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 Scottish Household Survey: An Introduction Emma McCallum SHS Project Manager.

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1  Scottish Household Survey: An Introduction Emma McCallum SHS Project Manager

2  Introduction to SHS  Largest sample survey of private households in Scotland  15,000 interviews per year  Two year sweep  Continuous survey since February 1999  Face-to-face interviews using Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI)  Wide range of topics particularly social justice, transport and local government  Conducted by TNS and MORI Scotland

3   Provide household and individual information to support transport, local government and social justice policy areas  Permit disaggregation of such information both geographically and in terms of population sub-groups  Allow the relationships between social variables within households to be examined  Allow early detection of national trends  Allow detailed follow-up surveys of sub-samples from the main survey Main aims of SHS

4  Content of SHS  Household composition  Property  Transport  Services and local government  Economic activity  Income, assets and savings, money worries  Health, care, childcare, volunteering  Local area and community safety  Other topics …….

5  Sampling  Aim to have results for every Council area – not designed to produce results for below local authority area  Sampling pro-rata to the number of households in each Council would mean (e.g.) under 100 households per year in Orkney and Shetland  So: disproportionate sampling, to give a minimum of 550 households per Council (over 2 years)  Within each Council, the sample is "stratified", to make the results more representative  Not as good as the Census - but more up-to-date, and far more questions

6   Total 2003/2004: c. 30,683 interviews  2003: c. 15,353 interviews  2004: c. 15,330 interviews  Final combined response rate for 2003/2004 69%. Higher than any previous two-year sweep. Survey response

7  Use of Data (1)  Internal  Social Justice milestones-volunteering, internet access, adult smoking  Transport White Paper  Congestion reduction policy  Homelessness Taskforce

8  Use of Data (2)  External  Strathclyde passenger transport for transport modelling  Edinburgh University to study social mobility  Joseph Rowntree Foundation – Measuring Poverty and Social Exclusion in Scotland report  Glasgow University as part of study of health inequalities in Paisley  Scottish Further Education Funding Council- key indicators

9   Annual and technical reports (website)  Publications and articles  Datasets (1999/2000, 2001/2002, 2003/2004 from August 2005 (UKDA)  Analysis requests (via SHS Team)  Tables (website)  Analytical topic reports  Research using follow-up facility SHS outputs & access

10   SHS sample provides a base from which to commission more detailed, follow-up surveys  Advantages include:  Willing interviewees  Existing data on them and their households from the main survey.  Allows follow-up survey to concentrate on collecting new data  Could be used to sample otherwise difficult to identify population sub-groups  SHS interviewer asks for permission to re-contact: c. 65% adults agree Follow-up surveys

11  Follow-up surveys  Contribution made by Traveline Scotland to modal shift  Assessing Improved Transport for Disabled People  Fertility decision-making – another child?

12  Analytical Topic reports  SHS funded  Use SHS and other data  Topics suggested by policy colleagues

13  Analytical Topic reports  Accessibility and Transport  Contractor: Collaboration lead by Transport Research Institute, Napier University  Modal Shift  Contractor: MVA

14  Future Developments….  SHS Review  More analytical topic reports:  Anti-social behaviour  Volunteering (2006)  Child-care  Long distance commuters  Website developments  Development of tables facility

15  Contact  SHS Team  Emma McCallum  Lisa Taylor E: T: 0131 244 8420  Website -FAQs -Publications -Quarterly releases -News

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