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What is Steinbeck saying about dreams? Is the book's message pessimistic? Should we all just give up and stop dreaming? Daily Journal12 November 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Steinbeck saying about dreams? Is the book's message pessimistic? Should we all just give up and stop dreaming? Daily Journal12 November 2015."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Steinbeck saying about dreams? Is the book's message pessimistic? Should we all just give up and stop dreaming? Daily Journal12 November 2015

3 Literature Circle Roles Discussion Director Summarizer Word Master Connector Culture Collector Cartographer – Map maker Character Curator – Save to last as I want to make it a group discussion again

4 Context Of Mice and Men has been a very controversial book. Since publishing, schools, libraries, and other groups have been trying to ban the book (in the United States) Why do you think people find this book so offensive that they would try to ban it?

5 Reasons for attempted bans 1) Euthanasia 2) Swearing 3) Racism 4) Portrayal of women What do you think? Do you think books should be banned? What is a good reason for banning a book?

6 Character Discussion Who are the characters? What are their physical traits and what role do they play in the novel? Do you find the characters likable? Discuss the ways the characters communicate with each other.

7 Are there similarities or differences between how the women of “The Joy Luck Club” communicate? Discuss the difference between the representation of women in these two novels.

8 What are the similarities and difference between “The Great Gatsby’s” notion of the American dream and this novel’s notion?

9 Discussion 1. Describe the kinds of meanness the characters show. 2. Are all of these wrongs (racism, sexism, discrimination) treated as equally evil? Or are the characters real, individual people, rather than being merely types/symbols?

10 Film Review 00: 27:30 - 00:30:00 – Acting, writing, directing 00:34:30 – Camera work, establishing shots, technical aspects 47:30 – Camera, acting, writing 01:02:00 – 01:05:00 – Juxtaposition, camera, acting, directing

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