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 Farkhitdinova Olga Mikhailovna 1.  The main problems of the classical methodology that spring up (arise) in the study of society  to study modern.

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Presentation on theme: " Farkhitdinova Olga Mikhailovna 1.  The main problems of the classical methodology that spring up (arise) in the study of society  to study modern."— Presentation transcript:

1  Farkhitdinova Olga Mikhailovna 1

2  The main problems of the classical methodology that spring up (arise) in the study of society  to study modern methods in sociology, based on a qualitative methodology and the new technical means of collection, processing and analysis of sociological information 2

3  Sociology has developed rapidly in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.  Methods of physics and chemistry, astronomy and biology are not applicable to the study of society and man.  Critique of traditional sociology has been dubbed by opponents.  The main opponents of quantitative methodology were made by the representatives of phenomenological sociology (A. Shuz, P. Berger), symbolic interactionism (George Meade, J. Habermas, H. Bloomer), ethnomethodology (Garfinkel). 3

4  In modern sociology, the role of technical means of collecting and processing social information  It online surveys (web-technologies); measurement of attendance (hosts; cookies; hits; E-mail surveys).  A special computer program for the collection and processing of information not only facilitate the field work of the sociologist, but also form new trends in contemporary sociology. 4

5  To the question of the method of sociology in general it is one of the central, because of its relevance (adequacy) depend on the results of sociological research. 5

6  The main function of the method - regulation and other cognitive activities.  The choice of learning method should meet the criteria of efficiency, simplicity and reliability, scientific validity, admissibility, effectiveness 6

7  In the modern methodology of science methods usually are divided into the following:  philosophical,  General scientific,  specific scientific,  disciplinary methods,  interdisciplinary research. 7

8  Philosophical methods are:  dialectical,  metaphysical,  analytical,  intuitionistic,  phenomenological,  hermeneutic,  etc. 8

9  contain elements of philosophy and specific scientific methods.  In the framework of scientific methods are very often used concepts such as "system", "model", "structure", "function“, "information", "item", "synergetics", etc. 9

10  Scientific methods are:  systemic, structural-functional, cybernetic, probabilistic and synergetic methods, modeling, formalization  Disciplinary methods is a set of ways of knowing that are used in specific scientific disciplines that are included in a particular science, which is located at the junction of several Sciences (Biophysics methods, sociobiology and other). 10

11  Interdisciplinary research methods is the combination of synthetic methods resulting from the combination of elements of different levels of scientific knowledge. 11

12  In the course "Modern methods of sociological research" We will ask questions regarding those methods which modern. 12

13  Positivism in sociology has not led to the understanding of the underlying social processes.  Modern sociology began to draw on the methods of psychology and methods of social psychology and social philosophy, and methods of other Sciences. 13

14  So there was interdisciplinary methods, which are aimed at understanding the underlying social processes. 14

15  In addition, at different levels of science are widely used such methods and techniques as observation, experiment, comparison, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction, idealization, analogy. 15

16  Universal methods of learning are:  - theoretical methods, including rules on the basis of which you can obtain scientific knowledge; - empirical methods, containing rules, observations, experiments, etc.; - methods that are used at both the empirical and theoretical level of the study. 16

17  Tools and methods used in different fields of science are not the same. Each industry is characterized by a special language, its concepts, its styling. 17

18  The aim of sociological research are to collect information about social processes and the analysis of social laws and regularities. 18

19  The method of sociology" is a collective term describing basic setup sociologist implemented in the process of sociological research and leading to the broadening and deepening of the scope of sociological knowledge. 19

20  Sociological methods is cognitive orientation, approaches, techniques, methods and tools used in sociological research. 20

21  In sociology as an independent science has its own private- scientific methods, which include:  sociological survey  the biographical method  sociometry. 21

22  sociological research in the form of a survey implies the observance of some conditions:  Please think and write what conditions? 22

23  Conclusions: 1) Method is a set of actions aimed at achieving certain objectives, the achievement of goals. 2) Method method build and support the system of philosophical knowledge; a set of techniques and operations of practical and theoretical exploration of reality.  3) the object of the discipline "Modern methods of sociological research - a set of modern tools and methods of humanitarian and socio-technical nature used for the study of social reality. 4) Subject matter of the discipline: new and emerging methods of social research used in this science in the end of XX-beginning of XXI centuries on the basis of new socio-humanitarian approaches and information technology. 23

24  Questions for self-checking: 1.The concept of method. 2.Classification methods. 3.The main methodological problems in the study of social reality. 4.Basic methodological principles of positivism. 5.The main issues raised by neo-Kantianism (G. Rickert, W. Dilthey, W. Windelband) methodology in social research. 6.The concept of the sociological research of the early sociologists-positivist (O. Kont, G. Spencer). 24

25  Qualitative methods: phenomenological sociology (Shuz, Berger, Lukman), F. Znaniecki, etc. Advantage and disadvantages. Under what conditions applicable when quantitative and qualitative methods. Your personal attitude to the different methods. 25

26  Comparative analysis of quantitative and qualitative methods of sociological research. The essence of each group of methods. The theoretical justification of each group. The theoretical justification of quantitative methods, positivism and Chicago school of sociology USA 26

27  What is the effectiveness of quantitative methods?  Your opinion: 27

28  Boudon, R. (2010): "The Cognitive Approach to Morality", pp. 15-34 in S. Hitlin and S. Vaisey eds., Handbook of The Sociology of Morality. Springer.  Bourdieu, P. et al (1991): Craft of Sociology: Epistemological preliminaries. Walter De Gruiter Inc.  Hacking, I. (1999): The Social Construction of What? Harward University Press.  Elster, J (2009): Reason and Rationality. Princeton University Press. 28

29  Habermas, J. (1996): Between Facts and Norms. Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.Habermas, J. (2003) "Rightness versus Truth: On the Sense of Normative Validity in Moral Judgments and Norms", pp. 237-275 in  Habermas: Truth and Justification. The MIT Press.Harding, S. (2004): The feminist standpoint theory reader. Routledge.  Kalleberg, R. (2009): "Can normative disputes be settled rationally? On sociology as a normative discipline." Cherkaoui, M. & Hamilton, P. eds. Raymond Boudon. A Life in Sociology. The Bardwell Press. Vol. 2,  Kalleberg, R. (2010): "The Ethos of Science and the Ethos of Democracy", pp. 182-213, C. Calhoun, Ed.., Robert K. Merton. Sociology of Science and Sociology as Science. Columbia University Press.  Marshall, G. (1990): In Praise of Sociology. Unwin Hyman.  Mills, C. W. (1959/1999): The Sociological Imagination. Oxford University Press. 29

30  Questions for self-checking: 1.The concept of method. 2.Classification methods. 3.The main methodological problems in the study of social reality. 4.Basic methodological principles of positivism. 30

31  To complete the questionnaires according to the rules. It should be open-ended and closed questions. 31

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