Sea Turtles.

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Presentation on theme: "Sea Turtles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sea Turtles

2 Green Sea Turtle Habitat: Tropical and Subtropical waters
Where found: Atlantic and Pacific Oceans Lifespan: 80 years or older Diet: sea grasses and algae Young eat crabs, jellyfish, and sponges Size: up to 5 feet and up to 700 pounds Heaviest sea turtle in the world

3 Green Sea Turtle cont. Can’t pull its head back into its shell
Have flippers that look like paddles makes them powerful and graceful swimmers Shell is normally brown or olive colored Named for the color of its skin Mates every 2-4 years

4 Hawksbill Sea Turtle Habitat: tropical waters
Where found: along coastlines in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Ocean Lifespan: years Diet: sponges, algae, clams, crabs, sea urchins, fish, jellyfish Size: 2-4 feet pounds

5 Hawksbill Sea Turtle cont.
Heads end in a sharp point which gives them their name Normally found near coral reefs lots of sponges Young hawksbill are unable to dive deep into the water spend their early years floating at the surface

6 Leatherback Sea Turtle
Habitat: tropic and temperate waters Where found: Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans, Mediterranean Sea Lifespan: average of 45 years Diet: jellyfish, small fish Size: up to 7ft and weight up to 2,000 pounds Largest sea turtle in world

7 Leatherback Sea Turtle cont.
Has a flexible shell that is rubbery to the touch Can dive deeper than any other turtle (4,200ft) Can stay down for 85 minutes (1hr 25mins) Able to maintain body temperature in cold waters with large body size and thick layer of fat Temperature inside age determines gender of hatchling


9 Loggerhead Sea Turtle Habitat: temperate sub-tropical and tropical waters Where found: in bays, lagoons, salt marshes, or the open ocean of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans Lifespan: up to 50 years Diet: clams, crabs, shrimp, fish Young eat algae Size: 3 feet 250 pounds

10 Loggerhead Sea Turtle cont.
Powerful jaws are designed to crush their food Allows them to eat hard-shelled prey Named for their large heads Nest on open beaches

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