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Implementation of the Greek proposal of an innovative teaching method Zespół Szkół Nr 1 w Bieczu, Poland.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation of the Greek proposal of an innovative teaching method Zespół Szkół Nr 1 w Bieczu, Poland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation of the Greek proposal of an innovative teaching method Zespół Szkół Nr 1 w Bieczu, Poland

2 Firstly, our students watched the animated film about the life of Greek writer entitled „ Nikos Kazantzakis- a restive traveller”.

3 Secondly, they did some English exercised based on the film.

4 “Nikos Kazantzakis a restive traveler” I ). Answer the questions 1.Where and when was Kazantzakis born? 2.Why did he travel? 3.How many countries did he visit in the film? 4.Where did his father come from? 5.What was the name of his father? 6.Where did Kazantzakis study? 7.What languages did he study there? 8. Why did he learn many languages? 9. When did he visit the Ivron Monastery? 10. What did the monk give him? 11. What was the first European country he visited? 12. When did he visit Japan for the first time? 13. What kind of works did he write?

5 II Write verbs in the past you will hear in the film ( as many as you can hear) III Explain the quotations Blessed is he who has seen most of the water in his lifetime Journeys are like dreams they don’t make sense Return to where you have failed, move on from where you have succeeded Reach where you cannot IV Write all geographical names from the film

6 Then, they drew pictures about the film





11 Lastly, they prepared the PowerPoint presentation about the life of Nikos Kazantzakis The whole version is available on the website of our project https://comeniuspositiveschool.wordpress

12 Νίκος Καζαντζάκης A restive traveler.




16 Travel books Spain Japan, China England Journey to Morea Journeying: Travels in Italy, Egypt, Sinai, Jerusalem and Cyprus Russia

17 Novels Zorba the Greek The Greek Passion Freedom or Death The Last Temptation Saint Francis The Rock Garden The Fratricides Toda Raba Alexander the Great At the Palaces of Knossos Father Yanaros Serpent and Lily

18 Plays Julian the Apostate Melissa Christopher Columbus From Odysseus A Tragedy in One Act Sodom and Gomorrah Buddha Kouros

19 A famous quatations of Nikos Kazantzakis. Blessed is he who has seen most of the water in his lifetime. Journeys are like dreams they don't make sense. Return to where you have failed, move on from where you have succeeded. Reach where you cannot. I am a mariner of Odysseus with heart of fire but with mind ruthless and clear. We are not simple people who believe in happiness. A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free. You gave me your curse, holy Fathers. I give you a blessing: May you be as moral and religious as I am.

20 Places visited by Νίκος


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