Vijay Yelmalle. CRAFTSEMINAR  This session is about ‘How an Investor can participate in the Lucrative Soilless Farming Activity’  Learn Various Business.

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Presentation on theme: "Vijay Yelmalle. CRAFTSEMINAR  This session is about ‘How an Investor can participate in the Lucrative Soilless Farming Activity’  Learn Various Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vijay Yelmalle

2 CRAFTSEMINAR  This session is about ‘How an Investor can participate in the Lucrative Soilless Farming Activity’  Learn Various Business Models for Investment

3 CRAFTSEMINAR  CEO and Founder – CRAFT  Diploma in Chemical Engineering  Worked in Singapore for 14 years  Did MBA from University of Wales (UK)  Returned to India in 2012

4 CRAFTSEMINAR  Center for Research in Alternative Farming Technologies  Started with research in Aquaponics  Realized, this technologies has been implemented worldwide very successfully  Started to research in Business models of soilless cultivation  Creating a platform for investment in Hydroponics.  Reducing the risk in the Commercial Soilless Cultivation in India is our main goal.

5 CRAFTSEMINAR  Unsuccessful stories of Protected cultivation in India  Many small- big firms doing research in HP/AP and Aeroponics  Many others providing consultancy services for Hydroponics  What is the risk associated with Soilless Cultivation?  How we can mitigate the risk??

6 CRAFTSEMINAR  Predictable Harvests  Uniform Premium Produce  Fine Control of growing environment  Higher Produce  Less Pesticide usage  Protection from Environmental Stress  Effective use of agriculture inputs.

7 CRAFTSEMINAR  Better control of Nutrients  No soil borne diseases  No soil borne pests  Oxygen to roots  Uniform Growth  Plants grow to their full potential

8 CRAFTSEMINAR  Different commercial model  Urban/Home  Mini/Micro farms  Food Parks  Models Ranging from small to large  All of the models are profitable

9 CRAFTSEMINAR  Product positioning is very important  Cluster formation rather than going over all the places, is best way of expansion  Automation and professional help is unavoidable if you want to expand

10 CRAFTSEMINAR  Investment- 2.5 Lacs to 10 Lacs  Area- 250 to 2000 Sq Feet (with Shade net)  Moderate Automation included but full Automation desired  NFT systems and Growbags  Aeroponics not recommended unless undisrupted power supply is available  Growth capacity- Very High  Product positioning- Very Much Required!

11 CRAFTSEMINAR Total A Frame systems2 Plants per system160 Total Plants320 Plants harvested per day10 Cost of production per plantRs10 Sale price of one LettuceRs50 Total revenue per dayRs500 Total Profit per dayRs400 Total Profit per monthRs12000 Total Profit per yearRs144000

12 CRAFTSEMINAR  Gravity fed Irrigation  Minimum Electricity Required  No Automation  No Monitoring  To Follow SOP closely  Good system for farmers  Need to extensively trained for following the SOPs.  Remote Monitoring possible

13 CRAFTSEMINAR Land Development15,000 Hydroponic Components4,00,000 PlantsYield Cucumber3,50014,000 Tomato3,00025,000 Capsicum3,0009,000 Revenue2,10,000 to 5,00,000

14 CRAFTSEMINAR GreenHouse1Acre30,00,000 Fertigation System13,00,000 Automation4,00,000 Hydroponic Component7,00,000 Consultation10% Cost of Project60,00,000 Yield240 tons Revenue48,00,000 Cost of Cultivation15,00,000 Profit33,00,000

15 CRAFTSEMINAR 1 Acre Aquaponics Farm1.5 Crore Fish Tanks320 Cu Mt Grow Bed for Lettuce2230 SqMt 8 crops X 24 heads/ SqMt X 200 Gms X 223085,630 Kgs Fish harvest (Tilapia)23,000 Kgs Revenue on sales of Lettuce (Rs. 50/kg)42,80,000 Revenue from Fish (Rs. 100/kg)23,00,000 Total Revenue65,80,000 Operating Cost (Including fish feed)22,00,000 Profit43,80,000

16 CRAFTSEMINAR  5 Acre farm with two/three crops  Client invests in the project, CRAFT operates it on profit sharing basis.  Project cost: 3.3- 4.5 Cr  Projected profit: 1.2 -2 Cr/ year

17 CRAFTSEMINAR  Operated by team of experts with experience in commercial hydroponics farms  The farm technology will be licensed from Industry leaders  Growing three crops will reduce the marketing risk associated with single crop  Catering to bigger markets  Operational costs are lower  Efficient Management  Efficient Operation  Wastage of produce can be reduce by Storage, Post harvest processing

18 CRAFTSEMINAR  Minimum Investment 30 Lacs  CRAFT is planning for a cluster of 5 acre sustainable farms  Prospective Investor contacts CRAFT team to discuss details of project and strategies

19 CRAFTSEMINAR  Central Control Room (CCR) to monitor, analyze and take corrective action on crop feedback  Home/Urban farms, Hydroponics farms, Greenhouses, Traditional farms can be connected and controlled by CCR  Experts will be overlooking the CCR operations and suggest necessary actions.

20 CRAFTSEMINAR  Join us in this revolution and towards a greener future.  CRAFT is here to revolutionaries Agriculture by employing modern techniques  CRAFT is Committed to ensure that all the stakeholders be it employees, buyers or investors will benefit by this modern technology.

21 CRAFTSEMINAR  Know More:  Like Us:  Contact Us:  Call Us: 8767 01 3131  CRAFT PROJECTS ENQUIRY:


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