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Fallacies of Relevance Bianca helped with this one too….apparently pink is pretty.

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Presentation on theme: "Fallacies of Relevance Bianca helped with this one too….apparently pink is pretty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fallacies of Relevance Bianca helped with this one too….apparently pink is pretty.

2 Genetic Fallacy  Attacking a thesis, institution, or idea by condemning its background or origin.  Examples: “America will never settle down; look at the rabble-rousers who founded it.” “America will succeed. We were founded by heros.” “I have perfect lineage, so I am perfect.” Gingers! The world’s first genetic fallacy!!!!!!

3 Abusive ad Hominem  Attacking the character of the opposing speaker rather than their thesis. Examples: “Sally smells bad. I can’t see why you would listen to anything she says. Federici shops at Claire’s, so I don’t listen to his arguments about anything.

4 Circumstantial ad hominem Attacking the opposing speaker by implying vested interests. Examples: “Sure he opposes rent control; he owns two apartment buildings doesn’t he?” “I can't see that we should listen to Governor Smith's proposal to increase the sales tax on automobiles. He has spent the last twenty years in state government and is hardly an unbiased source.” “Of course your minister says he believes in God. He would be unemployed otherwise.”

5 Tu Quoque  Attempting to show that an opponent does not act in accordance with his or her own thesis.  Examples: “How can you tell me to exercise when all you do is sit behind a desk?” “How can a parent tell a child to behave certain ways when the parent didn’t at that age?” “I don’t follow those who believe in “do as I say, not as I do.”” Bianca reminds you that she hates memes….she had no part in this slide.

6 Poisoning the Well  Attempting to preclude discussion by attacking the credibility of the opponent.  Examples: “This man has lied before. We should not trust him now.” “Everything he says is a lie.” Oh Woody, you make it sound not so bad.

7 Mob Appeal  Using emotion laden terminology to sway people as a group.  Examples: “I appeal to you as the most downtrodden and abused people on this earth. Rise up and follow me!” “Elect me for President, and our country will get back to wholesome family values and apple pie.” Much more like an appeal to emotion than an Ad populum fallacy.

8 Appeal to Pity  Seeking to persuade not by presenting evidence, but by arousing pity. Examples: “I’m too young to die!” “That puppy is so cute that we just have to take it.” “Please give me an A. Can’t you see how sad bad grades make me?” But Mr. Stearns I was tired. Please don’t take my participation. Idc lol Mr. Stearns feels no pity!!!!! Bianca fails HAHAHAHH A

9 Appeal to Authority  Seeking to persuade not by giving evidence but merely citing an authority. ie (1) appeal to one, (2) many, (3) select few, and (4) tradition.  Examples: 1 “If you like people, brush with Colgate. Walt Frazier wouldn’t think of brushing with anything else.” 2 “Everybody’s doing it.” 3 “Elite runners run in Boston. To be an elite runner, you should too!” 4 “But it is how we have always done it!” Cadence got this result on a “who are you” quiz.

10 Appeal to Ignorance  Emphasizing not the evidence for a thesis but the lack of evidence against it.  Examples: “There must be extraterrestrial life. No one has proven there isn’t.” “I hear a noise biking to school today. It must have been a bear.”

11 Appeal to Fear  Seeking to persuade through fear. Examples: “Go to bed or Santa will give you coal.” “Eat your peas or a racistbearsnakeshark will eat you.” A few things Mr. Stearns fears!!!

12 Some Appeals 

13 Spot the Fallacies   

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