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Hassocks Infant School Year 1 Meeting September 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Hassocks Infant School Year 1 Meeting September 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hassocks Infant School Year 1 Meeting September 2014

2 Year 1 Curriculum Learning is planned from the National Curriculum, although some children will still need provision from the Early Years Foundation Stage

3 Planning is based on broad themes and the children’s interests The Gingerbread Man Rusty the fish! Seasonal Changes Inspired by the BFG visit!

4 Each broad theme is used to link the different subjects The Gingerbread Man Mathematics Counting on, adding more/less in practical situations linked to the story-(Little old Lady visiting!) Weigh Ingredients to bake a gingerbread man. Communication, Language and Literacy To sequence and retell familiar stories-Role-play/Hot seating Writing the story using story language. Understanding the World-Science, History, ICT, Geography, RE Use microphones to retell the story Use the camera to take photos whilst role-playing the story. Explore the change in materials to make and bake a gingerbread man. Art/DT Design and make a story blanket.


6 The pattern of the day 9.00-9.30-Self initiated learning. 9.30 Whole class teaching session Focus Group Teaching 10.20-11.40 Playtime 11.40-Whole class teaching session Focus group teaching 11.30-11.45-Phonics Groups 11.45-12.45- Lunchtime 12.45-Whole class teaching session-Less structured Focus Group Teaching 2.30-Storytime/Circletime 3.00- Hometime

7 Self Initiated Learning First thing in the morning and at various times during the day the children are encouraged to choose their own learning. This allows them to follow their own interest and practice lots of life skills.

8 On-going skills for life Collaborative learning Good relationships Problem solving Decision making Flexibility Adapting to change Independence Self motivation Perseverance Risk taking Learning from mistakes Learning to learn

9 Whole Class Teaching Learning is introduced by the teacher with a curriculum focus, such as mathematics. The children are told what the learning objective is and what is expected in terms of success. Whole class teaching takes place several times throughout the day and may include: Mental Maths Stories Shared writing Celebrating achievement Shared learning with a peer

10 Talk Partners Why- Gives everyone chance to share their ideas, especially if they are less confident to talk in a larger group. How- Two names are pulled out of a bag randomly so it is fair. The talk partners are changed roughly every three weeks. When- During whole class carpet sessions there will be opportunities for the children to discuss a question related to the learning, share their ideas, and to develop their understanding.

11 Focus Group Teaching After whole class teaching sessions the children will work in groups on follow up activities. The teacher and teaching assistant support the children with their learning. During these times the adults will be observing, assessing and supporting the learning of a new skill. This means the teachers have a thorough knowledge of each child’s ability and progress and are able to plan appropriate future learning.

12 Differentiation This is how we ensure that the learning is targeted to meet the needs of all abilities. This can be done through: Resources Support given Expected outcomes Questioning Recording Task

13 Independent Challenges The children are encouraged to engage in a variety of independent challenges that help them to develop their ideas and understanding, by finding out for themselves.

14 Outdoor Learning Outside is an extension of our classrooms and children access planned learning in the same way as outside.

15 Learning to write The children have many opportunities to practice writing during the day following whole class teaching and using the writing area.

16 Spelling and Phonics We teach spelling in a variety of ways : Through teaching key words Use of alphabet charts Shared writing Sound and phonics games Teacher marking and feedback

17 Handwriting Most children in Year 1 will be starting to form their letters more accurately now. You can help by reminding them where to start their letters (usually at the top). Try drawing letters in the air and verbalising with your hand a -curly c round, up, down and flick. Many children often confuse b and d and may revert to using capitals. Ask your child to make b…e…d with their hands to help them.

18 Reading The children are encouraged to change their reading books daily. It is important that they bring home books that they can have a go at reading. You are welcome to come into the classroom and help your child at the start of the day? Some children will prefer non-fiction books.

19 Home School Reading Daily quiet reading happens after lunch and this the time when the teacher and teaching assistant will hear individual children read. It is really helpful if you can read with your child daily at home. Writing a short comment in the home school reading book will help us to know how your child is getting on.

20 Mathematics Maths is taught using practical, methods and equipment, based were possible on real life experiences and scenarios, inside and outside. Each child has a maths book with observations, photographs and their recorded work. There are three main areas: Number - Number and Place Value - Addition and Subtraction - Multiplication and Division - Fractions Measurement Geometry-Properties of Shapes -Position and Direction

21 How you can help your child at home with mathematics Begin to explore time. Count orally to 100 and recognise the numerals. Spot numbers in the environment. Talk about and explore maths in real life situations such as; weighting ingredients when cooking, laying enough cutlery for 4 people, counting and sharing pasta. Begin to know the days of the week, months of the year and seasons. Recognise and explore coins and notes.

22 School Website and Communication Look out for the year 1 blog which is in the process of being developed!

23 Parent Helpers Please talk to your child’s class teacher if you are able to help in school. Sometimes it may be within your child’s class, but it may also be in one of the other year 1 classes too. Good times to help with reading are at drop off until the first carpet session 9.30am or after lunch during quiet reading 1.00-1.30pm. It’s always great to have extra adult help during particular activities such as cooking or an art focus, so please let us know if you would be happy to help during these times too.

24 Forest Schools The children love forest schools and learn so much from it! Risk Taking Confidence building and self-esteem Collaborative learning Problem solving Decision making Thinking and communication skills Safety The classes are divided into groups and take it in turns to do forest schools. You will receive a letter outlining the details when it is your child’s turn.

25 Trips and visitors to school We aim to enrich the curriculum by providing the children with a variety of first hand experiences. The BFG came to our school and told us his story! We used this as a starting point to develop different areas of learning, especially our imaginations! Skipping workshop-The children learnt different skills which they then developed further in the playground!

26 Home/School Partnership We really value the home/school partnership, working together to do the best for the children, so they develop to the best of their potential. Please come and talk to us anytime if you have any concerns, issues or want to know how your child is getting along. If you would like a longer time to talk, please arrange a convenient time with your child’s teacher.

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