1 ©2010 HP Confidential Waste 2020 – an outlook into the next decade Dr Kirstie McIntyre Environmental Compliance Manager, EMEA.

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1 1 ©2010 HP Confidential Waste 2020 – an outlook into the next decade Dr Kirstie McIntyre Environmental Compliance Manager, EMEA

2 About HP Fortune 9 – U.S. Fortune 32 – Global 321,000 employees 145,000 sales partners 210,000 service partners 88,000 retail locations Simplifying technology experiences around the world

3 About HP HP’s powerful portfolio

4 Electronic waste - now Results so far from the WEEE directive approx. 1,850,000 t have been collected in 2008 by WEEE ‘systems’, high recycling rates have been achieved (> 90% for IT) 1.4 miol t WEEE Forum Members, 350 kt ERP, 100kt other systems

5 Waste Electronics- now Results so far approx. 1,850,000 t have been collected in 2008 by WEEE Systems = approx. 30% of what has been sold..... where is the rest ?

6 Where is the rest ? There is almost no E-waste with business customers second hand use for IT > 40 - 50% ‘Waste’ Electronics- now

7 Graph showing Price Development of PCs All PCs follow this curve (smaller spot sample than from notebooks) Retirement Discarding In press to Journal Industrial Ecology ‘Waste’ electronics - now

8 Discarding Graph showing Price Development of Laptops Retirement In press to Journal Industrial Ecology ‘Waste’ Electronics- now

9 Where is the rest ? There is almost no E- waste with enterprise customers Collection and treatment of E-Waste can be a profitable business ‘Waste’ Electronics- now

10 Treatment Consumer Take-Back Systems Municipal Collection Retail Collection Learnings: Waste Flows in the Netherlands Source: Witteveen+Bos, Onderzoek naar complementaire afvalstromen voor e-waste in Nederland, 10 April 2008 ‘Waste’ Electronics- now

11 Treatment (domestic) Scrap Dealers 3.6kg (19.5%) Consumer 18.5 kg Take-Back Systems Municipal Collection Retail Collection Retailers 3kg (16.2%) 14.8 kg Scrap sold by Municipalities 2.5kg (14%) Source: Witteveen+Bos, Onderzoek naar complementaire afvalstromen voor e-waste in Nederland, 10 April 2008 5.7 kg 100% 31% 80% Waste Bin 2kg (11%) Learnings: Waste Flows in the Netherlands ‘Waste’ Electronics- now

12 … this sculpture by Henry Moore, worth approx. 400,000 € was stolen for a scrap value of 30,000 € Learnings: Side Effects of high scrap prices ‘Waste’ Electronics- now

13 ? Waste electronics - 2020 Future Developments

14 1. Challenging products disappear 2. Raw material price increase ?  Prices for recycling materials 3. Recycling technology Future Developments Waste electronics - 2020

15 When is the last time you saw a CRT Monitor in operation? (Almost) no CRT Monitors in WEEE (after 2012) CRT-TV phase out will take longer CFC-Fridges phase out perceptible 1. Challenging Products disappear Waste electronics - 2020

16 2. Raw Material Prices: influencing factors a.Demand b.Natural resources c.Technology developments d.Substitution e.Recycling Waste electronics - 2020

17 a. Demand for Raw Materials World PopulationPopulation with income to buy electronic products / cars 1959 2.20.3 2009 6.73.0 2039 9.04.5 Billion Demand for raw materials will increase... by ??% in 20xx German Ministry of Environment, 2009 Waste electronics - 2020

18 b. Natural Resources Example: Copper Minimum Metal Content in Ore * 1900 7 % 1980 2 % 2009<1 % * for profitable mining for 1 ton of copper, 7 times more ore needs to be processed compared to 100 years ago Energy cost is a major element now.... Waste electronics - 2020

19 c. Technology developments New Products require more rare materials (Tantalum, Germanium...) Waste electronics - 2020

20 c. Technology developments New Products require more rare materials (Tantalum, Germanium...) Other industries will compete for the same raw materials as the electronics industry Waste electronics - 2020

21 What do all these cars have in common ?

22 ... a 400 - 700 kg battery... equivialent to 2,000 – 3,500 laptop batteries

23 By 2020, 9% of cars on the road (~ 7 mil) will be powered by electricity. Most of them by the same kind of batteries used for laptops. Source: http://www.mckinsey.de/html/presse/2009/20090901_elektromobilitaet.asp c. Technology developments Waste electronics - 2020

24 7 mil electrical cars will require a similar amount of materials to produce batteries for 7,000,000,000 Laptops 400kg/car, 0.4 kg/laptop c. Technology developments Waste electronics - 2020

25 Many more industries are competing for the same raw materials (e.g. Solar Flat Screens) c. Technology developments Waste electronics - 2020

26 Smart Engineering will be able to -reduce material use -use other materials c. Technology developments Waste electronics - 2020

27 HP Lab project: replace copper lines with optical lines Copper that’s never mined… 2012: Servers Annual savings: 13 TeraWatt hours of electricity 2017: Servers + Chips Annual savings: 110 TWh of electricity Reduce the need to mine / smelt copper.... within computers / in chips....... d. Substitution Waste electronics - 2020

28 e. Recycling - Raw material prices In the mid term, raw material prices will increase to a level of > 2008 By then, collecting all e-waste will be a profitable business which will attract small entrepreneurs... the mine above ground... Waste electronics - 2020

29 Treatment (domestic) Scrap Dealers Up to 90% Consumer Take-Back Systems Municipal Collection Retail Collection e. Recycling – waste flows in the future Waste electronics - 2020

30 Consequences Even if we wanted to, scrap dealers (informal sector) cannot be stopped from collecting and trading E-waste. They will provide a better service to consumers and will be more responsive to new market developments Waste electronics - 2020

31 Manufacturers will need to take care of their suppliers‘ sources of raw materials Consequences Waste electronics - 2020

32 Future legislation needs to be based on completely different paradigms than current WEEE Consequences Waste electronics - 2020

33 Consequences Future legislation should focus on ensuring that high treatment standards are applied (in a competitive environment). Result must be highest material yield and lowest impact on society/environment. (no back-yard recycling). Collection handled by many small companies making money by selling e-waste. Waste electronics - 2020

34 Consequence for you.... in 2030, you might only get a new computer if you return an old one..... Waste electronics - 2020

35 Thank you for your attention ! kirstie.mcintyre@hp.com

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