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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…

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1 It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…

2 Quick-Write Exploration Teenage development is one of the toughest times of life.  Describe and explore some of the pressures you feel personally as a teenager.  How do you cope with those feelings?

3 Adolescence  Adolescence  the transition period from childhood to adulthood  extending from puberty to independence  Puberty  the period of sexual maturation  when a person becomes capable of reproduction

4 Adolescence  Primary Sex Characteristics  body structures that make sexual reproduction possible  ovaries--female  testes--male  external genitalia

5 Adolescence  Secondary Sex Characteristics Non-reproductive sexual characteristics -female--breast and hips -male--voice quality and body hair  Menarche (meh- NAR-key) first menstrual period

6 Adolescence  In the 1890’s the average interval between a woman’s menarche and marriage was about 7 years; now it is over 12 years 10 20 7.2 Year Interval 10 20 12.5 Year Interval Age 1890, Women 1995, Women

7 Adolescence  Throughout childhood, boys and girls are similar in height. At puberty, girls surge ahead briefly, but then boys overtake them at about age 14. Height in centimeters 190 170 150 130 110 90 70 50 024681012141618 Age in years BoysGirls

8 Growth Changes  There is rapid growth at this time called a growth spurt. Unfortunately, arms, hands, and legs don’t all grow in proportion. Young people may feel clumsy because of the uneven growth.  Growth spurts occur earlier in adolescence for girls than for boys. Boys usually exhibit this growth between the ages of 11-15 years.  Girls will grow as much as three inches while boys grow four inches during a growth spurt. one two three four five six

9 Early and Late Maturation Changes

10 Body Changes at Puberty

11 Adolescence: Social Development  Carol Gilligan – Gilligan believes females differ from males both in being less concerned viewing themselves as separate individuals and in being more concerned with making connections.  Males = individualistic Men do seem to have slightly better spatial skills,  Females = relationship- oriented ○ women verbal and fine motor skills


13 Quick Write Reflection  List the best qualities of your gender as compared to the other.  List the least desirable characteristics of the opposite gender.  Read the appropriate article and anotate it.  Discuss with a member of opposite gender

14 Closure Journal Entry  Evaluate your position on gender roles and how you view the opposite sex.  After reading the article, and discussing with others about your feelings, have your views changed, or have they stayed the same?  Explain your answer in a paragraph.

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