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Exposed Rocky Shore briefing SM 08. Exposed Rocky Shore Investigation Aim: To investigate the distribution and abundance of species on a exposed rocky.

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Presentation on theme: "Exposed Rocky Shore briefing SM 08. Exposed Rocky Shore Investigation Aim: To investigate the distribution and abundance of species on a exposed rocky."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exposed Rocky Shore briefing SM 08

2 Exposed Rocky Shore Investigation Aim: To investigate the distribution and abundance of species on a exposed rocky shore Site: Castle Beach Grid reference: SM 819 051 Aspect: South-South-East Low tide: 1.7m @ 1410 (GMT) Date: 01.12.08 Environmental gradient The sea Dry bit Wet bit The sea W a v e a c t i o n

3 QUADRAT A sample area of any size or shape Quadrant: A ¼ of the circumference of a circle 1m 1 X 1m frame quadrat = 1m 2 A ¼ m 2 10 X 10 grid quadrat 0.5m

4 Recording sheet Quadrat number Species Height 123 etc Sponge Bob Patrick Evil Plankton Count OCCURANCES in squares to produce FREQUENCY DATA 22 17 12 Little Dotto 23

5 Identifying species Use dichotomous keys, or if this fails ask Please do not rip creatures up from the rocks and bring them to your tutor he/she is happy to walk to where you are and advise you Don’t forget to look under rocks and please put them back the way you found them And put them back gently Treat the seashore and its inhabitants with care Look at the organism you are trying to identify. You can’t see small creatures if you are standing up

6 An interrupted transect of 0.25m 2 10 x 10 grid quadrats Place quadrats at 0.5m height intervals

7 Height Measuring A simple level (Photon activated uniangular clinometrical device) Freely swinging pointer Rectangular wooden block Vertical line Sighting groove along top

8 Tilt the level and the pointer swings out of alignment with the vertical line

9 When the pointer is aligned with the vertical line the level can be used to sight horizontally

10 Site 1 Site 2 Vertical metre rule Position level square to the ruler at the 0.5m mark and align the pointer with the vertical line 0.5m Apply eye to level Sight on to rocks ahead Get your assistant to position some part of their anatomy to the rocks at the appropriate height

11 KEY TO PLANTS Recording Sheet Animals Recording Sheet Plants Equipment needed per group: One metre rule, One optical level, One ¼ m 2 grid quadrat frame, One recording sheet for animals, One recording sheet for plants (Protoctistans), One dichotomous key to animals, One dichotomous key to plants (Protoctistans) (+ pencil, clipboard (+ plastic bag?), shoes you’re happy in on rocks, lunch?) and a positive attitude because you’re at the seaside (even if it is raining) KEY TO ANIMALS

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