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Civic engagement and well-being in Japan: The role of peer support and volunteering in healthy aging and longevity Tokie Anme, Ph.D University of Tsukuba.

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Presentation on theme: "Civic engagement and well-being in Japan: The role of peer support and volunteering in healthy aging and longevity Tokie Anme, Ph.D University of Tsukuba."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civic engagement and well-being in Japan: The role of peer support and volunteering in healthy aging and longevity Tokie Anme, Ph.D University of Tsukuba

2 Purpose The presentation focused on a community program to clarify 1. Importance of peer support and volunteering for civic empowerment. 2. How to enhance effective empowerment for healthy longevity.

3 1. The Japanese population is aging faster than other countries 2. Japanese people enjoy the longest life span in the world. 3. The average life expectancy for females was 86.4 years and for males 79.6 years. 4. Almost 23.1% of the population was 65 years of age or over in 2010 Social Background

4 Healthy Longevity Project “ Tobishima Longitudinal Study ” (TLS) 1991-2030 Forty years cohort study All the residence (n=5,000) participate Tobishima is one of the typical community in Japan (location, population structure) Purpose: Making most healthy longevity village in Japan (till 120 years of age!)

5 Enjoy of Engagement

6 Conceptual Framework Demogra- phic data age gender education occupation Social Interaction Service Utilization Health Habit Health Status Disease Function Health Status baseline outcome Dementia Mortality Morbidity Function Cost

7 Conceptual and Operational Definition 1. Social Interaction Index of Social Interaction (ISI) Cronbach  =.78 reliability=.81 2.Function (3 category) Independence, care for IADL, care for ADL 3. Health habits: exercise, smoking, diet 4. Dementia (2 category) Yes or No by Health Professional Evaluation 5. Other variables (2 category) Yes or No

8 Index of Social Interaction(ISI) - 18 items and 5 subscales - 1. Independence Active approach, Life style motivation, etc. 2. Social curiosity Reading newspapers, Having hobby, etc. 3. Interaction Communication with family, outsiders, etc. 4. Feeling of safety Having counsel, supportive person, etc. 5. Participation in the society Participation in social groups, etc

9 Subjects and Methods Subjects All the residence of age 65 or over in one of typical community: 558 (IADL independence in 2003) 108 subjects become demented within six years Methods Year 2003 self-rated questionnaire Year 2009 Professionals’ evaluation of dementia using Government Standardized Index

10 Chi-square Test for Dementia Prevention Items of ISI p Reading newspapers <0.001 ** Social Contribution 0.002 ** Active approach 0.002 ** Having a hobby 0.003 ** Life style motivation 0.003 ** Active role 0.003 ** Reading Books 0.005 ** Using new Devise 0.007 ** Regular life style 0.037 * **:P<0.01 *:P<0.05


12 People-Oriented Services 1.It means participation of all community members. 2.This implies not only their physical attendance, but also participation through their actions to expand their ability to choose services and obtain information. 3.Having some role in the development or offering of services motivates residence to achieve the project goals and, if they feel the project is their own, this will accelerate achievement.


14 ENHAENCE Effective Empowerment for healthy longevity 1) prevention oriented 2) civic motivation 3) evaluation setting 4) utilize information technology 5) promotion of engagement

15 Conclusion 1. These findings highlight the importance of social interaction in healthy longevity. 2. The introduction of new services such as "strengthening of social ties" represent initial steps in establishing systems that enable elderly persons to live independently with dignity. 3. An ongoing longitudinal study of elders in one community demonstrate that prevention-oriented services are essential to improving the healthy longevity of citizens, and that seniors will accept such services.

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