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The Home School Foundation Ambassador Program Training Presentation Sponsored by the Home School Legal Defense Association.

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Presentation on theme: "The Home School Foundation Ambassador Program Training Presentation Sponsored by the Home School Legal Defense Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Home School Foundation Ambassador Program Training Presentation Sponsored by the Home School Legal Defense Association

2 “Many Hands Making a Difference in your Homeschool Community”

3 The Home School Foundation’s Ambassador Program - History HSF was founded in 1994 to bless the homeschool community, to promote homeschooling, and to help families homeschool through hard times. The Ambassador Program was founded in 2008 as a bridge between struggling homeschool families and HSF’s resources. The Ambassador Program is an outreach vehicle to support HSF.

4 The Foundation - Mission To provide direct gifts to needy homeschooling families and grants to homeschooling organizations To preserve parental freedoms To promote homeschooling To support like-minded organizations

5 Ambassadors are the voice, eyes, ears, hands, and feet of HSF – a dedicated network of volunteers who embrace HSF’s mission and goals to help families continue to homeschool through hard times. The Ambassador network functions on the state, community, and local levels to bridge needs with HSF resources and funds. The Foundation – Outreach Ambassador Program

6 The Foundation’s Funds Compassion Fund Emergency Response Fund Widows Fund Kids Curriculum Fund Children of Single Parents Fund Special Needs Children’s Fund Military Fund Members Helping Members Fund Generation Joshua Fund PHC Scholarship Fund Homeschool Freedom Fund

7 The Ambassador Program – Motto, Mission, and Work “Many Hands Making a Difference in your Homeschool Community” MISSION: To meet the needs of struggling homeschooling families through HSF gifts and the resources of the local community. WORK: Ambassadors represent HSF in their communities by providing information about HSF, explaining HSF’s mission to potential donors, and providing local homeschool families with opportunities to serve each other in tangible ways.

8 Ambassador Program - Vision VISION: To have an active State Ambassador in every state and an active, widespread network of Community, Service, and Youth Ambassadors involved in HSF fundraisers and service projects. Vision Verses: Proverb 13:17b “…a faithful ambassador brings healing.” Isaiah 58:12b “…you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.” James 1:27a “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: To look after orphans and widows in their distress ….”

9 Ambassador Program - Values We value parent-directed homeschooling. We value meeting needs in a timely manner. We value dignified, compassionate assistance to homeschooling families. We value works of service that allow people to exercise their giftedness. We value ventures and projects with eternal significance.

10 STEPS FOR LEARING YOUR ROLE AS AN AMBASSADOR: Step 1: Study the Ambassador Program Handbook (also available online). Step 2: Become familiar with the contents of the Starter Kit (for State and Community Ambassadors who will be representing HSF at large events). Ambassador Program – Your Role as an Ambassador Ambassador Start Kit Handbook Business cards Lapel pin HSF brochures Ambassador brochures Ambassador logo table runner HSF cookbook (display only) Promotional materials

11 Step 3: Study the Ambassador Functions Chart to understand how each Ambassador position relates to the others and to HSF. Steps for Learning Your Role Serve at state level: Represent HSF at state events (spring) and CFC and NTN events (fall) Implement fundraisers and service projects with the team State Ambassador Community Ambassador Serve at local level: Represent HSF at homeschool support events, churches, and other local events Recruit Service Ambassadors to implement local projects Implement fundraisers and service projects as a team Service Ambassador Serve on a case-by- case basis with ambassador team Assist with fundraisers and service projects Serve alongside a parent/guardian Ambassador representing HSF at events and planning and implementing fundraisers and service projects as a team Recruit Community Ambassadors to help with projects and representing HSF Youth Ambassador

12 Steps for Learning Your Role Step 4: Review the Ambassador Profiles in the Handbook for details about carrying out your duties and responsibilities as an ambassador. Step 5: Contact the Ambassador Program Coordinator at HSF to obtain information about your state’s Ambassador network. Step 6 : Pray that God will allow you to use your availability, skills, and gifts to bless the homeschool community through this Program.

13 Take Action Now! State and Community Ambassadors  Represent HSF at events  Refer individuals for an Ambassador position  Recommend and implement service projects  Recommend and conduct fundraisers  Promote the State Ambassador Fund

14 Use your Starter Kit, carry your Ambassador business cards, and wear your Ambassador lapel pin. Bring a large vase of silk or fresh flowers to make your table attractive and inviting. Display promotional materials in an interesting way Represent HSF at Events: Your Starter Kit Smile, make eye contact, and say, “Hi, do you know about our volunteer opportunities to help needy families in your neighborhood? Take a brochure to learn how you can become involved or involve others in our Ambassador Program.”

15 Represent HSF at Events: Opportunities Seek opportunities to promote HSF and the Ambassador Program. Watch for and seek out events where you may present the ministry of HSF. Some events to consider:  State organization conferences  Regional support group meetings  Local support group gatherings  Homeschool cooperative programs  Religious group meetings  Civic and charitable group meetings  Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) events (by invitation only)

16 Represent HSF at Events - CFC Combined Federal Campaign Events Pledges made by federal and military donors between Sept. 1 and Dec. 15 support eligible non- profit organizations by payroll deduction. By private invitation, Christian Service Charities (CSC) is HSF’s vehicle for participation at CFC events throughout the U.S. These events provide a substantial amount of donations each year to fund HSF’s work.

17 A concise, motivating speech describing HSF and the Ambassador Program should take about five minutes to deliver. Dress one level above your audience and remember that you are making an impression as the representative for the Ambassador Program, the Home School Foundation, and the Home School Legal Defense Association. Remember to wear your Ambassador lapel pin. Avoid using “insider” language and initials only when describing HSF and HSLDA. Assume your audience knows nothing about the work of HSF and the Ambassador Program. Use a simple “who, what, where, when, how, and why” formula for constructing your speech (see the sample speech on the next page). Represent HSF at Events: Speaking on Behalf of HSF Continued…

18 Use the HSF brochure to briefly describe the work of the Home School Foundation and the funds your audience may donate to. Use the Ambassador Program brochure to briefly describe the mission of the Ambassador Program. Tell the success story of a widow, special needs child, or struggling family to capture attention and motivate your audience to want to know more. Facts tell; stories compel! Direct your audience to the display table to pick up more information, ask questions, and leave contact information. Ask the audience to leave contact information with you; then send it to the HSF Ambassador Program Coordinator as soon as possible. Represent HSF at Events: Speaking on Behalf of HSF Continued…

19 Introduce yourself as an Ambassador and tell briefly how you became a part of the Program. Who: The Home School Foundation is the charitable arm of Home School Legal Defense Association. We minister to the needs of widows, single parents, special needs children, and families facing temporary financial crisis. What: The Home School Foundation is a full-fledged charity like the Red Cross or the Salvation Army, except we serve needy homeschool families exclusively. The Ambassador Program is a network of caring volunteers on the state, regional, and local levels who bridge the needs of struggling homeschool families with the resources of HSF and the local community. Represent HSF at Events: Sample Speech Continued …

20 Where: Headquartered in Northern Virginia, the Foundation serves families nationwide. Why: When homeschool families suffer temporary financial crisis, devastating illness, or natural disasters that threaten their ability to continue to teach their children at home, the Home School Foundation is there to help. Ambassadors provide tangible, hands-on assistance. Sample Story*: When the recession hit and Bill Braun lost his job, he didn’t realize that he would still be unemployed after a whole year. The family used their savings, maxed out their credit cards, and even cashed in a life insurance policy. They remained convinced that homeschooling was God’s plan for their family, but there was not enough money to buy school books. The Home School Foundation helped with curricula and even provided assistance with delinquent utility bills. *For additional testimonies to share, please contact HSF. Represent HSF at Events: Sample Speech Continued …

21 When: When a homeschooling family loses a mother or dad, struggles financially while teaching a special needs learner, or experiences a personal financial crisis, the Foundation is there. We walk troubled families through the application process with patience and understanding. The Ambassador Program volunteers are HSF’s eyes and ears, hands, and feet in the local homeschool community. How: Each year we help over 1,000 families and raise almost $2 million dollars. Our donations come from homeschoolers like you who desire to reach out to the less fortunate. If you know of a family who is struggling and needs our help, please tell them about the Home School Foundation. If you have a heart for homeschooling and you have time and energy to serve as an Ambassador, please visit our website at www.homeschool to learn more. Represent HSF at Events: Sample Speech Continued…

22 Take Action: Refer Others  Give an Ambassador brochure to overview the Program  Invite to visit the Ambassador site online at HSF’s website: “Give Help,” and “Volunteer: Ambassador Program”  Complete the online questionnaire SIMPLE AS 1 – 2 – 3

23 Take Action: Recommend a Service Project Project requests must be submitted using a “Service Project Request” form to the State Ambassador or Community Ambassador, or, in the absence of these, to the HSF Ambassador Program Coordinator. Submit a “Recipient Family Interview Form.” Snow removal Holiday projects Meals Lawn or garden maintenance House repair Roof repair Appliance repair Adopt a family for school year Tax advice Medical care Legal counsel Foreign language assistance HSF-Approved Service Projects Short-term/minorLong-term/majorProfessional

24  Bake sale  Book fair  Car wash  Golf tournament  Used curricula fair  Food bank  Silent auction  Small change receptacles  Raffles  HSF cookbook and/or apron sale  Rummage sale  Gift wrap booth  Solicit businesses for hard good  Conference event table Take Action: Implement a Fundraiser HSF-Approved Fundraisers Fundraiser requests must be submitted using a “Fundraiser Request” form to the State Ambassador or Community Ambassador, or, in the absence of these, to the HSF Ambassador Program Coordinator. Submit a “Recipient Family Interview Form.”

25 Your leading by example is the most powerful teacher of compassion and time management. Practicing the Fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23) builds good character. Family bonding happens as you work as a team to complete a goal. Fellowship happens during projects and fundraisers. Student ambassadors may earn credits during activities that are “service learning opportunities.” Ambassadorship Benefits: Your Homeschool Experience

26 Friends of Homeschooling Fund Ambassador service projects and fundraisers can result in students earning credit for volunteerism. Students must enroll as a Youth Ambassador with a parent/guardian Ambassador sponsor. Every core academic subject can be integrated into service learning. Ambassorship Benefits: Service Learning Opportunities Ambassorship Benefits: Service Learning Opportunities

27 Mathematics  Budget and cost projections  Ratios and proportions  Accounting principles Language Arts  Public relations and communication  Interpersonal relationship development  Documentation of projects & fundraisers  Press release and articles for publication  Record-keeping, journaling, correspondence Service = Integrated Learning

28 History and Civics  Observance of public ordinances  Code of ethics for skilled tradesmen  Jurisdictional restrictions and guidelines  Awareness of civil authorities

29 Service = Integrated Learning Science  Making predictions  Using trial and error  Observing scientific laws  Practical sciences  Applied sciences  Recording outcomes

30 Document your Service Learning Begin with understanding credit requirements. One credit is approximately 120-180 hours of work. One-half credit is earned after 60-90 hours. The upper end applies to science-related learning projects and fundraisers. Service = Integrated Learning Determine how many credits might be earned and set goals for completion. Maintain accurate records, reports, and results.

31 Purposeful, eternally-significant ministry Temporal rewards of seeing needs met Children learn generosity by example Practical life experiences and fellowship Leadership and discipline modeled by adults Obedience to the command to “…love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12) So Many Reasons to Join the HSF Ambassador Program

32 Email: Web: Mailing address: Home School Foundation P.O. Box 1152 Purcellville, VA 20134 Phone: (540) 338-8688 We Twitter and we are on Facebook. Contacting Us “ Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.” -- I John 3:18 (NIV)

33 Many Hands Making a Difference in YOUR Homeschool Community Thank you for Your Kind Attention

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