need to show it to authorities or the child’s school Tell someone- such as the school

50 Cyber Bullying R eport abuse on the website using the ‘report abuse’ button Ignore bully-don’t fight fire with fire Delete the offending material from the child’s profile by selecting delete next to the comment (applies only to face book

51 Cyber Bullying If the material is sexually explicit or threatening, contact your local police station for further advice. It may be possible to trace the source of the information and/or remove it. However, the information downloaded onto mobile phones and personal computers cannot be deleted or prevented from being spread to others.

52 Cyber Bullying Keeping it in perspective The internet provides young people with exciting ways to learn, be entertained and connect to friends, but brings some potential risks.  As a parent, it’s easy to focus on these risks and jump to negative conclusions. Remember that while 18 percent of students experience bullying online, 82% do not experience it.

53 Cyber Bullying For more information and resources see: or contact 0418 123 562 There are many other websites with relevant information – Google to see what’s available.

54 2016 WG Forum The SMC would like to thank you for your attendance. We welcome any feedback or questions either now or later via email to Danica.

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