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Practicing Solidarity Emmaus Federation Assembly Fazeley Studios, April 2016 Emmaus Federation Assembly Fazeley Studios, April 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Practicing Solidarity Emmaus Federation Assembly Fazeley Studios, April 2016 Emmaus Federation Assembly Fazeley Studios, April 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practicing Solidarity Emmaus Federation Assembly Fazeley Studios, April 2016 Emmaus Federation Assembly Fazeley Studios, April 2016

2 Solidarity at Emmaus Village Carlton Working with people who are less fortunate than ourselves. These can be individuals, groups or communities with whom we share values, responsibilities and interests. We have a solidarity committee which meets once a month. The committee is made up of companions, volunteers and staff. Companions can put forward suggestions and ideas to decide who we would like to support. Each month we send a £250 donation to a group chosen by the companions. Rather than just sending off a cheque, we are looking to work alongside and support these groups. We do believe that solidarity work is more than just sending off a cheque. It should be about developing relationships.

3 Furniture Packages Each month we also give a £250 voucher to someone who has no furniture. These are people who are moving into their own accommodation, perhaps for the first time, but have little or no income. The recipients of this voucher are referred to us by agencies who are working hard to house their clients and support them in the next stage of their lives and a move into independent living. In the last few months we have helped clients from Path 2 Recovery, Bedford Citizens Housing Association, Families First Bedfordshire, Bedford Pilgrims Housing Association and Prebend Day Centre. The voucher enables people who have very little to obtain essential items of furniture such as a bed, wardrobe, dining table and chairs, coffee table and a sofa.

4 Prebend Day Centre The Prebend Day Centre in Bedford is a facility for homeless people. They provide free meals, shower facilities, clothing and a safe environment for people to socialise. They also provide assistance with registering for a GP, emotional support and access to counselling, housing advice and many other support services. In November and December 2015 our companions voted for The Prebend Day Centre to receive the monthly £250 donation and an additional £310 which was raised from a £1 sale in the chapel and £400 from our Christmas Raffle. We have also sent them clothing and sleeping bags.

5 Helping other Emmaus communities When we are lucky enough to have surplus items, we contact other Emmaus communities to see if they could benefit from our stock. In the last few months we have provided Emmaus Oxford with 25 bikes, each of which they can sell for £30-£40. Last year we sent three 40 foot containers out to Emmaus communities in Romania. These containers were full of clothing, furniture and bric a brac. The shipping costs are covered by Emmaus Village Carlton and enable us to support these poorer communities in Eastern Europe who have a lot less than we do and struggle to make ends meet. We are also looking to help new UK communities with seed companions. We currently have one person going to Merseyside.

6 Recovery House Recovery House in Rushden is a residential service helping adults with alcohol and substance abuse problems. The facility is staffed by volunteers and supports people in their journey of recovery. When they opened the second phase of their residence last year they had no furniture. We provided them with over £400 worth of bedroom and lounge furniture as well as art products, DVD’s and games for the residents. One of our companions also spent a four week work placement with them, supporting the existing team of volunteers.

7 Tools For Self Reliance TFSR is a UK based charity helping to relieve poverty in Africa. They have a small number of staff and hundreds of volunteers who help to collect and refurbish tools. We supply hand tools, garden tools, lawnmowers and sewing machines to their branch in Northampton. Pictured is Richard and John helping to load their van when they came by to collect what we had saved for them

8 Other initiatives Companions volunteered at the local Salvation Army during the cold weather, assisting with their temporary night shelter, providing hot drinks and meals. Yarlswood befrienders. A local Immigration Detention Centre who we supply suitcases. Grove Centre. A local organisation supporting young mothers. We provide baby clothes, toys and pushchairs. Kings Arms (local church) – Nightshelter - we provided clothing and sleeping bags, they have a bicycle project which we support. Bedford Soup Run St Albans Emmaus – Support of their Calais project providing food and clothing and taking a van over.

9 Benefits to the community Lifts peoples self esteem, offers companion opportunities outside the community working with the general public. Positive use of your spare time. Self awareness of your personal journey and how far you have come. Raising awareness of Emmaus within your local area and keeping the ethos alive Re-using donated goods in a different way and increasing public understanding of social problems. Positive solidarity projects can provide a real buzz in your community providing a feeling of personal achievement and motivation.

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